General Education Assessment 2013: Introduction

Bernard Mair, Associate Provost, Undergraduate Affairs
Timothy S. Brophy, Director, Institutional Assessment
Eva Czarnecka, Professor, Microbiology and Cell Science
Today’s Goals
 Provide the context and framework for UF’s General
Education Assessment
Describe process and procedures for the spring 2013
Explain the assignment selection guidelines and
submission process
Share an example from the fall 2012 pilot assessment
Answer questions
Milestones: Assessment in General
Education at UF since 2008
• the Gen Ed Program was reviewed as a part of an overall
assessment of our UG programs
• Recommendation: program should be redesigned to reflect
a more comprehensive experience than the current
fragmented model, and that the UG curriculum should
include signature experiences for all UF students.
Milestones: Assessment in General
Education at UF since 2008
2009– 10
• An additional grading component was added to the courses that meet the
Writing Requirement.
• In class assignments were graded according to a rubric and the students’
performance on these assignments was graded S/U.
• Students need to obtain an S to satisfy the Writing Requirement.
2011-12 – Good Life Course developed and approved; SLOs
revised and assessment framework developed
2012-13 Good Life Course mandatory for all incoming freshmen;
embedded assessment begins
SACS Assessment Expectations
 CR 2.7.3 General Education
 In each undergraduate degree program, the institution requires the
successful completion of a general education component at the collegiate
level that (1) is a substantial component of each undergraduate
degree, (2) ensures breadth of knowledge, and (3) is based on a
coherent rationale.
For degree completion in associate programs, the component constitutes a
minimum of 15 semester hours or the equivalent; for baccalaureate
programs, a minimum of 30 semester hours or the equivalent.
These credit hours are to be drawn from and include at least one course
from each of the following areas: humanities/fine arts; social/behavioral
sciences; and natural science/mathematics.
The courses do not narrowly focus on those skills, techniques, and
procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession. If an
institution uses a unit other than semester credit hours, it provides an
explanation for the equivalency.
The institution also provides a justification if it allows for fewer than the
required number of semester credit hours or its equivalent unit of general
education courses.
SACS Assessment Expectations
 CS 3.5.1. The institution identifies college-level general
education competencies and the extent to which
students have attained them. (General education
 Required Documentation
 Identification of competencies
 Justification that all competencies are at the college level
and the degree to which students have attained them are
 Evidence of the extent to which students of
undergraduate degree programs have attained the
college-level competencies
Course Embedded Assessment
The Gen Ed Committee
considered two
Standardized test – ETS
Proficiency Profile
Course Embedded Assessment Process
Odd years beginning
spring 2013
Random sample of
Gen Ed sections
Instructors notified
Instructors review
and calibrate the
institutional rubric
introduced to the
Instructors select
assignments selected
and submit to the
Gen Ed Committee
completed, collected,
and scored
Scores entered into
Sakai using the
specially designed
Instructors submit
work samples and
final summaries
What you will do
Each instructor will
select one assignment
from each section to
include in the
Enter the ratings into
Review the
assignment for its
alignment with the
Score the assignment
using the Institutional
By May 3, 2013
By April 24, 2013
Complete the
appropriate cover
sheets and submit to
By March 15, 2013
Administer the
Submit student work
samples and
appropriate summary
By May 3, 2013
Instructions – Using the Guide
Review the Institutional SLOs for general education, and align them with
your assignments. Which assignments directly address the SLOs?
Some common assessment types aligned with the SLOs: exams, papers,
projects, and presentations
Use the key words in the SLOs to link assignments to the assessment. Which
of your assignments involves student demonstration of the key words?
Select an assignment or exam from your course for the assessment.
University of Florida Institutional Definitions,
SLOs, and Key Words for Gen Ed Assessment
Critical Thinking
UF Institutional
Content is knowledge of
the concepts, principles,
terminology and
methodologies used
within the discipline.
Institutional SLO
Key words for assessment
Identify, describe, and explain
the terminology, concepts,
methodologies and theories
used within the general
education categories.
Identify, describe, explain
Critical thinking is
characterized by the
comprehensive analysis of
issues, ideas, and evidence
before accepting or
formulating an opinion or
Analyze information carefully
and logically from multiple
perspectives, and develop
reasoned solutions to problems
using methods appropriate to
the general education
Analyze from multiple
Communication is the
development and
expression of ideas in
written and oral forms.
Communicate knowledge,
ideas, and reasoning clearly
and effectively in written or
oral forms appropriate to the
general education categories.
Effective communication in
written and oral forms
Concepts, methodologies,
Develop reasoned solutions
Methods appropriate to the
category studied
Assignments already completed
Must be submitted by March 15, 2013
assignment submission deadline
Reevaluated using institutional rubric
Data entered into SAKAI
Student work samples submitted with
the final report
Assignment Example: ANT3451
Students were asked to read, summarize and critically
evaluate an assigned peer-reviewed article on a specific topic
Students were graded on their ability to:
 Accurately summarize the key points
 Relate the material back to topics reviewed in the course
 Critique the article for contradictions or flaws in the argumentation
 Analyze from multiple perspectives- personal experience,
learned lecture material, other assigned readings
 Logic of the reasoning process
 Appropriateness of the formulated conclusions
Assignment Example: DAA1000
Students were asked to write a Compare and Contrast paper
on TWO live performances
This assessment will satisfy the areas of Content,
Communication and Critical Thinking
 Content: students will demonstrate knowledge of terminology &
principles of dance and movement through their writing
 Communication: students will communicate their thoughts and
views from observing live dance pieces using descriptions and
opinion-written test
 Critical Thinking: students will compare and contrast the dance
performances, providing examples and justifications for their
Assignment Alignment with SLOs
Example: TPP 2100
Institutional Institutional
How the
fulfills the
related to this
Assessment Submission Form
General Education Category
Instructor & Contact Information
Assignment Title
Brief Description of Assignment
Which General Education Student Learning Outcomes
(SLOs) does this address? Underline all that apply
Critical Thinking
 Brief Rationale of How this Assignment Assesses the
Indicated SLOs
 Score Range Table
Score Range Table
Score Range