The Ideal Knight e.htm Strictly abides to the Chivalric Code While most knights claimed to, they, however, did not The Greedy Miller and the Idea of Love Versus Lust Fabliau: a humorous, bawdy, tale often involving sex Can be seen as a criticism on the Romance tale The Miller: Responsible for grains A less civilized tradesman Offensive and drunk Fabliau vs. Romance f The Caregiver – The Prioress Altruistic Desire to care for, protect, and help others Compassionate, Selfless, and Nurturing As a Nun Modest, Conservative, and Giving Neat, Nonsexual, and Dedicated to God cter_Archetypes.pdf Scroll to The Caregiver The Sage – Nun’s Priest Seeks truth and fears deception Hopes to see us as ourselves As a priest Celibate etypes.pdf Scroll to The Sage Bestiary: Providing a story of animals with human characteristics (anthropomorphism) What is the criticism of humans then? The Lover – Wife of Bath Lustful, Intimate, and Passionate Seeks pleasure ypes.pdf Remember: Medieval marriages based on political arrangements, not love Wives seen as property, belonging to husband Work involved primarily domestic duties Typically not versed in Argumentation The False-Seeming Pardoner Is a Trickster and uses his knowledge and education to prey off the poor and holy Extremely psychological Irony of a moral tale being told by an immoral individual