Research on higher education in Leiden University Jan van Driel CEL Kick-off meeting Delft, May 14, 2014 ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. A little bit of history • Until the 1990s, Leiden University, like most universities, had a department of research on higher education (‘BOVO’) • Some influential studies were done, e.g. PhD thesis of Van der Drift & Vos (1987) on effects of time table (courses, exams) on student behaviour (e.g. procrastionation) ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. Shift towards contract research • Evaluation and policy studies, mostly shortterm • Broad range of topics, driven by questions of faculties and university board • Results published in internal reports rather than in academic publications 3 ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. PhD studies in the last decade • Oolbekkink-Marchand (2006) on teachers’ perspectives on (self-regulated) learning • Visser-Wijnveen (2009) on the research-teaching nexus in humanities • Van der Rijst (2009) on the research-teaching nexus in the natural sciences • Min-Leliveld (2011) on professional development of medical teachers • Vink (2014) on the use of concept maps in medical education 4 ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. Insights from these studies concern: • Planning of contact hours and examinations directs student behaviour (‘Wet van Vos’) • Effective professional development of university teachers • The various aims of the research-teaching nexus, and how these are put into practice • ….. (Zie 5 ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. Towards research-based university education • Policy measures and educational innovations need to be based on insights from research … and subjected to (academic) research … at all levels: the institute, the faculties and the educational programs • Research is directed by a group of professors from various faculties, led by Vice-Rector (‘CROHO’) • Budget ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen. Current studies • Three PhD studies, focusing on ‘study success’: - Day on intermediate testing - Huisman on formative feedback - Vereyken on the teaching-research nexus • Six projects on various current topics: - MOOCs and VREs - Honours students - Diversity - Matching and selection (‘decentrale selectie’) ICLON, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, en Nascholing Universiteit Leiden.Onderwijsontwikkeling Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen.