Common Inspection Framework (CIF)

Adult and Community Learning
Funding and Commissioning Briefing
26 February 2014
George Allen
George Allen
Head of Service
Paul Whitehead
Planning & Performance Officer
Gillian Fifield
Quality Manager
Patrick Robinson
Commissioning and Contracts
Children’s Services Procurement
Objectives and Priorities
Funding and Data Requirements
Common Inspection Framework (CIF) and
Funding and Commissioning Procedure
What is Community Learning?
‘ ….a broad range of learning that brings
together adults of different ages and
backgrounds, to pursue an interest, address
a need, acquire new skills, become
healthier or learn how to support their
What we currently offer:
• Funding Agreements/Service Level
Agreements with 38 providers
• Learning provision in more than 300
• Support for over 18,000 learners
• Accredited courses and learning for
personal fulfilment
• Activities that meet requirements of the
Skills Funding Agency and Ofsted’s
Common Inspection Framework (CIF)
Objectives and Priorities
• Hampshire Futures
• Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Department ‘New Challenges, New Chances’
• Skills Funding Agency’s Funding Rules
• Hampshire County Council’s Strategic
Commissioning Plan for Adult and Community
Learning (ACL) for 2014/15 – currently in draft
‘New Challenges, New Chances’
• Maximise access to Community Learning for adults,
bringing new opportunities and improving lives, whatever
people’s circumstances
• Bring local communities together to experience the joy of
learning and the pride that comes with achievement
• Maximise the effect community learning has on the social
and economic well-being of individuals, families and
• Collect fee income from people who can afford to pay and
focus public funding on people who are disadvantaged
and least likely to participate.
Skills Funding Agency
Funding Rules 2014/15
• Have clear outcomes and appropriate processes
of evaluation
• Highlight how we will impact in communities and
operate in partnership
• Adhere to Funding Rules on contracting and
• Have a financial plan and develop a local strategy
• Achieve aims of New Challenges, New Chances
and ensure effective learner achievement and
compliance with data requirements
Strategic Commissioning Plan for ACL
Highlights Aims and Outcomes for 2014/15:
• Provide both a universal and targeted offer and support
learning where needs are greatest
• Adhere to the requirements of Hampshire County
Council and the Common Inspection Framework
• Maintain a broad range of innovative learning
• Ensure the development of meaningful partnership
activities that enable joint working and share
best practice.
Changes for 2014/15:
• Emergence of Hampshire Futures
• Role of LEPs / City Deal
Call-off process for 2014/15
• Based on the Strategic Commissioning
Plan and Service Specification
• Extension of existing Framework for
external organisations
• Hampshire County Council departments /
schools make direct applications
Data and Funding
Paul Whitehead
Planning and Performance Officer
Skills Funding Agency Requirements
• Compliance with Funding Rules 2014/15
– Once released, available online at
• Learning Agreement
– Enrolment form
– Initial Assessment
– Learning plan
– Record of attendance
– Record and evidence of achievement
Skills Funding Agency Requirements
• Individualised Learner Record (ILR)
– Five returns per year
– All learner details
– All learning activity
– Achievement
• Summary of children on Family
Adult & Community Learning
• Course Details
– Start and end dates, course length,
session dates and times, prices, venue,
tutor, accreditation details
• Enrolment form from each learner
• Registers
– Attendance Information
– Achievement Information
Adult & Community Learning
• Summary of children on Family
• Summary of learner post-course
Adult & Community Learning Deadlines
• Course Details
– Publicised course details 6-8 weeks before
course start for publication on course search
– Non-publicised course details as soon as
– Details required at least 1 week BEFORE
course starts
Adult & Community Learning Deadlines
• Enrolments
– Within 2 weeks of enrolment
• Registers and Child data
– Within 2 weeks of course completion
• Learner Evaluations
– Within 2 weeks of end of term
Common Data Problems
• Course Details
– Course Summary poor quality
– Programme ID not given
– Inconsistent course dates
– Venue and Tutor details not completed
– Level of learning not widely understood
– Subject Sectors omitted
Common Data Problems
• Enrolments
– No course code or details
– Invalid date of birth
– Old enrolment forms used
– Previous surname/address not used
Common Data Problems
• Registers
– Sessions not initialled by tutor
– Achievement not recorded
– Front sheet not signed by tutor and
countersigned by centre manager
Next Call-Off
• Bid for realistic amount
• Targets are distinct learners
– Distinct learners per programme
– Overall learner target
• Assessed on outcomes and cost
• Accredited programmes prioritised
– Include any additional costs
• Refer to Notes tab on spreadsheet
Payment Arrangements
• External provider process
– Agree learner numbers submitted
– Sent PO number and invoice amount
– Submit invoice quoting PO number
– No PO = No payment
• HCC provider process
– Agree learner numbers submitted
– Sent “parked journal”
Adult and Community Learning
Common Inspection Framework (CIF)
and Ofsted
Gillian Fifield
Adult and Community Learning
Provision that meets quality requirements of:
• Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework for
Further Education (FE) and Skills 2012
• Skills Funding Agency Funding Agreement –
Quality Assurance and Raising Standards
• Legislation and Statutory regulations including:
Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding
• Awarding Organisations and the NCFE Investing
in Quality (IIQ) standards
Adult and Community Learning
Good leadership and management
Meeting the needs of learners
Competent and appropriately qualified staff
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
• High standards in teaching, learning and
• Accreditation and progression opportunities
• Safe, healthy and supportive learning
Adult and Community Learning (2)
• Equality of access to learning opportunities
• Promotion of equality and diversity throughout the
• Support for learners, including support in English, maths
and functional skills, to meet their learning goals and
personal objectives and progress to further learning
• Learner and learning support
• Minimise drop out rates, deliver high completion,
achievement and success rates
• Close equality gaps
Performance Indicators – Quality of
Teaching and Learning (from Service Spec)
Course documentation in place for all courses including clear Course
Information identifying detailed learning outcomes and learners’ progression
routes – currently being audited
Planning and recording documentation contained in Tutor Course Files –
need for regular review by Centre staff
Learner and tutor evaluation - and evidence of how feedback is used
Planned programme of OTLs – for all tutors, each year
Timely submission of classroom observation reports – as well as Action
Plans from ‘sample’ OTLs
Health and Safety Risk Assessments – completed, signed by tutor and
regularly updated
Single Central Safeguarding Record – up-to-date and includes details of
annual training for staff
Timely return of Self-assessment Report (SAR) and Quality Improvement
Plan (QuIP) – needs to contain evaluative statements and accurate
Qualified Staff
• Quality requirements (Service Spec)
– Learning delivered by competent and
appropriately qualified tutors
• Subject specialist qualifications and/or experience
• Minimum of PTLLS or equivalent and working
towards further qualifications (New qualifications
being introduced for new tutors)
• Regular CPD
• For FEML and Functional Skills – Level 5 subject
specialist teaching qualifications
Tutor qualifications and
professional expertise
• New qualifications introduced for new tutors from Sept
2013 to replace PTLLS; CTLLS and DTLLS:
• Level 3 Award in Education and Training
• Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training
• Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
• In addition, new Professional Standards for Teachers
and Trainers in England – consultation concluded 18
Feb 2014
• Focus on tutors’ English and maths skills
• Priorities for 2014/15 (SCP)
– A broad and innovative range of learning
opportunities … including courses leading to
qualifications and accredited outcomes
• Quality requirements (Service Spec)
– Accredited provision must be available to learners eg
Units from the QCF; Investing in Quality (IIQ) Licence
– For targeted learning, priority for funding for courses
that lead to appropriate qualifications and/or
certificates of achievement
• Accreditation costs, including internal verification, should
be included in the bid for funding
Accreditation (2)
New Maths and English qualifications
• Flexible - programmes can be tailored to meet learners’
individual needs.
• Suitable for learners who have gaps in English / maths
skills eg need to learn specific skills to complete a
• Progression from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2 and
on to full Functional Skills qualifications.
• Step by step approach - bite sized units 10 - 30 hours
• Each unit targets precise individual skills in English or
maths: increases the likelihood of learner achievement.
Ofsted Inspection
The key judgement on all inspections
“How effective and efficient is the provider
in meeting the reasonable needs of
learners and users?”
Takes into account all of the available evidence
and judgements against the 2012 Common
Inspection Framework and Evaluation Schedule
Overall Effectiveness
This judgement is influenced by the
• Outcomes for learners
• The quality of teaching, learning and
• The effectiveness of leadership and
Inspectors will
• expect providers to be ‘good’
• use the term ‘requires improvement’ and
identify ways that providers can improve
• expect outstanding providers to have
outstanding teaching and learning
evaluate fully the arrangements for
performance management
• place greater importance on the role of the
governing body
Ofsted’s ‘Learner View’
• Online questionnaire for learners to give their
• Asks for opinions on a range aspects: eg are
sessions well taught? would you recommend
this course to a friend?
• Information used when making decisions about
which providers to inspect and when
• Can be completed at any time during the year
• Providers reminded to encourage learners to
complete the questionnaire (in particular when
notified of inspection)
Observations of Teaching,
Learning and Assessment
Greater focus on Teaching, Learning and Assessment observations remain key part of the inspection process.
Inspectors will:
• listen to learners
• carry out paired’ Observations of Teaching and Learning
• make judgements on quality of learners’ work
• expect to see planning documents and records of learners’
progress and achievement
• Be interested in tutors’ assessment practice; marked work
and tutor feedback to learners
What makes an Outstanding provider?
Recent Ofsted reports – “this provider is not yet
outstanding because …..”
• The Service does not yet ensure all learners receive suitable
information and guidance about their next steps
• Not all tutors use the results of initial assessment to develop
learning plans to support learners’ progress
• Tutors do not always involve learners actively enough in lessons
and check that learning goals have been met
• Learners attendance at lessons is too low
• Written feedback to learners is not sufficiently regular and
systematic to support improvement
• Tutors do not make sufficient or effective use of Information and
Learning Technologies (ILT) to help learners develop
• Tutors do not promote E&D sufficiently in teaching and learning
What makes an Outstanding provider?
What does the provider need to do to improve
• Further improve the quality of teaching, learning and
assessment by:
– setting clear targets for all learners and accurately measuring
learners’ progress against their targets
– ensuring that all tutors plan and deliver activities that provide
sufficient opportunity for learners to participate fully and actively
in their learning
– making better use of learning technology to enhance teaching
and learning
– ensuring that learners receive guidance, as they complete their
course, on further higher-level learning opportunities offered by
other providers.
Kirklees Council Adult and Community Learning –
Outstanding Provider (Nov 2013)
• A very high proportion of learners complete their courses
• Learners make outstanding progress.
• Tutors help learners to be confident and improve their
quality of life by teaching them skills that will be useful to
them in future employment.
• Many learners go on to support other learners through
volunteering and coaching.
• Learners are extremely positive about their experience
and thoroughly enjoy their learning.
Kirklees Adult and Community Learning (2)
• The provider works exceptionally well with other providers, and an
effective Community Learning Trust, to ensure that learners can
access a wide range of relevant courses.
• Leaders and managers place learners at the heart of all that they do
so that learners can reach their full potential and improve the
communities where they live.
• Managers benefit from timely and meaningful data that helps them
improve the courses that learners take so that more learners are
• Tutors build exemplary impartial advice, information and guidance
into all their courses.
• The outstanding promotion of equality and diversity has created a
vibrant and resilient learning community where everyone is
welcomed and valued.
Funding and Commissioning
Patrick Robinson
The Procurement Process
“Nothing to fear”
Patrick Robinson – Senior Procurement Manager
Existing Framework Agreement......
• Allows for a second year extension
• Follows the same principles
• As previous year is no guarantee of
• Refers to revised Service Specification
for 2014/15
Next steps.....
• HCC will contact providers to establish if they
wish to participate in the extension
• If “yes”, you will be asked to forward latest
insurance documents
• Upon receipt of same, HCC Legal will issue
formal extension letters, which need to be
• That is it....
• In due course, Hampshire Futures will then
contact providers for training proposals
Procurement Timeline
Provider Briefing
26 February 2014
Notice to extend Framework
April 2014
Distribution of call off spreadsheets
May 2014
First “call off”
June 2014
Contract start date
August 2013
Procurement Contact details
Telephone support:
Patrick Robinson
01962 845430
Annette Rebentisch
01962 846094
ACL Contact details
George Allen, Head of Adult and Community
Paul Whitehead, Planning and Performance
Gillian Fifield, Quality Manager
Hampshire Learning website address
Key Documents
Hampshire County Council’s Strategic
Commissioning Plan
Common Inspection Framework
New Challenges, New Chances: Next Steps in
Implementing the Further Education Reform Plan