Japan - International Disability Alliance

CRPD Compliance Efforts before
Ratification- Case of Japan
Nagase Osamu 長瀬修
Institute on Disability &
Civil Society Forum
11 September 2012
U.N. Headquarters
Why did disability rights movement in
Japan block the ratification?
 March 2009 When the government in power then
tried to send the CRPD for parliament for ratification,
Japan Disability Forum (JDF) successfully lobbied
against it.
 JDF was for the implementation of the CRPD and
against the ratification of the CRPD without serious
and effective harmonization efforts.
 Ratification has been done only when major
harmonization is in place, eg. CEDAW
Time line
 September 2007 Signature by Japan
 March 2009 Governmental Attempt for Ratification
 August 2009 Election of House of Representatives
 September 2009 New Government, whose manifesto
included CRPD harmonization, took power
Time line
 January 2010 Committee for Disability Policy Reform,
Cabinet Office, whose majority were from disability
community, started, meeting more than 20 times in
June 2010 Cabinet Decision
Road map for ratification
 First Step: 2011 Major Revision of Fundamental Law for
Persons with Disabilities
 Social model definition of persons with disabilities
 Limitation in daily and social life caused by impairment and
social barriers
Lack of reasonable accommodation as discrimination
Inclusive education
Sign language as language
International Cooperation
June 2010 Cabinet Decision
Road map for ratification
 Second Step: 2012 New Services Legislation
 Inclusion of chronic sickness as disbility
 Home visit care for persons with intellectual and
psychosocial disabilities
 Support for decision-making
June 2010 Cabinet Decision
Road map for ratification
 Third and final step: 2013 Enactment of an
independent law to prohibit disability discrimination,
covering reasonable accommodation and remedies.
 Political instability - House of Representatives (Lower
House) controlled by the parties in power while the
House of Councillors (Upper House) controlled by the
Implementation of the CRPD remains
a big challenge before and after
 Wish those us in Japan the best of luck so that we can
promote the implementation of the CRPD and join
States Parties soon, please!