West Sound STEM Network Working Together to Improve STEM Learning • Increase STEM literacy for all students, including those who do not pursue STEM-related careers or additional study in the STEM disciplines. Expand the STEM-capable workforce and broaden the participation of women and minorities in that workforce. Expand the number of students who ultimately pursue advance degrees and careers in STEM fields and broaden the participation of women and minorities in those fields. National Research Council. (2011). Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Committee on Highly Successful Science Programs for K-12 Science. Education. Board on Science Education and Board on Testing and Assessment, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Corinne Beach K-12 STEM Outreach Coordinator, PSNS Schools are Taking Action West Sound STEM Projects Bremerton School District • West Hills STEM Academy • Mountain View Middle School: Project Lead the Way • Bremerton High School: Transitioning 9th grade Physical Science to STEM; Washington STEM Entrepreneur Investment ($10,000) • Boeing funded STEM in the Preschool West Sound STEM Projects Olympic College • Washington STEM Portfolio Investment to implement STEMfocused model for experiential learning tailored to community college students ($129,000) West Sound STEM Projects North Kitsap School District • Science Matters Department of Defense Education Activity Grant to improve science instruction in all 7 Elementary Schools. ($945,000) West Sound STEM Projects Bainbridge Island School District • Bainbridge Island STEM Initiative- Bainbridge Island Schools Foundation West Sound STEM Projects Central Kitsap School District • Department of Defense Educational Activity Grant: Increasing Math and Science Achievement Through High Quality STEM Teaching & Learning ($2,500,000) Aviation Classroom Experiences Improve Elementary Science West Sound STEM Projects South Kitsap School District • Office of Navy Research South Kitsap AP Environment Science Renewable Energy ($100,000) • STEM programs of study in partnership with Olympic College STEM Education Leadership Institute June 25-29 STEM Takes Flight in Washington July 11-12 Nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing innovation, equity, and excellence in science, technology, engineering , and mathematics (STEM) education in Washington state. Focus Areas • Teaching and Learning • Out of School • Partnerships Partnerships • Leverage collective capacity, experience, and insights of partners to identify needs and create innovative solutions. • Mutually beneficial to all engaged partners. • Shared vision, goals, objectives, and outcomes that are co-developed and committed to by all. • Authentic learning experiences for students and teachers that provide insight into the skills and knowledge required for post-secondary and workforce success in STEM. Opportunity www.oesd.wednet.edu/stem