
McKenneman, Inc.
SRAM Proposal
Design Team:
Jay Hoffman
Tory Kennedy
Sholanda McCullough
Design Approach
Bitcell Layout
Peripheral and Block Layout
Block Design
Top-level Design
SNM simulations of bitcell
Block simulations
Problems Encountered
Metric Analysis
Design Approach
Low Power SRAM running at Vdd = 2.5V
Power gating on idle blocks
1Mb of memory
Made of 32 blocks of 128x256 bits
32bit words addressed with 15bits
Voltage sense amp to reduce precharge
Minimizing bitcell layout to reduce overall
Block Schematic
Block Features
7:128 row address decoder raises the WL
3:8 decoder selects the 32 columns to
when writing to the memory
Each bitline has a sense amp to reduce
the time each WL is enabled and reduce
the amount of precharging
A chain of 32 8:1 muxes after the sense
amps selects the word on a read
A register latches the block output and is
wired to a tri-state buffer, allowing all
blocks to share one SRAM output
Top-Level Schematic
Top-Level Features
5bits of address choose the block
Read, Write, and input addresses are held
by registers
Applying the philosophy of designing for
controllability, precharge and sense amp
enable are pinned out
Designing for observability, a sense amp’s
output is pinned out for timing verification
Bitcell Layout
Bitcell Features
Dimensions: 19.8 microns by 8.4
Area: 166.32 microns^2
Area is saved in the array by
overlapping mirrored bitcells every
other row to share ground and vdd
Sense Amp Layout
Sense Amp Features
21 microns wide
Designed to be same width as
bitcell so it can be easily wired to
the array
4:16 Decoder
4:16 Features
5 2:4 decoders combined
8 of these make up 7:128 decoder
100 microns long to connect with
buffers to the memory array
Block Layout
Block Statistics
Dimensions estimated to be 5478
microns by 1415 microns
Approximate Area: 7,751,370
Includes memory array, 7:128
decoder, WL buffers, precharge,
sense amps, output buffers
Extra room estimated for registers,
tri-state buffers, smaller logic
SNM Bitcell Simulations
Length of the
side of largest
square inside
Best Case: SF
Read: .651
Hold: .940
Worst Case: FS
Read: .480
Hold: .792
Hold case for a SF bitcell
Block Sim for a Read/Write/Read
Block Sim Notes R/W/R
First line shows CLK and Output of
Tri-state buffer after a read
Second line show BL(blue) and
Third line shows Sense Amps firing
and their output
Fourth line shows WL enabled
inside of precharge
Fifth line shows read/write signals
Six Access Simulation
6 Access for block
Writes a one into a block and reads
it 5 times for total average power of
31 mW
Total time for D-Q is 15.5 ns
The output is latched on rising clock
edge, with 2.5ns to propagate
through register and tri-state buffer
Problems Encountered
Clock distribution
Measuring enough clock delays to fire
sense amps at the correct time
Delaying and buffering the precharge
Slow simulation times
Wiring and reducing layouts
Metric Analysis
Average power of 1 write and 5
reads: .031W
Largest delay: 13ns
Total Area: 32*(7,751,370
microns^2) = 248,043,840
Metric= (Watts^2)*(delay in
ns)*(area in um^2)
McKenneman’s Score=3.099E6
McKenneman, Inc. has developed
an efficient and power saving SRAM
Special Features
Low voltage operation
Design for controllability and
Block enable signal power gates idle