ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES IN CONSOLIDATED SUPPORTS & SERVICES INDIVIDUAL /Participant Maintain frequent contact with the Circle of Support. Understand and participate in the development of the ISP and CSS Plan. Always maintain an effort to implement the CSS plan. Establish a good working relationship with the Fiscal Employer Agent (FEA). Individual cont’d Ensure that the MSC is informed of all aspects of the participants needs/wants Complete and submit all service documents that the Fiscal Employer Agent (FEA) requires. Notify the MSC immediately on any reportable incidents. Ensure that all staff are trained in the necessary safeguards and incident reporting for OMRDD. Individual cont’d Ensures that the Broker contract specifies service term, compensation and deliveries. Ensures the contract between the FEA and CSS participant in place and current Acts as liaison to the DDSO contact regarding serious issues. Circle of Support Ensure that the CSS participant’s rights and freedom of choice are not compromised. Ensure that the participants feelings, fears and preferences are communicated. The CSS participant freely chooses their Circle of Support. A Medicaid Service Coordinator must be a member of the Circle of Support. Start-up brokers/Support Brokers are selected by the participant. Circles cont’d The Circle must meet regularly during the plan development and then once quarterly once the plan is in place. Shares responsibilities for the development and implementation of safeguards. Establishes the pros and cons of power of attorney, and a health care proxy. Assists participant to stay within budget. Assures fiscal management. Circles cont’d Ensures the DDSO Liaison is notified of issues. Ensures that the monthly service note is completed. Ensures supports/timesheets are signed by the CSS participant. Ensures that the participants understands the fiscal expenditure reports. Identifies liaison responsible for interaction with FEA. Circles cont’d Ensures that the Broker contract specifies service term, compensation and deliveries. Ensures the contract between the FEA and CSS participant in place and current Acts as liaison to the DDSO contact regarding serious issues. Meet a minimum of quarterly meetings Medicaid Service Coordinator Discharge participant from any certified program which are to be replaced by CSS Maintain medicaid service coordination record Must participate in Circle meetings Act as a link between liaison & the Circle of Support Follow Incident reporting protocol regarding CSS participants & notify liaisons of incidents MSC cont’d Will ensure that Valued Outcomes jn CSS plan reflect the Valued Outcomes In the ISP Ensure that CSS is Listed as a Waiver Service in the ISP MSC will receive copy of the monthly report from the fiscal employer agent Ensure that participant is enrolled in the HCBS waiver & report any change in status to SD liaison Fiscal Employer Agent Set up individual financial account for each participant Attend ISP & CSS plan reviews Participate in participants launch meeting Have on file a signed & dated agreement/contract with each participant Provide for necessary training to participant & circle members Ensure all staff have received incident report training FEA cont’d Provide all participants written documents regarding supports & services Provide written instructions on the completion of all required billing Ensure that all billings are made on behalf of participants only for goods & services identified in the CSS plan Provide written guidance& training to participants re hiring, working with and terminating staff FEA cont’d Ensure that Circle members have signed time sheets & approved the payment of invoices Maintain support documentation for payments made on behalf of participants, i.e., a current signed ISP, signed CSS plan, invoices, time sheets, contemporaneous case notes, monthly summary notes, etc… Maintain required documentation for a period of 6 years FEA cont’d Validate that four (4) medicaid billable services were provided (no more than two in ay one week) prior to billing the appropriate government entity Submit copies of participant’s signed monthly summary notes to the MSC & the liaison Provide monthly revenue & expenditure reports to the participant, their designee, liaison, Support broker (if applicable), & Central Office FEA cont’d Assure that all employees are paid for fringes, etc…& that paychecks to employees are provided in a timely manner Ensure that all staff paid through the FEA receive appropriate wage & tax statements (1099s) FEA cont’d Arrange a “launch” meeting with participant, circle, MSC, broker & FEA That the CSS plan & budget are reviewed in the launch meeting Approved supports & services are reviewed Safeguards are reviewed Documentation is reviewed Incident reporting training occurs Roles & responsibilities are reviewed DSO LIAISON DDSO FILE Maintain a participant file Include in file CSS plan, ISP, & Budget Signed monthly case notes, MSC notes Monthly Expenditure reports /statements Safeguards are identified All Documents are signed & dated LIAISON cont’d Ensure that participant remains enrolled in the waiver Person has been discharged from certified programs Persons name has been removed from TABs program roster Person is added to CSS TABS roster The FEA has a valid contract between participant & FEA Liaison cont’d Ensures that participant & circle have emergency contact information Will meet with the circle to brainstorm new strategies when appropriate, i.e., not meeting enough, an incident occurs, issues have arisen, etc… Will monitor ongoing status of CSS plan Assures Circle understands the importance of incident reporting Liaison cont’d Assures that incidents are reported to the MSC Assures the circle has provided or arranged for training on health & safety precautions for the participant’s self hires Will notify Central Office of any reportable incidents In CSS Prepare for medicaid Audits, training participants & their circles Assure quality and satisfaction Support broker Meet with participant & circle Listen Write CSS plan Complete an effective budget Revise or amend CSS plan as requested by participant Stay in contact with FEA SUPPORT BROKER cont’d Advise circle on CSS & waiver information Send current CSS plan to participant when complete Instruct Participant & circle to review and sign, send to liaison Assist with employee training Assist with the recruitment & hiring of staff Problem solve SUPPORT BROKER cont’d Attend or participate in a six month review of services Ensure that all CSS plans have an effective date, and current signatures Documentation Participant & circle will maintain a service record ( CSS Resource Guide) MSC will maintain service documentation record & each MSC will reference satisfaction with the plan FEA will maintain all documentation identified Previously