The Universe Sixth Grade Unit 2 Week 1 Tyanna Bischoff, Hawthorne Words to Know astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles collide to strike violently together astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles astronomers Experts in the science that deals with the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and galaxies astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles collapse to cave in astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles galaxy A group of billions of stars forming one system astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles compact firmly packed together astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles particles Extremely small units of matter Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The dust particles grew closer together. collections units Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Earth and Saturn are in the same galaxy. system planet Which means the same thing as the underlined word? It is possible for stars to collapse into a black hole. fall cave in Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Astronomers gaze into space and look for answers. doctors scientists Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My mom bought a new compact car last night. large small You’ve got it!