Friedrich Schelling

Friedrich Schelling
Immanuel Kant
“God, immortality,
and other such
matters were not
therefore, was
beyond the powers
of human reason.”
Kant’s Critique of Reason
“We can only know
a world that has
passed through the
grid work of space
and time and the
other categories of
the understanding.”
Schelling’s Problem
As Kant had to face
skepticism, so
Shelling faced the
problem of the split
between mind and
body, spirit and
Alpha and Omega
Schelling; “I posit
God as both the first
and the last, as the
unevolved and as
the fully evolved.”
J.G. Fichte
Fichte: “Being is one
endlessly selfdeveloping life
which always
advances toward a
higher selfrealization in a
never ending stream
of time.”
Nature and Mind
“Thus, says
Schelling, where
nature was objective
Spirit, mind is
subjective Spirit.”
Freedom is not a
given, but it is an
inherent potential.
Problems with Development
With each stage of
development comes
further complexity,
which has thus more
possibilities for both
advancement and