REGN. NO. 1030 OF 2014 Aim & Object : Helping Society by solving public problems like Corruption, Social Justice, Water, Electricity, Sanitation, Education, Health etc. through online communication by addressing all concerned officials for speedy Redressal. COMPLAINT IS FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT ANY PUBLIC RELATED ISSUES ANY DEPARTMENT OR AUTHOURTY ANY WHERE IN INDIA COMPLAINT FROM YOUR HOME THROUGH ICRF COMPLAINT FORWARED TO CONCERNED AUTHORITY FOLLOWUP WITHIN A TIME FRAME ISSUE SOLVED, OTHERWISE IT WILL FORWARED TO HIGHER AUTHORITY TILL THE PROBLEM IS SOLVE D. What is ICRF ? In a democracy, citizens have the right to time bound delivery of services, to be heard and redress their grievances. A proper redressal mechanism is the key requirement to address the issue in hand. Unfortunately, despite citizen’s charter Bill and official grievance redressal mechanism in India, citizens are still unable to get their services delivered in the required time frame. Designated authorities appointed for the purpose fail to deliver efficiently and effectively to the already ailing public. ICRF shall provide a Grievance handling system that is easily accessible, simple, quick, fair, responsive and effective. Our redressal platform works independent at every administrative level, thereby covering the entire geographic spread of the country. Activities : Conducting public meetings on general awareness programs, road shows, public rallies, Press conference, uploading photos & videos in website with proof of service. “Indian citizens require a powerful platform to voice their problems and peoples participation in governance. If each and every citizen participates in governance and redressal forums, then, very soon India will transform into the most advanced country in the world. P. Suresh, President - P. Suresh, Founder of ICRF Registered Office: Plot No: 97, Defence colony, Sainikpuri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India: 500094. Membership: Become a member of ICRF By making a payment of Rs. 350/- as membership fee and get a cash receipt and photo ID Card. Membership can be renewed after 3 years. How do Radiations from Mobile Phones harm us? You can get Allowance of Rs. 1,000/-per day 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Involve in ICRF activities Enroll members in ICRF by personal contacts Train and educate members about ICRF Full guidance to new members for success Support and spread the ICRF to ground level COME and JOIN WITH US to Build Bright India for Better future…