Michael Smith & Thomas Johnson School Location 1250 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit, MI, 48216 (313) 965-6916 Enrolling 7-11 grades POLICIES All students are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance while at school. DPSA has a school uniform A DPSA school shirt can be purchased from the school Navy or khaki slacks, solid red, blue, white or black under-shirt Under shirts are allowed under your school uniform $15 per shirt Attendance Monday-Thursday 8:00AM– 3:20 PM Fridays 8:00AM-2:20PM ClassES US History English 9 English 10 Chemistry Biology Forensic Science Civic/Economics Algebra 1 Geometry Current Events Character Education Collaborative Education STAFF Amanda DeGain (algebra, geometry, current events teacher) Amanda Silic (biology, chemistry teacher) Trena Braswell ( instructional coach) Cellette Murray (office Manager) Ronald Booth (athletic director) Melissa Shenk (history teacher) EDUCATION The Detroit Public Safety Academy will offer a unique curriculum that is different from other educational models. DPSA uses the Common Core State Standards, the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and the seven pillars of character education. Students in grades 7 - 11 will choose from a variety of elective classes including Constitutional Law, Criminal Justice, Legal Writing, Law and Literature, and Forensic Science. The framework for DPSA not only ensures college and career readiness but offers a cutting edge advantage in a career in law enforcement, fire protection and technology industry. DpSa at work Sports Basketball Volleyball Cheer Track GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM hhhh BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM SCHOOL FIELD TRIP Come to DPSA a place of safety, educating & training students who are interested in police & firefighter technology, specifically addressing under-represented populations in these careers. COME TO DPSA!!!!!!! EAGLES NATION FMOT@EAGLES_DPSA Meet Our School Leader of DPSA Isaiah Pettway He has major roles as a leader He is a pastor of his own church, mentor and a school leader. He is very good at interacting with the students and building a relationship with them.