IEAS and CBSE IEAS is recognised by the Ministry of Education , Kuwait and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. CBSE has been widely accepted as a system of education that challenges students. It proves to make great strides in their personal growth and knowledge of the world. CBSE ensures sound education and caters to all round development of the child through the CCE system – Continuous Comprehensive Education. PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION @ IEAS PRIMARY SCHOOL Primary (or elementary) education consists of formal, structured education. Primary education has specific goals that make it an exceedingly important component of an educational system as a whole. IEAS moves from a Class teacher(Kg) to Subject teacher (Primary School) PRIMARY SCHOOL Preparing your child for Primary education, one can have an exciting journey. As parents, you can make the whole new experience of learning new things and making friends a meaningful one for your child. • The primary school years are an important phase in your child’s education. It lays the foundation for his learning and development later on in life. • The primary school curriculum is designed for a well-rounded learning experience and focuses on three main aspects of education: (1) A range of subjects (2) Knowledge skills (3) Character Development Educative Experience at IEAS • A Child Centered approachConfidence Building * • Usage of Multi Media resources • A Humane, Focused, Structured yet stimulating school ambience • Personality development • Confidence Building • CBSE curriculum Hands On Training • Notice Board charts • Lab. Practicals • Computer Practicals • Scrap Book/Charts • Thematic Exhibitions • Audio-Visual Learning OUR EVALUATION SYSTEM • Systematic/Continuous Assessment • Regular Monitoring of Performance • Semester wise report cardsAssessment through Grades • Subject wise- Teachers personal observations • Personalized open day for one-to-one parent-teacher consultations It is a Continuous and Complete assessment that focuses on academic as well as cocurricular development of the students. - Regular and continuous activities conducted throughout the year to achieve all round development - Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of the student’s progress i.e. all round development of the student - Variety of tools and techniques are used to assess and evaluate the student’s progress WHAT IS CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (CCE)? CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION refers to a system of school based assessment that covers ALL ASPECTS OF STUDENT’S DEVELOPMENT. WHAT IS CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (CCE)? It emphasizes on two fold objectives: Continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning Behavioral outcome WHAT IS CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (CCE)? •It helps in the improvement of students’ achievement through continuous diagnosis, remediation, encouragement and appreciation. •It requires coordination and concerted efforts on the part of the Principal, teachers and parents for the multifaceted personality development of the child. PRIMARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM Assessment System •The Board recommends a FIVE – POINT SCALE indicating the achievements in the following order: A* OUTSTANDING (90 TO 100%) A EXCELLENT (75 TO 89%) B VERY GOOD (56 TO 74%) C GOOD (35 TO 55%) D SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT (00 TO 34%) Formative Assessment: Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally It is diagnostic and remedial Summative Assessment: End of term or end of the year exams Feedback on learning to teachers and parents FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) will comprise of: •Class work / Home work (CLASS RESPONSES) •CLASS TESTS ( WRITTEN AS WELL AS ORALS) •SURPRISE TESTS •MINUTE PAPER ( SHORT DESCRIPTIONS) •Quiz •Projects / Assignments FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) 2 and 4 (Classes III, IV and V) (A minimum of 4 activities should be carried out) Will comprise of: 1) Languages Listening Comprehension, Conversations / Dialogues or Prepared Speeches on given topics, Oral Quizzes, Story telling, Story development, Presentations involving conversation with peers and the teacher, Role play and Dramatization, Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Group Projects, Assignments ( Class work & Homework) etc. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) 2 and 4 (Classes III, IV and V) 2) Mathematics Oral quizzes, Group Projects, Puzzles, Data Handling and Analysis, Math's Lab Activities, Problem Solving in groups, Estimation, Mapping your way, Field activities and Reporting, Assignments (Class work and Homework) etc. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) 2 and 4 (Classes III, IV and V) 3)Environmental Science (EVS) Oral quizzes, Role play, Presentation on current topics ( Formulating one’s own reasoning for an observed event / activity), Group Discussion, Survey, MCQ’s , Charts, Models, Map Reading, Trips and Reports, Group Investigations, Assignments ( Class work & Homework) SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA) •End of term or end of the year exams •Feedback on learning (assessment of learning) to teachers and parents SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA) WILL BE Term End Examination: Curriculum and syllabus as circulated by the board Question papers to be prepared as per CBSE format Exams to be conducted by schools Academic year will have two termsFIRST TERM: April to September SECOND TERM: October to March Assessment System TERM I – April - October FA I FA 2 SA I 20 mks Paper – Pen Test (reduced to 10 %) 20 mks Activity Based (reduced to 10 %) 60 MKS Paper Pen Test (reduced to 30 %) Assessment System TERM II – October - March FA 3 FA 4 SA II 20 mks Paper – Pen Test (reduced to 10 %) 20 mks Activity Based (reduced to 10 %) 60 MKS Paper Pen Test (reduced to 30 %) Assessment System TERM FIRST TERM (APRIL – SEPT.) SECOND TERM (OCT. – TYPE OF ASSESSMENT Formative Assessment 1 (Pen – Paper Test) Formative Assessment 2 Summative Assessment 1 (Pen – Paper Test) Formative Assessment 3 (Pen – Paper PERCENTAG E OF TERM WISE TOTAL WEIGHTAGE WEIGHTAG MARKS IN E ACADEMIC SESSION 20 10 % Formative Assessmen t 1 + 2 = 20 % 20 10% 60 30% 20 10% TOTAL Format ive Assess ment 1 + 2 +3 Summative + 4 = Assessmen 40 Summa t 1 = 30 % tive Formative Assess Assessmen ment 1 t 3 + 4 = 20 + 2 = Assessment System CCE in classes III, IV and V shall spread over two terms during one academic session. First Term includes Formative 1 (Pen – Paper Test), Formative Assessment 2 and Summative Assessment 1 (Pen – Paper Test). Second Term includes Formative 3 (Pen – Paper Test), Formative Assessment 4 and Summative Assessment 2 (Pen – Paper Test). Assessment System SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Summative Assessment 1 will be held in September / October and Summative Assessment 2 in March, in each academic session. The marks secured by children out of 60 in SA 1 and SA2 will be finally reduced to 30 respectively. Assessment System SUBJECT MARKS FOR FA 1, FA 3 – (20 MARKS) ENGLISH , HINDI / FRENCH READING (Comprehensions Seen / Unseen) 3 marks MARKS FOR SA 1 & SA 2 (60MARKS) 20 marks Assessment System SUBJECT MARKS FOR FA 1, FA 3 – (20MARKS) MARKS FOR SA 1 & SA 2 (60MARKS) ENGLISH , HINDI / FRENCH WRITING (FAI, FA 3, SA I & SA II) T – TEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING / VOCABULARY G - GRAMMAR CW – CREATIVE WRITING SP - SPELLING HW - HANDWRITING 5 marks 5 marks 3 marks 2 marks 2 marks (value based passages) 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 5 marks 5 marks Assessment System ENGLISH , HINDI / FRENCH LISTENING (FA 2, FA 4) - COMPREHENSION - EXTRA READING - ACTIVITIES PROJECTS SPEAKING (FA 2, FA 4) CONVERSATION RECITATION Assessment System SUBJECT MARKS FOR FA 1, FA 3 – (20MARKS) MARKS FOR SA 1 & SA 2 (60MARKS) C – CONCEPT - KNOWLEDGE - UNDERSTANDING 5 marks 5 marks 15 marks 15 marks AC - ABILITY IN COMPUTATION (Procedures & Operations) 5 marks 15 marks MATHS PSA - PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY 5 marks 15 marks Assessment System SUBJECT MARKS FOR FA 1, FA 3 – (20MARKS) MARKS FOR SA 1 & SA 2 (60MARKS) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (EVS) OBS- OBERVATIONS & R – REPORTING 6 marks ID - IDENTIFICATION OF FACTS & CLASSIFICATIONS 7 marks DISCOVERY OF FACTS 7 marks 20 marks 20 marks 20 marks A. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE – SCHOLASTIC AREA ARABIC WRITING (Evaluations ) 25 X 2 = 50 marks COMPLETION OF WORK (CW/HW) 5X2=10 marks VERBAL SKILLS / / CONVERSATION 5x2= 10 marks READING 5x2 = 10 marks LANGUAGE SKILLS/ GRAMMAR 5x2= 10 marks DICTATION 5x 2= 10 marks A. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE – SCHOLASTIC AREA SPECIAL ARABIC WRITING (Evaluations ) 20 marks COMPLETION OF WORK 5X2=10 marks EXAMINATIONS 60 marks CLASS WORK 5 marks ORALS 15 marks DICTATION 5x 2= 10 marks Assessment System KUWAIT SOCIAL STUDIES (KSS) PROJECT WORK (SCRAP BOOK) 10X2= 20 marks : 2 per term TESTS 25x 2= 50 marks : 2 per term WORK BOOK COMPLETION 5x2= 10 marks QUIZ (ORALS) 10X2 = 20 MARKS : 2 per term Assessment System COMPUTERS SKILL (PRACTICALS) 20 x 2= 40 marks APTITUDE -THEORY (TESTS) 25 X2 = 50 marks COMPLETION OF WORK 5X2 = 10 marks Assessment System GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (GK) CLASS WORK 5x 2 = 10 marks TESTS 25X 2 = 50 marks PROJECTS / ASSIGNMENTS (SCRAP BOOK) 10X2= 20 marks QUIZ (ORALS) 10X2= 20 marks B. CO – SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES GAMES – (GRADES) ENTHUSIASM DISCIPLINE TEAM SPIRIT TALENT ( Strength, Stamina, Speed) ART & CRAFT – (GRADES) INTEREST CREATIVITY SKILL MUSIC & DANCE – (GRADES) INTEREST RHYTHM MELODY CLUBS for STD. III, IV & V: 2014 - 2015 • • • • • • • • Math Scouts Guides Dramatics Science & Environment Cursive Writing Quiz Craft CLUBS for STD. III,IV & V: 2014 2015 Assessment System Class Interaction Club Activity Completion of Work Expression C. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT (GRADES) COURTEOUSNESS CONFIDENCE CARE OF BELONGINGS NEATNESS REGULARITY & PUNCTUALITY INITIATIVE SELF – CONTROL RESPECT FOR OTHER’S PROPERTY SHARING & CARING (SPIRIT OF SERVICE) C. PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT (GRADES) VALUE EDUCATION MORAL SCIENCE / ISLAMIYAT (Assessed) NOTICE BOARDS 20 marks BEHAVIOUR 10 marks ASSIGNMENTS / PROJECTS (NOTE BOOK) 10X2 = 20 marks QUIZ / TESTS 25X2 = 50 marks D. HEALTH HEIGHT (cms) WEIGHT (Kgs) FA II & IV Assessment System ENGLISH, HINDI / FRENCH LISTENING - COMPREHENSION - EXTRA READING - ACTIVITIES PROJECTS SPEAKING CONVERSATION RECITATION Assessment System FA II & IV MATHS TABLES MENTAL MATHS LAB ACTIVITY FA II & IV Assessment System ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (EVS) ACTIVITY – EXPERIMENTS / PRESENTATIONS/ PROJECTS WRITTEN WORK – ASSIGNMENTS, CW / HW GROUP DISCUSSIONS Minimize misclassification of students on the basis of marks. Eliminate unhealthy cut throat competition among high achievers. Reduce societal pressure and provide the learner with more flexibility. Leads to a better learning environment. Evaluations -Semester I FA1: May 4th to May 8th SA 1: Oct. 12th to Oct. 21st OPEN HOUSE DAY November 6th 2014 Evaluations -Semester I Additional Subjects: June 2nd to 5th : Value Education , GK, Computers, KSS Aug. 24th to 27th : Value Education , GK, Computers, KSS Evaluations- Semester II FA 3 : Dec. 17th to Dec. 23rd 2014 SA 2 : March 3RD to March 12th 2015 OPEN HOUSE DAY MARCH 19th 2015 Evaluations -Semester II Additional Subjects: JAN. 4TH to 7th : Value Education , GK, Computers, KSS FEB. 8th to 11th : Value Education , GK, Computers, KSS Class wise Date • Please followSheets the detailed Date Sheets which will be uploaded on the school website. For Internal Assessment in all subjects * • Specific Dates are given for: • Science / Computer Practicals • Submission of Scrap Books • Submission of Project Work • Mental Math Tests etc.. STUDENTS PROFILE * STD III, IV & V – THREE YEAR PROFILE REMARKS •SCHOLASTIC AREAS •CO- SCHOLASTIC AREAS •ACHIEVEMENT LEVEL STUDENTS PROFILE STUDENTS ASSESSED IN 3 DOMAINS: DAY TO DAY OBSERVATIONS - OBERVATION OF THE CHILD ON DAILY BASIS - SPECIFIC BEHAVIOUR -PATICIPATION IN SCHOOL PROGRAMME RATING PER TERM TESTING ANNUALLY BOOKS • Text books have been reintroduced for English and Maths. • Handouts will be issued for Hindi/ French, Computers and EVS. • In order to reduce the bag load, it has been decided to store books in the class cupboards. The books (GK, KSS, Moral Science, Arabic, Islamic) will be collected on Sunday and returned on Thursday , every week. Art & Craft will be returned after a month. IEAS INTRODUCES.... • LIBRARY PERIOD • Compulsory CURSIVE HAND WRITING For Classes I to V Co -curricular Activities at IEAS THEME OF THE YEAR : LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE INVESTITURE’S CEREMONY– 13TH APRIL 2014 I’VE GOT TALENT DAY - INTER – HOUSE COMPETITIONS – 13TH NOV. 2014 XPRESSIONS 2014 : INTER- SCHOOL CULTURAL FESTIVAL – 22ND NOV. 2014 PRIMARY SPORTS FESTIVAL– 11TH DEC. 2014 PRIMARY SECTION PICNIC – 19TH FEB. 2015 Co -curricular Activities at IEAS CULTURAL DAYS STD III – 27TH NOV. 2014 STD IV – 4TH DEC. 2014 STD V – 15TH MAY 2014 FOR ALL QUERIES FOLLOW THE SCHOOL PROTOCOL DIRECTOR APPROACH 5 Fr. Francis Kharjia PRINCIPAL Fr. Lionel Braganza VICE PRINCIPAL Ms. Arlette D’Souza COUNSELLOR Ms. Sweeny GRADE CO-ORDINATOR SUBJECT TEACHER GRADE COORDINATORS for the year 2014 - 2015 • • • • • Std. Std. Std. Std. Std. I – Ms. Emmy II – Ms. Estella III – Ms. Jennie IV – Ms. Lavina V - Ms. Vilma Use the School Website effectively Instructions to register: Log onto : www. 1. 2. Register with your email address under Parent Login. 3. You will receive a personal ID on your email. 4. Login with the same ID and the password 5. Fill in the Registration Form. 6. Those who have registered earlier, please logon and update your child’s details for 2013-2014 Above all…. HAVE TRUST & CONFIDENCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE SCHOOL