Welcome FVHS BARONS Class of 2016 Orientation Dates Fulton – March 27 Masuda – April 3 Moiola – April 17 Shoreline Christian – April 17 Talbert – April 3 Vista View – April 23 Registration Dates FVHS Guidance goes to middle schools Fulton – March 28, 29, 30 Masuda – April 4,5,6 Moiola – April 18 Shoreline Christian – April 18 Talbert – April 17 Vista View - April 26 Dates to Remember Geometry / Algebra Placement Tests Administered late May/early June At middle schools Private schools – Saturday, June 9 Graduation and A-G Requirements SUBJECTS REQUIREMENTS A. HISTORY GRADUATION 3 yrs Required B. ENGLISH 4 yrs. Required C. MATHEMATICS 3 yrs Required * (Must Include Alg. 1) D. LABORATORY SCIENCES 2 yrs. of Science 1 yr. of Life 1 yr of Physical Science E. WORLD LANGUAGE 1 1/2 years Visual/Performing Arts and/or World Language and/or Applied Curriculum F. VISUAL/PERFORMING ARTS (one year must be either World Language or Visual/Performing Arts) G. College Prep Elective None Required Other Electives 1 semester of Health Required A-G COLLEGE 2 yrs. Required 30 3 yrs recommended 4 yrs. Required 40 3 yrs. Required 4 yrs. recommended 30 (Must include Alg. 2 or above) 2 yrs. of Lab Science 1 yr. Biology 1 yr. Chemistry/Physics 20 3 yrs. Recommended 2 yrs. Required (of the same language) 3 yrs. Recommended 1 yr. Required 15 1 yr. Required None Required 5 Other Electives 60 Physical Education 2 yrs Required None Required 20 Pass CAHSEE 220 Freshmen Take 6 Classes What classes are required? English Math Science PE Health/Elective Elective Elective Choices in the 9th Grade Ceramics, Art I, Animation, World Language, World Geography H, Environmental Design, Orchestra/Band, Chorus, Theater I, Reading Required: One semester elective to pair with Health Introduction to Art, World Geography, Principles of Design, Personal Management Language Arts Flow Chart Math Flow Chart HBUHSD Placement Criteria for Ninth Grade Honors English/World Geography H Biology 7th Grade ELA CST Score of 375 or above 7th Grade ELA and Math CST Scores of 375 or above 8th Grade 1st Semester English Grade of A or B 8th Grade 1st Semester Science Grade of A or B Gates MacGinitie Results at or above grade level 9.6 Gates MacGinitie Results at or above grade level 9.6 8th Grade Teacher suggested placement from study/work habits 8th Grade Teacher suggested placement from study/work habits *Writing Sample * Math Placement Test Resulting in Geometry Placement Recommended * By Site * By Site A Typical th 9 English 1 Algebra 1 Physical Science PE/Sport Health/Elective Elective Grade Schedule A Typical 9th Grade Honors Schedule English 1 Honors Biology Accelerated Geometry PE/Sport Health/Elective World Language District Academic Recognition Programs Scholar with Distinction Scholar with Honors Scholar with Expertise 9th Typical Schedules for Graders in the Scholar Program Distinction English I H Biology Geometry World Lang I P.E. VP Arts Honors English I Physical Sci Algebra 1 World Lang I P.E. VP Arts Expertise English I Physical Sci Alg 1/Basic Alg VP Arts P.E. Area Elective A General Four-Year Educational Plan 9 Eng 1 Basic/Alg Phys/Lab Lang/VP PE Elective 10 Eng 2 Geo Life/Lab Lang/VP W Hist PE 11 CP Eng 3 Alg 2 Lab Sci Lang/VP US Hist 12 CP Eng 4 Pre Calc Econ/Gov Elective Elective Filling out the four-year plan Filling out the Pre-Registration worksheet Student Activities Before School Starts •9th Grade Registration August 13, 2012 A-L 8 am to 10:30am M-Z 12 pm to 2:30 pm On Registration day, PE clothes, Student ID’s and pictures will be available. •Link Crew August 20 and 21 On Link Crew day, students will pick up schedules, tour school and attend an orientation. •1st Day of School is Wednesday August 29, 2012 How can I help my student be successful in high school? •Parents, LISTEN. •Sit down and seriously talk about problems, stresses, social upheaval, peer pressure, workload, etc. •Organize •Binder •Agenda/planner/daily reminder to keep track of assignments •Specific time and place to study •Goals: Short and Long-term •Academic and Personal •Attainable and Realistic •Create a Plan to achieve these goals •BE THERE. Really. •As the stresses and pressures of high school increase, your students need to know you will be there for them. What do We do if We Need Extra Help? www.fvhs.com Course Description Book Planning Guide for Students and Parents Developing an ED Plan handout Additional Assistance… Guidance Specialists Linda Gardner A-Fj Monika Whitman Fl-Lo Nga Doan Lu-Q Lynn McCall R-Z (714) 962-3301 x4423 x4422 x4421 x4424 Thank you… Please visit displays for athletics in the cafeteria and curricular departments in the gym!