Regents Exam Training 101

Regents Exam Training 101
A guide to proctoring and scoring
Regents exams
• Before continuing, please be sure to have a
copy of the Directions for Administering
Regents Examinations: January Administration
in front of you.
• Preparing the testing room:
– Clear all desks and tables of books, papers, and
other materials.
– Make arrangements in advance to seat the
students so that there will be no opportunity for
any unobserved communication between
• Materials:
– Inform students before each examination that they
are expected to provide their own pens, pencils,
erasers, and rulers.
– Seals on the examination materials must be broken by
the Director of Academics or Vice Commandant. All
non-secure materials can be distributed before
students arrive to the testing room.
– Maritime will provide ruled answer paper, scrap
paper, and graph paper, as well as calculators.
– Additional pens and pencils should be available for
students in need.
• Use of Calculators:
– Science Regents Exams: For Science Regents
Exams, all students must have a scientific
calculator. The lead proctor will provide them to
each student.
– Math Regents Exams: Students taking the
Integrated Algebra and Geometry exams must
have a graphing calculator. Again, the lead proctor
will provide them to each student.
• Time Regulations:
– Morning exams will commence at 8:00 AM, while
afternoon exams will begin at 12:15.
– No students are allowed to turn in their materials
and/or leave the examination site prior to Uniform
Statewide Admission Deadlines of 10:00 AM for
morning exams or 2:15 PM for afternoon exams.
– All students who arrive before the Uniform
Statewide Admission Deadlines must be admitted
into the examination room.
• Time Regulations:
– Students should be allowed into the examination
area 15 minutes prior to the start of exams.
– Proctors should arrive to the exam no less than 20
minutes before the start of the exam:
• 7:40 AM for morning exams
• 11:55 AM for afternoon exams
• Supervision of Students:
– Identification of Students: Proctors must keep
accurate records of the students who take each
examination so that it will be possible to confirm the
presence or absence of a student for each
– Checking for Unauthorized Materials: Proctors should
provide close supervision of students who are taking
Regents Examinations. All unauthorized materials
should be removed from the examination area.
• Supervision of Students:
– Obtaining Information from or Giving Information
to Other Students:
• Do not permit students to obtain information from or
give information to other students in any way during
the examination.
• If you suspect that such an attempt has occurred, warn
the students that any further attempts will result in the
termination of their exams.
• If necessary, move the students to another location.
• Supervision of Students:
– Obtaining Information from or Giving Information to
Other Students:
• If these steps fail to end attempts to obtain or gain
information, notify the Director of Academics or the Vice
Commandant immediately and terminate the students’
• At the conclusion of the examination, all suspected acts of
fraud must be reported to the Director of Academics or Vice
• No score may be earned by a student who has attempted to
obtain aid from or give aid to another student or has
otherwise committed fraud during the examination.
• Supervision of Students:
– Student Use of Communication Devices:
• At the beginning of each examination, proctors must
read the statement included in the Directions for
Administering Regents Examination, located on page 6.
• All devices surrendered by students must be kept at the
front of the testing room. Each device should be
labeled with the student’s name.
• Supervision of Students:
– Student Use of Communication Devices:
• Any student observed to be using any communication device
while taking State Examination must be directed to turn it
off and place it at the front of the testing room immediately.
• In order to allow for all possible outcomes of procedural due
process, the student should be allowed to complete the
examination. The incident must be reported promptly to the
Director of Academics or Vice Commandant.
• If it is determined that the student was using the
communications device during the exam, the student’s test
must be invalidated. This will be determined by the Director
of Academics or the Vice Commandant.
• Supervision of Students:
– Aid to Students:
• No one, under any circumstances, may interpret or
explain examination questions to students, nor may
anyone review or comment on the answer paper of a
student while an examination is in progress.
• In response to inquiries by students concerning the
meaning or interpretation of questions, proctors should
advise students to use their best judgment.
• Supervision of Students:
– Temporary Absence for Examination Room:
• Do not permit any student to leave the examination
room during the first hour of the examination.
• After the first hour, proctors must accompany students
to the bathroom. Only one student is permitted to
leave the examination room at a time.
• Any examination paper that is removed from the
examination room must be invalidated.
• Supervision of Students:
– Emergency Evacuation of the School:
• In the event that the school must be evacuated, please
direct all students to remain silent. Proctors will then
escort students out of the building and remain with
them until further instructions are given.
• Supervision of Students:
– Check In of Student Answer Papers:
• When a student has completed a Regents Examination,
all the student’s answer material (both used and
unused, including scrap paper) must be collected and
checked in by logging the material into a list of
examinees. This should be done before the student is
permitted to leave the testing room. The list will be
provided by the Director of Administration prior to the
• Supervision of Students:
– Preserving Integrity of Students’ Responses:
• No one, under any circumstances, including the
student, may alter the responses on the test once the
student has handed in his or her test materials.
• Supervision of Students:
– Student Declaration:
• Each student taking a Regents Examination is required
to sign the declaration located on the examination
answer sheet at the completion of the exam.
• When checking over the answer sheet, proctors must
confirm that the declaration has been signed. This
must be done in pen! Students must sign before
leaving the testing room.
• Directions to Students:
– Please be sure to read aloud the “Directions to
Students” located on page 8 in the Directions for
Administering Regents Examination before the
beginning of each examination. Allow students to ask
questions regarding these directions prior to
beginning the examination.
– General Ed. students are given 3 hours to complete
their examination. The beginning time is noted by the
lead proctor on the log sheet for the exam.
• Directions for Specific Examinations:
– Please make sure you read the specific directions
for the examinations you will be proctoring prior
to arrival to that exam. These directions are
located in the Directions for Administering Regents
Examination booklet beginning on page 8.
• Fraud:
– Please be sure to read the section on fraud located on
page 7 in the Directions for Administering Regents
– Any questions or concerns regarding fraud should be
directed to the Director of Academics or the Vice
Commandant prior to proctoring the examination.
– All suspicions of fraud should be reported to the
Director of Academics or the Vice Commandant
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• General information:
– At least 2 teachers must rate the answer papers
for all Regents Examinations, with the exception of
the Integrated Algebra and Geometry Exams,
which will require 3 raters.
– Raters must also follow the procedures described
in the appropriate Information Booklet. These
booklets have been provided to the Head of each
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Rating Procedures:
– At the end of the testing period, the completed
exams and all associated materials must be
submitted to the Director of Academics for
storage. If the Director is not available, the
materials are to be given to the Vice
Commandant. A “Chain of Custody” form will be
used to track exams.
– The Director of Academics will deliver the
completed exams to the designated rating site
when all raters are ready to begin scoring.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Rating Procedures:
– Do not leave exams unattended. In the event that
scorers are leaving the rating site, please return all
materials to the Director of Academics.
– Raters must use red pen or red pencil. When
scoring student responses to multiple-choice
questions, teachers should mark distinctly all
incorrect and omitted answers. The teachers
rating each page must write their initials clearly on
the paper.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Rating Procedures:
– Teachers must rate strictly according to the key
provided by the Department Head.
– Raters may allow credit for other answers to openended questions only if those answers are clearly
equivalent to the answer key.
– A teacher may not give credit for answers that the
teacher considers merely “possible” or “reasonable”.
– For students with disabilities must be scored
according to the same standards used to score answer
papers for all students, unless indicated by their IEP or
504 plan.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Rating Procedures:
– Teachers must be thoroughly familiar with the
rating instructions for each examination.
– For all Regents Examinations in foreign languages,
in mathematics, or in the sciences, all student
answer papers that receive a scaled score 60
through 64 or 50 through 54 must be scored a
second time. No teacher is permitted to rescore
any open-ended questions during this secondscoring event.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Recording Procedures:
– Upon completion of grading, raters will make sure
that every cadet eligible to take the examination
has a graded answer sheet. Graders will complete
a speadsheet of cadets with their exam grade.
Students who did not take the exam will be logged
with an NG for their grade.
– Department heads will check the spreadsheet and
the graded exams to make sure the grades are
accurately recorded.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Recording Procedures:
– Department heads will return all materials,
including the student grades spreadsheet to the
Director of Academics. The Director will then
forward the exam results to the Guidance
Counselor for entering into Eschool.
Scoring (Rating) Regents Examinations
• Passing Scores:
– The minimum passing score on a Regents
Examination taken to satisfy the testing
requirements for a Regents diploma is 65.