Welcome and introduction to Health Education East Midlands Simone Jordan, Managing Director, Health Education East Midlands www.hee.nhs.uk The NHS belongs to the people It is there to improve our health and wellbeing, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill and, when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of our lives. It works at the limits of science – bringing the highest levels of human knowledge and skill to save lives and improve health. It touches our lives at times of basic human need, when care and compassion are what matter most. Extract from the NHS Constitution www.hee.nhs.uk The NHS is delivered by people…. So how those people are recruited, educated, trained, developed, managed, led, appraised and communicated with will be critical determining factors in the quality of care received by our patients. www.hee.nhs.uk So who are we? Health Education England 13 Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) www.hee.nhs.uk Local areas • • • • • • • Total of 13 areas Committees of HEE Not Statutory Bodies Provider led Stakeholder representation £4.9 billion budget Core leadership of: Managing Director Independent Chair Director of Education and Quality Head of Finance www.hee.nhs.uk Health Education East Midlands “Our goal is to develop a high quality, safe and sustainable workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the people of the East Midlands.” Our values: How we achieve our goal www.hee.nhs.uk What do we do? Building Capacity Workforce Planning Building Capability Knowledge & Skills Building Cultures Values & behaviour Investing £364m www.hee.nhs.uk Why do we do this? www.hee.nhs.uk How do we do this? Bringing five local health communities together to focus on workforce, education and training Derbyshire Leicestershire and Rutland Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire Northamptonshire www.hee.nhs.uk How do we do this? www.hee.nhs.uk How do we do this? NIHR Social Care Public Health East Midlands AHSN Patients and Public CLAHRCs Healthcare Providers Higher Education Institutions Health Education East Midlands Clinical Senate & Networks East Midlands Local Education Partnership East Midlands Leadership Academy Clinical Engagement Regulators NMC, GMC, GDC Service Commissioners Get involved www.em.hee.nhs.uk Register with us to receive regular updates Follow us on Twitter: @EastMidsLETB Feedback: hee.eastmidlands@nhs.net Call us: 0115 823 3300 www.hee.nhs.uk