Vorstellungen der LG IV für das JAP 99

Joachim Vollmuth, PhD
Global Conference
“Civil Service Personnel Management”
“Methods and Technologies of Performance
Appraisal of Civil Servants”
Instruments of Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation
Criteria oriented
Objective oriented
Objective Agreement
Structured evaluation procedures
Periodical common setting of objectives
and evaluation of results
Periodical evaluation of performance by
means of performance criteria
Combined procedures
Basic orientation: Career based system
Selection of personnel: qualification re-quirements
depend on career/career group
Remuneration: depends on grade/rank, no
compulsory link to position
Career: promotion to higher grade/rank; progress
possible without change of position
Performance Appraisal: no direct link to salary
system; basis for promotion, capacity building
Capacity building: promoting measures for new
professional knowledge and experiences needed
(mobility, detachment etc.)
Basic orientation: Position based system
Selection of personnel: qualification re-quirements
depend on concrete position (tasks and functions).
Remuneration: follows the evaluation and
classification of the position.
Career: change to higher position; progress not
possible without change of position.
Performance appraisal: often direct link to salary
system: performance premium, -step, -element.
Capacity building: enhancement of professional
capacity necessarily gained by change of position.
Country Case Germany I
Civil Servants and Public Employees on all levels and
in all areas of public administration
Until 2008: countrywide uniform regulations; since
2009: regions flexible for salaries and career
Salary scales with 16 grades in 4 groups; steps:
flexible and of varying duration
Positions classified by analytical method
Performance pay to limited extent; team bonus;
flexible procedure
Recruitment for career group linked to education; 1st
grade group, general category: studies in law.
Country Case Germany II
Bi-annual appraisal, annual midterm review.
Catalogue with comprehensive performance criteria in
4 dimensions (see annex 1); 7 grades with quota for 2
best; „potential analysis“ as integrated part (annex 2).
Procedure regulated in detail.
Selection of leading members within general career
development, permeable for „late developers“; no
time limit, but probationary period.
Enhancement of leadership qualification supported by
4-step-training-system including internship in private
Annex 1: Performance Appraisal Criteria
Professional compentece
- Professional knowledge
- Quality and validity of work results
- Quantity of work and delivery in time
- Appropriateness of means
Methods of work
- Planning and organisation, setting of priorities
- Independence, initiative, ideas
- Commitment, ability to cope with pressure
- Expression oral and in writing
Social competence
Conduct concerning communication and information
Co-operation and team-oriented action
Conduct in conflict situations, ability to accept criticism
Management competence
Ability to guide staff, ability to delegate, control and assess
Ability to set objectives amd to motivate for performance
Assessment: A1/A2 = above good average - B1/B2/B3 = good average
C1/C2 = below good average:
The composition varies with regard to functions and duties
Annex 2: Potential Analysis Criteria
Professional competence
- Willingness and ability to learn
Methodical competence
Planning and organisation, setting of priorities
Skills to negotiate
Service orientation,
Representation of the area of responsibility
Competence for conceptual work
Management competence
Competence to guide staff and to enhance qualification
Ability to make decisions and to force through
A = distinct to a particularly high extent
B = highly distinct
The composition varies with regard to functions and duties
Country Case Great Britain I
Bulk of public servants under general labour law. Civil
servants in ministries and affiliated agencies.
Employment regulations are delegated to organs,
framework esp. in Civil Sevice Management Code.
7 salary bands in 4 salary groups, each band includes
8-10 progression steps.= 3% increase.
Positions are classified by organs; „JEGS“ classification system provides guideline.
Salary contains base pay and performance elements;
progression steps are in principle performance related.
Recruitment for position (position based system);
procedure and execution up to organ.
Country Case Great Britain II
No formal strucure of ranks, no planned promotion, but
individual development plans.
Annual appraisal follows Bichard Report principles:
objective agreement, midterm-review, results in
narrative form without marks. Ranking negotiated in
„award pannels/pay committees“.
Senior Civil Service: special regulation by Cabinet
Office; 4 salary bands, fixed quota, high level; performance pay after appraisal decided by SCS Pay
Reservoir for SCS: „Fast Stream“, selected in internal
competitions for good graduates and best performers.
Remarkable Features in EU Civil Services:
Clear distribution of staff categories: in central
government exclusively civil servants.
Salary scales with 18 grades in 6 groups, 10-15 steps
each. Classification of all positions by standardized
method FUWASYS.
No fixed periods for steps, advancement depends fully
on appraisal, carried out annually in formalized
Personal Interview.
High management group Senior Civil Service; access
via competition; temporary assignment to leading
positions 5-7 years, advancement to higher positions
Remarkable Features in EU Civil Services:
Centralized basic regulations for civil servants (80%)
and contractual staff (20%). Salaries are bargained
with trade unions on central and administration level. .
Remuneration consists of
- basic pay (dependend on classified tasks)
- performance pay (up to 30% of total pay).
Personal pay is linked to annual appraisel by calculation method: result of appraisal (calculated of 5
factors and 5 marks) corresponds to performance level
(1-11), which corresponds again to percentage of
basic pay (0-48%), which is the personal pay added.
Finnish National Board of Patens and Registration
Individual pay component – salary table
Performance points
Performance level
% of job-specific pay
< 1.95
1.95 – 2.24
4.8 %
2.25 – 2.54
9.6 %
2.55 – 2.84
14.4 %
2.85 – 3.14
19.2 %
2.85 – 3.14
24 %
3.45 – 3.74
28.8 %
3.75 – 4.04
33.6 %
4.05 – 4.34
38.4 %
4.35 – 4.64
43.2 %
> 4.65
48 %