Overview Powerpoint

Creekside Elementary Science
Amy Hobeika
Science, technology, engineering, & mathematics
Goal of North Carolina Science Olympiad: It’s Elementary
Enrich and enhance the opportunities in STEM education for
elementary school students
Standardized testing in reading and math continues, so does
standardized testing for science.
STEM topics are a large part of what North Carolina deems to be an
integral component of preparing students for success after high school
Science Olympiad Elementary Teams (A)
• Up to 18 Students per Team
• 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
• 1-4 Team Members compete per Event
• Varsity and Junior varsity teams can compete
for each school
North Carolina Science Olympiad
TENATIVE Tournament Schedule
Division A Elementary
Saturday, May 2, 2015
7:45 – 8:25 am
8:30 – 8:55 am
Period 1 (9:00 - 10:10 am)
Opening Ceremony
3,2,1 Blast Off! – walk in
All Charged up
Backyard Biologist
Describe It, Build It
Ecology Expert
STEM Design Challenge (takes 2 periods)
Period 2 (10:20 am - 11:30 am) Chew the Fat
Data Crunchers
First in Flight
STEM Design Challenge (takes 2 periods)
Rock Star
Super Sleuths
Weather Permitting
Period 3 (11:40 am - 12:50 pm) Pasta Tower - walk in
Fast Facts
Planet Protectors
Science Password
Sky Quest
What's the Matter?
1:00 - 1:45 pm
1:45 – 2:15 pm
Closing/Awards Ceremony
19 events in 3
Time periods
Event Examples
3, 2, 1, Blast Off! Prior to the tournament, teams construct two rockets designed to stay aloft for the
greatest amount of time. Rockets are made from 2 liter soda bottles and pressurized with air and water. In
2015, parachutes are allowed and rockets will be launched at 60 psi.
Backyard Biologist Teams will be assessed on their knowledge of living organisms that they may encounter
in their own backyard. In 2015, the focus will be on trees, plants, and birds. Teams will be required to
identify organisms from a provided list and know about the habitat and conditions required for growth of
the organisms and which ones are North Carolina state symbols.
Chew the Fat – Digestive System: Teams will demonstrate knowledge of the human digestive system and
nutrition using diagrams and models. Team members may be required to identify the parts and their basic
functions in this system.
Data Crunchers Teams will demonstrate their understanding of data collected from scientific experiments.
Teams will need to be able to graph data and interpret graphs to make observations about trends in the data
represented. Teams will also need to be able to estimate and measure basic units of length, weight, volume,
and temperature and perform calculations of area, perimeter, volume, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
& division.
Describe It, Build It Teams will be judged on their ability to effectively communicate by having one team
member write a description of how to build a device and having his or her partner re-construct the device
from raw materials.
4. MAXIMUM TIME: 60 min.
5. TEAMS: Must bring writing instruments. Teams may also bring up to 2 commercially produced field guides and/or 2 1inch, 3-ring binders with pages in any form, from any source, contained in page protectors. (This means 2 guides, or 2
binders, or a guide and a binder). Actual plant & leaf samples are allowed in the binders as long as they are in plastic sheet
protectors. No actual bird parts or feathers are allowed in the binders. Teams may also bring up to two hand lenses.
6. EVENT LEADERS: Will provide a hands-on event with all necessary items, objects, materials, questions, and response
sheets for participants to complete stations. Examples include but are not limited to: drawings, scenarios, questions,
leaves, photographs, specimens, and songs.
9. THE COMPETITION: This event will be run in a station format. Teams will rotate through stations that assess any or all of
the following topics:
a. Identification of specimens, by common name, from the Official Specimen List, including which are NC official state
symbols. No more than 50% of the test will be identification of specimens.
b. Plants and trees
i. The structure and function of roots, stems, leaves, seeds, and flower parts.
ii. The distinct stages of the life cycle of seed plants.
iii. The concepts of gravitropism, phototropism, thigmotropism, & hydrotropism.
c. Horticulture
i. Basic properties (texture and capacity to hold water) and components (sand, clay, and humus) of soil
and how these determine the ability of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants.
ii. What is needed to grow a successful garden and harvest food to eat
d. The habitats, eating habits, and life cycles of birds.
10. SCORING: Points will be awarded for the accuracy of responses. Ties will be broken by the accuracy or quality of
responses to pre-selected questions chosen by the event leader.
3, 2, 1 Blast Off!
Station Events
Data Crunchers
Guidebooks allowed for
Some events- use wisely!!!
Only 2-3 minutes allowed
per station
Super Sleuths
Tire Track
• Individual Medals & Team Medals
• Varsity & JV Teams Compete at same time –
Varsity teams only compete against other Varsity; JV against
other JV- medal to both
• Lowest Scores Win (Best Team gets 1 point)
• Every team ranked based on total number of
teams in event
• “Penalized” if we don’t compete in an eventautomatically given highest score +1
No Show= N +1; Disqualification= N+2; Poor Sportsmanship= N+3!!!!
2014 Science Olympiad Elementary Results
****This year 15 Varsity Teams! Expecting 2-5 JV Teams****
• Safety!!!!
• Must have proper eye protection!
• Must have closed toe shoes (gym shoes required
for Fast Facts!)
• Must have long Pants
Poor Sportsmanship!!!
Kids should clean up after themselves/stations, share as needed, support
their team & others
Parent Outbursts!!!
Don’t coach your kid form the sidelines/don’t shout out answers!
No Cell Phones- automatic DQ if phone
Coaches and Volunteers
• One coach per event (but not necessarily per team)
• Plan to meet 2-4 times prior to competition (depends on the
• Responsibilities: Read event manual, coach kids on subject,
make sure all necessarily materials needed for competition
(writing utensils, safety goggles, etc) brought to competition,
attend competition
Coaches and Volunteers
NCSO follows a "Never Alone" policy
(www.sciencenc.com/policy-information/neveralone.php )
This means that volunteers should never be alone with a
student who is not related to them.
NCSO may request permission to run a criminal background
check on any volunteer at any time
Team Expectations
• Students will attend team practices approximately once a month* in January, February, March and
April. Students and coaches are expected to attend all team practices.
• Students may conduct research and practice their events at home and with their teammates outside
of school hours in addition to team practice sessions. A team directory can be provided to facilitate
scheduling extracurricular study sessions.
• Parents/guardians and students will attend the NCSO competition on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at
Southern . Students will be expected to be present during the entire tournament from the opening
ceremony to the closing/awards ceremony.
• Students will participate in 2-3 events. Events will be assigned based on student preference, team
dynamics, and volunteer coaches (parents and . We will try to assign each student to at least one of
his/her first choices and try our best to get a good balance of students in each event. See event
selection form.
• Parent participation will be required for all events that require advance construction (for example:
3,2,1, Blast Off!, Pasta Tower, Trajeggtory).
• There are no fees for participation but some events require safety glasses or goggles which will need
to be brought by the student. Also, students will need to bring lunch*, drinks, and snacks for the day
of competition (and wear a Creekside shirt if possible!).
Parents: By agreeing to be on the team, you agree to support your student during their
participation on the Creekside Science Olympiad Team!
Event Selection Form
Event Name
Student Preferences
Period 1
3,2,1 Blast Off!*
All Charged Up
Backyard Biologist
Describe It, Build It
Ecology Expert
STEM Design Challenge (Takes 2 periods!)
Period 2
Chew the Fat
Data Crunchers
First in Flight
STEM Design Challenge (Takes 2 periods!)
Rock Star
Super Sleuths
Weather Permitting
Period 3
Pasta Tower*
Fast Facts
Planet Protectors
Science Password
Sky Quest
What’s the Matter?
Indicate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th choice events within each time period. For events you do
not want to participate in, please mark with an “X.”
Example of Team Set Up
Period 1
3,2,1 Blast Off!
All Charged Up
C, D
c, d
Backyard Biologist
E, F
e, f
Describe It, Build It
G, H
g, h
Ecology Expert
I, J
i, j
STEM Design Challenge
K, L
k, l
M, N
m, n
Chew the Fat
A, N
a, n
Data Crunchers
B, M
First in Flight
c, b
STEM Design Challenge
K, L
k, l
Rock Star
D, J
d, j
Super Sleuths
E, I
e, i
Weather Permitting
F, G, H
Pasta Tower
B, E
b, e
Fast Facts
G, D
g, d
Planet Protectors
K, M
k, f
Science Password
I, H
i, h
Period 2
Period 3
Sky Quest
What’s the Matter?
• Approx once a month for each event/subject-
some events may not need to meet as often or may meet closer to
the meet
• January “formal” get together at school- let us know
the days of the week & times that work best for kids and coaches
• Is there a preference for monthly formal get
togethers OR for informal (meet at library,
student homes, ect- will look into meeting at
Creekside if needed)
• I will follow up to make sure everyone is meeting
as intended!
Spirit Award
Team Spirit