GROUP 7 THEORIES, MODELS, AND FRAMEWORKS DEFINITIONS Informatics – science that combines: domain science computer science information science cognitive science – multidisciplinary science drawing from various theories and knowledge applications DEFINITIONS Healthcare informatics – integration of: healthcare sciences computer science information science cognitive science to assist in the management of healthcare information – subdiscipline of informatics HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS MEDICAL INFORMATICS DENTAL INFORMATICS NURSING INFORMATICS PHARMACY INFORMATICS DEFINITIONS Nursing Informatics – use of information technologies in relation to any nursing functions and actions of nurses (Hannah, 1985) DEFINITIONS Nursing Informatics – combination of: computer science information science nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and delivery of nursing care (Graves and Corcoran, 1989) DEFINITIONS Nursing Informatics – specialty that integrates: nursing science computer science information science in identifying, collecting, processing, and managing data and information to support nursing practice, administration, education, research and the expansion of nursing knowledge (ANA, 1994) NURSING INFORMATICS AS A SPECIALTY In early 1992, the ANA (American Nursing Association) established nursing informatics with a distinct specialty in nursing w/ a distinct body of knowledge. The scope of nursing informatics practice includes activities such as developing and evaluating applications, tools, processes and strategies that assist RNs in managing data to support decision-making. NURSING INFORMATICS AS A SPECIALTY The core phenomena of nursing are: the nurse the patient health environment NI is interested in these core phenomena, aside from data, knowledge, information, information structures and technologies. MODELS FOR NURSING INFORMATICS Graves and Corcoran – placed data, information, and knowledge in sequential boxes Patricia Schwirian – provided a framework for identifying significant information needs, which in turn can foster research Turley – the core components of informatics (cognitive science, information science and computer science) are depicted as intersecting circles DATA MANAGEMENT GRAVES & CORCORAN’S MODEL INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE GOAL USERS TECHNOLOGY RAW MATERIALS SCHWIRIAN’S MODEL TURNER’S MODEL INFORMATION SCIENCE COGNITIVE SCIENCE COMPUTER SCIENCE NURSING SCIENCE COMPLEXITY DATA, INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE INFORMATION DATA HUMAN INTELLECT DATA, INFORMATION, AND KNOWLEDGE Data – discrete entities that are described objectively w/out interpretation – include some value assigned to a variable Information – reflects interpretation, organization or structuring of data – result of processing of data (which occurs when raw facts are transformed through the application of context to give meaning) DATA, INFORMATION, AND KNOWLEDGE Knowledge – emerges from the transformation of information – information synthesized so that relationships are identified and formalized The processing of information doesn’t always result in the development of knowledge. Further, knowledge is necessary to the processing of data and information. Knowledge itself may be processed to generate decisions and new knowledge. ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD This is any information related to the past, present, and future physical/mental health, or condition of an individual. It resides in electronic systems used to capture, transmit, receive, store, retrieve, link, and manipulate multimedia data for the primary purpose of providing healthcare and health-related services. (ASTM) ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD – encompasses the entire scope of health information in all media forms – primary source for information about a client; the place where client information is recorded or documented TERMINOLOGY DEFINITION ANA RECOGNITION NANDA-I conceptual system that guides classifications of nursing diagnoses 1992 Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) contains 514 nursing interventions 1992 Clinical Care Classification (CCC) research-based nomenclature designed to standardize terminologies for documenting care in all settings 1992 Omaha System includes assessment, intervention and outcome components 1992 Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) has 330 research-based outcomes to provide standardization of expected outcomes 1997 TERMINOLOGY DEFINITION ANA RECOGNITION Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) includes terms to describe the context and environment of nursing practice 1998 Patient Care Data Set (PCDS) includes codes for patient problems, therapeutic goals and patient care orders Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) provides a universal language for perioperative nursing practice and education and a framework to standardize documentation 1998 1999 SNOMED CT a core clinical terminology containing over 357,000 healthcare concepts w/ unique meanings and formal logic-based definitions 1999, 2003 TERMINOLOGY DEFINITION ANA RECOGNITION Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) contains 16 data elements divided into patient, service, and nursing care elements 1999 International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) combinatorial terminology for nursing practice including nursing diagnosis, actions and outcomes 2000 ABC Codes provide a mechanism for coding integrative health interventions 2000 Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) database for standardized laboratory terms 2002