ASAS KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK SEE 1003 2010/2011, Sem I Dr. Nik Rumzi Nik Idris Course homepage: OBJECTIVES: • To introduce students to basic concepts of electrical engineering and expose students to the analysis of electrical circuits: DC, AC and 1st order circuits • The course will also develop skills to analyse linear electrical circuits. SCP 1103 PRGM TECH SEE 1003 AKE SSE 1792 CALCULUS SEE 1712 ELEC WS UHB 1412 ENGL COMM UHS 1152 ETHNIC REL SEE 1023 CCT THEORY SEE 1123 INST & MSRMT SEE 1223 DGT ELECT SSE 1793 DIFF EQN ULT 1022 ISLM &ASN CIV UQ* 1**1 CO CURR 1 SEE 2043 SIG & NETW SEE 2053 ELECT TECH SEE 2063 ELECTRN DEV SSE 1893 ENG MATHS UHB 2422 ADV ENG COM UHS 2**2 UHS ELECT SEE 2113 CNTL:MOD&SIM SEE 2253 ELECTRN CCT SSE 2523 EMT SEE 2742 2ND YR LAB SSE 2393 NUM METHD ULT 2**2 ULT ELECT SEE 3223 MICROP SEE 3263 ELECRN SYS SEE 3423 PWR ENG FUND SEE 3732 3RD YR LAB (C) SSE 2193 ENG STATISTIC UHB 3**2 ENGLSH ELEC SEE 3113 CNTL: ANL&DES SEE 3433 ELEC MCHN SEE 3533 COMM PRINPL SEE 3742 3RD YR LAB (S) SMU 2113 ENG SCIENCE UQ* 1**1 CO CURR 2 SEE 4012 PROF ENG PRAC SEE 4**3 ELECT 1 SEE 4423 PWR ENG SYS SEE 4**3 ELECT 2 SEE 4433 PE & DRIVES SEE 4443 PWR SYS ANLY SEE 4513 COMM SYS SEE 4722 4TH YR LAB PBL SEE 4824 FYP 2 SEE 4812 FYP 1 SHM 4542 ENG MNGMT SHD 4142 ENG ECON COURSE OUTCOMES: This is what you will gain when at the end of semester CO1 State and apply basic laws and methods of DC and AC circuit analysis in order to solve for variables in a given circuit. CO2 Determine the response of First-Order RL and RC circuits.. CO3 Work in a team and communicate effectively. PO1 CO1 CO2 CO3 1,a PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 I,a 2,b 1,a 2,b 3,c 1 = strong emphasis, 2 = medium emphasis, 3 = low emphasis a = examinations, tests, quizzes; b = assignment, report; c = group presentation, laboratory, seminar; d = thesis PROGRAM OUTCOMES PO1 Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering PO2 Ability to analyze and interpret data PO3 Ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical engineering problems PO4 Ability to work with modern instrumentation, software and hardware PO5 Ability to design a system, component or process to fulfil certain specifications PO6 Ability to communicate effectively PO7 Ability to function and be productive in a team PO8 Ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning PO9 Understand the impact of the work of engineers on society PO10 Understand ethical and professional responsibility Textbook: Electric Circuits W. Nilsson, S. A. Riedel, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall. References C.K. Alexander, M.N.O.Sadiku, “ Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill. R.Hambley, “Electrical Engineering, Principles and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall. R.L.Boylestad,"Introductory Circuit Analysis", 11th Edition, Prentice Hall. D. Svoboda, “Introduction To Electric Circuits”, 7th Edition, Wiley & Sons. Textbook: Electric Circuits W. Nilsson, S. A. Riedel, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall. Evaluation: Test 1 28/8 15% Test 2 23/10 20% F. Exams 50% Homework /Group Presentation Quiz 10% 5% 100% Common to all sections Different for each section Evaluation: Homework 10% PSPICE–based HW + calculation–based HW Questions taken from textbook/given during lectures/website Each student need to submit every HW Each student will be assigned to a group Each group will present at least once – presenter randomly selected Final mark will be weighted to the presentation point Final mark for HW = <your marks> <normalized presentation point> e.g. you collect 9 marks for homework but your group give poor presentation e.g. 0.4 point your final mark is 9*0.4 = 3.6 How presentation is evaluated? Evaluation: Quiz 5% Randomly held during lectures (normally towards the end) or tutorials Questions based on contents of that particular lecture Hints on how to get good grades : • Come to lectures (with some preparation) • Ask questions in class if you don’t understand • Solve as many problems as you can • Come and see me if you have problems • Do your homework on time • Always prepare for quizzes • Sit for your tests and exams • Minimize memorizing, maximize understanding