Both Tracks

Welcome to
League for Innovation
Ernst Roberts, Ph.D., President, EPCC
Linda Brown, Ph.D., Speech Professor
Leadership EPCC
EPCC Leadership Development Academy
March 2012
Leadership Development Coordinator
◦ Shirley Gilbert, Special Assistant to the President
Administrative Liaison
◦ Dr. Ernst Roberts, Executive Assistant to the
Leadership Development Committee
◦ Administrators, Faculty, and Staff
◦ All Campuses
◦ Mixed Educational Backgrounds & Experiences
One-year program
Open to all Faculty, Classified &
Professional Staff
Supervisor’s Support Statement
30 employees; 1-35 years longevity
One-year program
Open to faculty & staff in leadership
positions: Coordinators, Managers,
Directors, VPs
Supervisor’s Support Statement
30 employees; 1-35 years longevity
Monthly Workshops – 4 hours
Border Learning Conference – 2 days
Retreat – 2 days
Immediate Evaluations on Index Cards
Reflective Evaluations Online
Individual Learning & Action Plans
Team Application Projects
Insights Personality Assessment
Effective Communication
Successful Elements of Change
Workplace Ethical Challenges
Maxwell: Developing the Leader Within
Lessons Learned: Creative Projects
Insights Personality Assessment
Developing Others Through Coaching
Communicating for Results
Conflict Resolution
Good to Great Leadership
Servant Leadership
Developing a Positive Attitude
John Maxwell: Gold, Winning with People
Leadership Panel
Border Learning Conference
A continuing, dynamic conference dealing with
education issues on the border.
Started and conducted by EPCC and DACC
Appreciative Inquiry
Changes perspective - from problems to
Accentuates the successes of the past
Evokes images of possible futures
Encourages ongoing inquiry
Generates new levels of activity
Promotes collaborative transformation
Retreat at Inn of the Mountain Gods
 Workshops
 Team Building Activities: Low Ropes
 Leadership by Example Activities
 Featured Activity: Painting with Peña
All Alumni invited to attend annual meeting
with an invited guest speaker
--Visitors from other colleges
--Inservice speakers
Walking in Another’s Shoes
 Visiting other College departments
 Receiving orientations
 Taking tours
 Expanding their knowledge of the
Recognizing and Appreciating Others
Luncheon & Presentation of Projects
Awarding of Certificates
EPCC Family Night
Shooting Star Appreciation Program
Student/Parent Day
EPCC View Book
Student Ambassadors
Staff Development Day
Laptop Checkout
Senorita Success Icon for Website
Reading Program for Middle School
Math Tutoring Night for Middle School
EPCC Helping Hands Volunteer Program
Community Service Agencies Database
EPCC Website as Volunteer Clearing House
Gains from the Content
 Understanding own strengths and weaknesses
 Skills that make successful leaders
 Appreciation of diverse roles, unique expertise,
and talents of participants
 Opportunities to meet national, state, and local
leaders and see “leadership at work”
 Opportunities for self-reflection
Time to connect, apply, and practice skills
What core values and strengths do I have that
connect with the College’s mission?
How do I use these core values and strengths to
impact my productivity and the productivity of
As a result of the Leadership Academy, am I doing
something different now to make effective
contributions to the College?
“Even though I have been in an administrative position
for 25 years at EPCC, I learned new things about
leadership at this academy that I am now
practicing. The Academy provided me with a
wonderful learning experience which has given me
new insight about effective leadership.”
Bobby Ortega
Instructional Dean
“The Academy has helped me in many areas of my
life. I feel more confident in the way I interact with
students, colleagues and administrators. I am amazed
at how what I have learned through the sessions (ways
of speaking to people, conflict resolution, sharing) has
actually remained in my memory! I am more aware
of myself and have learned to listen instead of
Sandra Padilla
Reading Faculty
“My experience with the Leadership Academy was
very fulfilling. Each workshop was very well
presented. Thanks to the variety of workshops I was
able to learn so much more in just one year. I also
found that thanks to the presentation of the material I
was able to grasp the entire information and in turn
share my learning with my co-workers.”
Olga Rader
Campus Coordinator
Testing Services
Over 400 Graduates – 2005 through 2011
Outstanding monthly evaluations
Participants invited to help set up and attend annual
College Arts Auction
Painted Palettes on Parade – raised over $21,000 for
endowed scholarship in the name of Maria Peña,
Amado’s mother
Some Academy graduates
Meets at least monthly
Selects participants
Recommends speakers
Helps facilitate workshops
Analyzes evaluations
Recommends curriculum
Designs next year’s Academy
Phil Neal’s Dissertation
“Cornerstones of Effective Practice:
A case study of the El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy”
“I believe that the Academy is here to help EPCC. Now is
the time to work from inside out. This is what the Academy
is all about. To better EPCC we need to better ourselves
first and we need to find any training available to
accomplish it.”
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Building a Culture of Leadership”
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Building a Culture of Leadership”
Ernst Roberts, Ph.D., President
Linda Brown, Ph.D., Coordinator
League for Innovation
March 2012
Three day site visit
Interviews & Surveys –50 employees
◦ Twenty-first Century Enterprise Questionnaire
◦ Fifteen Leadership Competency Survey
“There is strong agreement that both faculty
and staff are frequently promoted into
positions where they do not have the full
complement of skills required to be
successful. Unfortunately, this creates a
great deal of stress as people are forced to
"learn on the job.”
“There is strong interest in the concept of a
Leadership Academy. They would like this
initiative to be available and accessible to all
staff and faculty. Further, they would like
the process to be transparent and inclusive.”
Twenty-First Century Enterprise Questionnaire:
(Most important competencies for organization)
•Vision directed
•Flexible & continuously learning
•Customer driven & marketing focused
•Creative use of technology
Fifteen Leadership Competencies Survey:
(Most important competencies for leadership)
Knowledge of the job
• Taking action & making decisions
• Energy, drive & ambition
• Time management
• Communicating information & ideas
• Coping with pressure and adversity
Recommended Leadership & Support
Committee – Planning & development
 Coordinator – Oversee planning,
development, and implementation
 Support from all levels of administration
Fundamentals of Leadership Track
Three-year program (one-year themes)
 Open to all employees
 Self-selection
Advanced Leadership Track
Five-day seminars in Spring & Fall
 Open to current & identified future
 Nomination
Program components
Personal Online Portfolio System
 Mentors
 Individual Learning & Action Plans
 Team Application Projects
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Training Today for Tomorrow’s Leaders”
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Building a Culture of Leadership”
Leadership Development Coordinator
◦ Shirley Gilbert, Special Assistant to the President
Leadership Development Committee
◦ Administrators, Faculty, and Staff
◦ All Campuses
◦ Mix of Genders, Educational Backgrounds and
Administrative Liaison
◦ Dr. Ernst Roberts, Executive Assistant to the
Shirley Gilbert
Special Assistant to the President
One-year program
Open to all employees
Supervisor’s Support Statement
30 employees
One-year program
Open to employees in leadership positions
Supervisor’s Support Statement
30 employees
Monthly activities
Team Application Projects
Individual Learning & Action Plans
Workshops – 4 hours
Border Learning Conference – 2 days
Retreat – 2 days
Immediate Evaluations on Index Cards
Reflective Evaluations Online
Faculty, Classified & Professional Staff
 Advanced
Administrators, Faculty, Classified
& Professional Staff
 Participant’s Longevity
1 to 30 years
Personality Assessment
Effective Communication
The Successful Elements of Change
Ethical Challenges in the Workplace
Equal Opportunity, Equal Success
Developing the Leader Within You
Leadership Styles
Developing Others Through Coaching
Communicating for Results
Conflict Resolution
Good to Great
Servant Leadership
Border Learning Conference
A continuing, dynamic conference dealing with
education issues on the border.
Started and conducted by EPCC and DACC
Just completed 8th annual conference
Appreciative Inquiry
Changes perspective - from problems to
Accentuates the successes of the past
Evokes images of possible futures
Encourages ongoing inquiry
Generates new levels of activity
Promotes collaborative transformation
Retreat at Inn of the Mountain Gods
 Workshops
 Team Building Activities
 Leadership by Example Activities
 Featured Activity: Painting with Peña
Walking in Another’s Shoes
 Visiting other College departments
 Receiving orientations
 Taking tours
 Expanding their knowledge of the
Recognizing and Appreciating Others
Presentation of Projects
Awarding of Certificates
EPCC Family Night
Shooting Star Appreciation Program
Student/Parent Day
EPCC View Book
Student Ambassadors
Staff Development Day
Laptop Checkout
Senorita Success Icon for Website
Reading Program for Middle School
Math Tutoring Night for Middle School
EPCC Helping Hands Volunteer Program
Community Service Agencies Database
EPCC Website as Volunteer Clearing House
Lucy Michal
Professor of Mathematics
Appeal to be a Leader
Gains from Academy Program
New Questions
New Understanding
El Paso Community College’s President
Recognized as a successful leader
Exemplifies successful “leadership in practice”
Supports Leadership Development Academy
Coordinator of Leadership Academy
Understands needs of EPCC employees
Recruits participants successfully
Gains from the Content
Understanding own strengths and weaknesses
Skills that make successful leaders
Appreciation of diverse roles, unique expertise,
and talents of participants
Opportunities to meet national, state, and local
leaders and see “leadership at work”
Gains from the Process
Year-long academy
Monthly meetings
Flexible and continual learning
Opportunities for self-reflection
Time to connect, apply, and practice skills
Team Project
Conference, Retreat, Graduation
What core values and strengths do I have that
connect with the College’s mission?
How do I use these core values and strengths to
impact my productivity and the productivity of
As a result of the Leadership Academy, am I doing
something different now to make effective
contributions to the College?
“A true leader is not one with
the most followers, but one
who creates the most leaders.”
“Even though I have been in an administrative position
for 25 years at EPCC, I learned new things about
leadership at this academy that I am now
practicing. The Academy provided me with a
wonderful learning experience which has given me
new insight about effective leadership.”
Bobby Ortega
Instructional Dean
“The Academy has helped me in many areas of my
life. I feel more confident in the way I interact with
students, colleagues and administrators. I am amazed
at how what I have learned through the sessions (ways
of speaking to people, conflict resolution, sharing) has
actually remained in my memory! I am more aware
of myself and have learned to listen instead of
Sandra Padilla
Reading Faculty
“My experience with the Leadership Academy was
very fulfilling. Each workshop was very well
presented. Thanks to the variety of workshops I was
able to learn so much more in just one year. I also
found that thanks to the presentation of the material I
was able to grasp the entire information and in turn to
share my learning with my co-workers.”
Olga Rader
Campus Coordinator
Testing Services
Richard M. Rhodes, Ph.D.
President of the College
183 Graduates – 2005 through 2007
72 Employees Currently Enrolled
Outstanding Evaluation
Painted Palettes on Parade – raised over $21,000 for
endowed scholarship in the name of Maria Peña,
Amado’s mother
Academy graduates
Meets at least monthly
Selects participants
Recommends speakers
Helps facilitate workshops
Analyzes evaluations
Recommends curriculum
Designs next year’s Academy
Phil Neal’s Dissertation
“Cornerstones of Effective Practice:
A case study of the El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy”
“I believe that the Academy is here to help EPCC. Now is
the time to work from inside out. This is what the Academy
is all about. To better EPCC we need to better ourselves
first and we need to find any training available to
accomplish it.”
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Building a Culture of Leadership”
El Paso Community College
Leadership Development Academy
“Building a Culture of Leadership”