Gattaca Text Essay Question Focus



Text ResponseTopic Types


What the topic is asking you to write about.

Text response essays have to:

• Demonstrate a close and perceptive reading of the text, exploring complexities of its concepts and construction.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the implications of the topic, using an appropriate strategy for dealing with it, and exploring its complexity from the basis of the text.

• Develop a cogent, controlled and wellsubstantiated discussion using precise and expressive language. VCAA English Expected Qualities

You need to:

Know the text

Respond to the topic

Write a structured essay

Responding to the topic

“The area that requires the most work is the understanding, deconstruction and organisation of responses in relation to the set topics.”

2012 VCAA English Assessment Report

“There is still a problem with students fully engaging with the elements of the topics …”

2013 VCAA English Assessment Report

Text SAC Assessment Criteria

Criterion 1: Knowledge and control of the chosen content (34 marks)

Criterion 2: Coherence and effectiveness of the structure and organization of the writing (8 marks)

Criterion 3: Control of the conventions of the

English language (8 marks)

Topic instruction

Discuss (24)

Direct question (11)

Do you agree (5)

Note: the number in brackets refers to the number of those instructions on the 2012 exam

Types/Focus of topics

 the ideas, characters and themes constructed by the author/director and presented in the selected text

 the way the author/director uses structures, features and conventions to construct meaning

 the ways in which authors/directors express or imply a point of view and values

 the ways in which readers’ interpretations of text differ and why

2013 VCAA English Assessment Report

Focus of topic

“… many [topics] have more than one strand.”

“Students must ensure they are exploring all of the elements presented in the topic.”

“Students who demonstrate an understanding of how construction, structures and features of the text in adding meaning were rewarded.”

2012 VCAA English Assessment Report


Topic sounds like:

Character name/s



To what extent is Vincent/Jerome driven by a desire to beat the system in Gattaca?

Vincent Freeman/Jerome

Irene Cassini

Jerome Eugene Morrow

Anton Freeman


 Genetic Engineering & Ethics

 Discrimination

 Determinism vs Free Will

 Triumph of the Human Spirit

 Eugenics

 Future worlds


Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

Genetic Engineering


The doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes regarded as external to the will.



Free will

The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.




The science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.

How author/director uses structures, features and conventions to construct meaning

Topic sounds like:

Author/director’s name

Type of text [poetry, play, film, fiction, nonfiction, music lyrics, multimodal]


Andrew Niccol has made a film that is both a cautionary tale and a celebration of the human spirit. Discuss

Film – structures, features, conventions

Camera – angles, position



Mise en scene – everything in the frame

Editing: cross cutting, juxtapositioning

Voice over

Flash backs

Genre: Science Fiction, Film Noir, Thriller, Romance

Author/Director Point of View and


Topic sounds like:

Author/Director name

The word ‘suggests’

The words ‘demonstrates’ or ‘shows’


Andrew Niccols film Gattaca demonstrates the

‘triumph of the human spirit’. Discuss

Andrew Niccol quotes

• In bringing to life his vision of a future society obsessed with human perfection, Andrew

Niccol brought a number of disciplines into his screenplay, from eugenics to forensic science to social engineering. Niccol says an interest in these areas is "hard to avoid at the moment.

You can't pick up a newspaper without seeing something."

Andrew Niccol Quotes

But he also feels this is not just a science-driven narrative: "It's still an old-fashioned story in a sense, of the triumph of the human spirit.

Although it has these modern trappings, it's still a man who beats the odds. They just happen to be genetic odds. That aspect

interested me as much as the science."

The way readers’ interpretations differ and why

Topic sounds like:

The word ‘reader/viewer

The word ‘we’


Despite the fact Vincent breaks the rules of his society we are with him all the way. Discuss

Reader/Viewer interpretation

How do you respond to and interrupt the film Gattaca?

 Do you like/feel for the characters?

 Favourite scenes? Best quotes?

 Does it make you worry about how we use science?

 Eugene’s suicide???

 Do you cheer for Vincent and the human spirit?

Sum Up

Know what the topic is asking you to do

 Instruction

 Topic type/focus

 Key words/terms [use these and/or synonyms to ensure you stick to the topic]

Ensure your text response:

 Demonstrates your knowledge/understanding

 Responds to the topic

 Is a coherent and structured essay
