Dr. Homi Bhabha - Vighnesh

Dr. Homi Bhabha
By: Vighnesh Hemnani MYP 1
Why I chose Dr. Homi
My scientist is Dr. Homi Bhabha
No electricity
I found out…
Alternative power - Nuclear power
Dr. Homi Bhabha
Who is Homi Bhabha?
Homi Bhabha found a solution to our electricity
India suffers from lack of electricity hence Homi
Bhabha found out how to use electricity.
First 3 reactors in India
What did Homi Bhabha discover?
How did he find the solution?
Homi Bhabha wanted to help his own
Homi Bhabha found the problem and
Homi Bhabha requested J.R.D Tata to
support him for the materials etc.
He went to a conference in Geneva, Canada
and Canadian government asked if they
could help India to build the reactors
Homi Bhabha asked the Prime Minister for
the permission so Canada could help Homi
Homi Bhabha’s first step was to make the
atomic reactors, the second step was to
teach other people about atomic reactors
and how to build them
Homi Bhabha’s Life - 1
Homi Bhabha was born on 30th October 1909
He passed the Senior Cambridge Examination at the age of
He loved mathematics and physics
Homi Bhabha passed the Examination Cambridge University
Continued studies in Theoretical Physics Homi Bhabha
worked with Heitler and made a theory on Electron showers
in 1930
In 1940 he joined the Indian Institute of Science leading
cosmic rays.
Homi Bhabha’s Life - 2
Thinking for India
Homi Bhabha found out the problem of India
and the right solution
He asked J.R.D Tata for help and support
Took permission from the Prime Minister (Mr.
Pandit Nehru) to make reactors and take help
from Canada
And they FINALLY make the reactors named
Cirus, Apsara and Zerlina which is generating
power for us even right now. He did this with
the help from the Government of India, J R D
Tata, and the Canadians. These generators are
placed in Tarapur in Maharashtra, Rana Pratap
Sagar in Rajasthan and Kalpakam in Tamil Nadu.
Homi Bhabha died in airplane crash in Mout
Blanc, Air India Boeing 707 at 24th January 1966
Homi Bhabha’s importance
Of the 30 countries with nuclear power, the
percentage of electricity supplied by nuclear
ranges widely: from a high of 78% in France; to
54% in Belgium; 39% in Republic of Korea; 37 %
in Switzerland; 30% in Japan; 19% in the USA; 16
% in Russia; 4 % in South Africa; 2 % in China;
About 2 % in India.
India’s requirements are a lot, for the
population, factories, work, home etc.
Nuclear Energy is saving natural resources like
coal, oil, coal and oil can be depleted in few
hundred years
Prime Minister (Dr. Singh) is making big plans
to increase nuclear power
By 2050 people predict that India will have 25%
more nuclear power in India
Will India have the
problem which Japan had?
Japan was a place that there would be natural disasters.
In, at least 50 - 100 years how many
earthquakes/tsunami/nuclear reactors disrupting has
happened? About 3 - 10, so there a very very less chance
of India getting into such problems
India is a place where such problems are at very poor
chance even if that happens then we could place the
generators in a safe places.
Sillicon India Blogs (2010), Get Inspired from Great Scientist
Dr. Homi Bhabha, Available:
_Great_Scientist_DrHomi_Bhabha-bidOrg5nW9c28153966.html Last accessed: 15th September 2011
Wired Blogs (2011), Nuclear Power to Explode in India, but
China prefers Coal, Available:
ear_report Last accessed: 15th September 2011
IAEA (2010), Nuclear Power Worldwide : Status and Outlook,
9.html Last accessed: 15th September 2011
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