How to Write the Introduction to an Argument Essay

How to Write
the Introduction
for an Argument
Take Notes!
1. Lead – Grab your reader’s attention.
2. Introduce the situation or context of the prompt.
3. Use a two part thesis statement.
4. Reveal your universal idea/theme.
Two-Part Thesis
Formula: Although [critics/scientists/experts] may say
… (insert counter argument), in reality … (insert your
*You must acknowledge/mention your counter
argument (the side or position you don’t agree with)
in your thesis.
*Your introduction and thesis must be written in
third person.
Argument Essay Writing Prompt:
Should people receive a reward for charity?
Two-Part Thesis Statement:
Although some people expect a reward for their
charitable acts, one should do benevolent things for others
out of the kindness of their hearts, and the reward should be
a clean conscience, not an incentive.
Brainstorm Evidence
For My Position
Against My Position
This side will contain your main
points/examples (body paragraphs)
in your essay.
You will need one
example/piece of evidence
for your counter argument.
Big 7
1. Pop Culture
2. History
3. Current Events
4. Literature Arts
5. Sports
6. Science/Technology
7. Personal Experience
Argument Prompt
Support, refute, or qualify the following assertion:
“Adversity has the ability to elicit talents which in prosperous
circumstances would have lain dormant.”
1. Paraphrase the prompt.
2. What is the universal idea or theme?
3. What is the author’s position?
4. Do you agree or disagree with this assertion?
1. Find a group of three or four.
2. Make a T-chart.
3. Brainstorm evidence from the Big 7 Brainstorming
Categories to support and refute this prompt.
“Adversity has the ability to elicit talents which in prosperous
circumstances would have lain dormant.”
- Horace
Small Groups
Write an introduction as a group:
*Thesis Statement
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An inspirational writer for Reader’s Digest, William
Arthur Ward, says, “Adversity causes some men to break;
others to break records.” Horace also asserts that trials and
opposition build character and reveal strengths in people
that they did not know they possessed. Although some
psychologists may claim that adversity harms people’s self
esteem and prevents them from developing into welladjusted people, examples from history, literature, and
personal experience reveal that adversity helps people
discover and develop hidden talents that otherwise may not
have been noticed or realized.