School Readiness Assessment: Its Background Source: Expand Early Childhood Care and Education Increase Adult Literacy by 50% Provide free and compulsory Primary Education for All Promote Learning Skills for Young People and Adults Achieve Gender Parity by 2005 and Gender Equality by 2015 Improve the quality of Education SReA: Its Background SRA = School Readiness Assessment started in SY 2005-2006 (DO No. 15, s. 2005) continued every year ( DO 13 and 25 for SY 2006 and 2007, respectively) administered to Grade One entrants before opening of SY SReA: Its Background to determine readiness and as basis for grouping pre-assessment by 3rd week of May children found not ready undergo 8 - Week Curriculum post –assessment after 8 – weeks SReA: Its Background RA 10157 Kinder Law compulsory (5 yrs old) IRR – DepEd Order 32, s.2012 SReA: Its Background SReA SReYA (DO No. 5, s. 2013) administered as Year-end Assessment not anymore to Grade One entrants but for kindergarten children SReYA determines the achievement level in different developmental domains SReYear-end Assessment items are based on the standards and competencies for Five Year Old Children Filipino Children to be administered using mother tongue