Welcome to the ELA Smarter Balanced Research and Speaking and Listening Claims November 20, 2014 West Virginia Department of Education Office of Assessment and Research While you wait for the webinar to begin, please be sure to turn on your speakers. You can try this link if your speakers aren’t working. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Set-up-andtest-Lync-audio-f4336d14-50ef-45a8-91df1074121a0033 ELA Smarter Balanced Research and Speaking and Listening Claims Welcome Stacey Murrell, Ed. D. Interim Assessments Coordinator Office of Assessment and Research Smarter Balanced ELA Claims ELA: Targets by Grade Level for each Claim Agenda • • • • • • • Claim 4 Research Claim 4 Targets/Content Standards Claim 4 Sample Items Claim 3 Speaking and Listening Claim 3 Targets/Content Standards Claim 3 Sample Items Question and Answer Session Claim 4 • Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information. Shift in Assessment Relative to Claim 4 • Increased emphasis on writing informative/explanatory texts and arguments • Emphasis on using multiple texts when researching • Emphasis on source-based writing • Using sources to research and write about topics • Evaluation and analysis of sources • Inclusion of multiple types of sources Claim 4 Stimuli • Most Claim 4 stimuli should appear to be excerpts from research sources of various academic disciplines • Examples such as: – Journal articles – Informational books/websites – Scientific sources – Paired excerpts on the same topic – Primary and secondary sources Claim 4 Assessment Targets • Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information. – – – – Target 1: Target 2: Target 3: Target 4: Plan/Research [Not assessed on summative] Interpret/Integrate/Analyze Information Analyze/Evaluate Information/Sources Use Evidence Target 2: Interpret/Integrate/Analyze Information • Focus on analyzing information within and among research sources • At the elementary level, the student chooses information that can be categorized into central ideas, key details, or subtopics of a report. OR, the student chooses information for a given purpose • At the middle and high school levels, students are analyzing information for research purposes, paraphrasing, and identifying instances of plagiarism. Grade 3 Standards Grade 5 Standards Claim 4 Target 2 Elementary Claim 4 Target 2 Analyze/Integrate Middle Grades Grade 6 Standards Claim 4 Target 2 Analyze/Integrate Middle Grades Grade 7 Standards Claim 4 Target 2 Analyze/Integrate Middle Grades Grade 8 Standards Grade 9-11 Standards Claim 4 Target 2 Analyze/ Integrate High Grades Target 3: Analyze (Grades 3-5) Information/Sources Evaluate (Grades 6-11) Information/Sources • Focus on finding relevant sources of information • For 3-5, focus is on analyzing sources in order to locate additional information • For 6-11, focus is evaluation of sources for accuracy and credibility Grade 3 Standards Grade 5 Standards Claim 4 Target 3 Elementary Analyze (Grades 3-5) Information/Sources Claim 4 Target 3 Middle Grades Evaluate (Grades 6-8) Information/Sources Grade 6 Standards Grade 7 Standards Grade 8 Standards Claim 4 Target 3 High Grades Evaluate (Grades 9-11) Information/Sources Grade 9-11 Standards Target 4: Use Evidence • Focus on using information to support opinions/conjectures/arguments/critiques/ analyses, depending on the grade • Requires the use of evidence- all items focus on selecting evidence to support research Claim 4 Target 4 Use Evidence Grade 3 Standards Grade 5 Standards Grade 6 Standards Claim 4 Target 3 Middle Grades Use Evidence Claim 4 Target 3 Middle Grades Use Evidence Grade 7 Standards Claim 4 Target 3 Middle Grades Use Evidence Grade 8 Standards Claim 4 Target 3 High Grades Use Evidence Grade 9-11 Standards Claim 3 • Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Shift in Assessment Relative to Claim 3 • Increased emphasis on speaking and listening skills • Emphasis on determining main ideas and details from an audio stimuli • Emphasis on use of ability to use evidence from an audio stimuli • Using audio to interpret and use information • Evaluation and analysis of audio sources • Inclusion of informational audio sources Claim 3 Stimuli • Claim 3 stimuli are 1 minute audio presentations used to measure listening • Types – GR3-5: biographies, autobiographies, history, social studies, science, the arts, technical texts – GR6-11: exposition, argument, personal essays, speeches, opinion pieces, the arts, literature, memoirs, journalism, historical texts, scientific, technical, economic • Students can pause, rewind, and replay Claim 3 Assessment Targets • Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences – Target 1: Language and Vocabulary Use [Not assessed on summative] – Target 2: Clarify Message [Not assessed on summative] – Target 3: Plan/Speak/ Present [Not assessed on summative] – Target 4: Listen/ Interpret Target 4: Listen/Interpret • Focus on analyzing and interpreting information within an audio presentation • At the elementary level, the student identifies purpose, central idea, or key points. OR, the student identifies use of supporting evidence. • At the middle and high school levels, – students are identifying, interpreting, or analyzing the point of view, purpose, central idea, or key points. – OR, the students are analyzing how information is presented and/or the effects of the delivery. – OR, the students are analyzing the sufficiency of evidence within the audio – OR, the students are drawing and supporting a conclusion based on the content Claim 3 Target 4 Listen/Interpret Elementary Grade 3 Standards Grade 4 Standards Grade 5 Standards Claim 3 Target 4 Listen/Interpret Middle Grades Grade 6 Standards Grade 7 Standards Grade 8 Standards Claim 3 Target 4 Listen/Interpret High Grades Grade 9-11 Standards Practicing Claim 3 and 4 Items WVDE Interim Resources on http://tinyurl.com/wvnxg-interims • Grade 3: 20 Claim 4 questions • Grade 4: 20 Claim 4 questions • Grade 5-11: 10 Claim 4 questions (should be available end of November. I am reviewing them before posting.) • Grade 3-11: 10 Claim 3 questions (should be available mid-December. I am working on audio stimuli for questions.) Smarter Balanced Practice Test (Includes Claim 3 and 4) and Answer Keys • • • • • • • • Grade 3 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 4 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 5 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 6 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 7 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 8 ELA/Braille [PDF] Grade 11 ELA/Braille [PDF] http://sbac.portal.airast.org/practicetest/resources/#manuals Write your own using Smarter Balanced Item Specifications • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balancedassessments/ • English Language Arts/Literacy Item Specification • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 3-5 (ZIP) (Update 2/4/14) • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 6-8 (ZIP) (Update 2/4/14) • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 9-11 (ZIP) (Updated 2/4/14) Questions and Answers When should we begin practicing with students? • Your teachers and principals would want to decide the plan for practicing. • Two considerations: Practice as a classroom activity (using SmartBoard, etc.) and Practice in a computer lab • Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests • WVDE Interim Resources on http://tinyurl.com/wvnxg-interims Will performance tasks be computer adaptive? • Performance tasks have to be hand scored, so they are not computer adaptive. Computer adaptive items are ones that can be automatically scored. Where can we locate question stems? • http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balanced-assessments/ • English Language Arts/Literacy Item Specification • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 3-5 (ZIP) (Update 2/4/14) • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 6-8 (ZIP) (Update 2/4/14) • ELA CAT Item Specs Grades 9-11 (ZIP) (Updated 2/4/14) • • • • • • • Performance Tasks ELA PT Item Specs Opinion Grades 3-5 (ZIP) (5/20/14) ELA PT Item Specs Narrative Grades 3-5 (ZIP) (5/20/14) ELA PT Item Specs Informative Grades 3-5 (ZIP) (5/20/14) ELA PT Item Specs Narrative Grades 6-8 (ZIP) (10/27/14) ELA PT Item Specs Explanatory Grades 6-8,11 (ZIP) (5/20/14) ELA PT Item Specs Argumentative Grades 6-8,11 (ZIP) (5/20/14) Will we be involved with grading writing? • Teachers will grade their students performance tasks in the Interim Assessments website; however, the testing vendor will hire hand scorers for the summative test. What are two or three websites to use for basic information or classroom resources? • http://sbac.portal.airast.org/practicetest/resources/ • Digital Library: email Dr. Vaughn Rhudy, vlrhudy@k12.wv.us Agenda • • • • • • • Claim 4 Research Claim 4 Targets/Content Standards Claim 4 Sample Items Claim 3 Speaking and Listening Claim 3 Targets/Content Standards Claim 3 Sample Items Question and Answer Session Questions? • Survey on this training session • Go here: • https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QXVB3W3