CommonCoreBasicsPowerPoint - Your Contemporary Rep Maxine

Nearly 4 million middle-skill jobs are unfilled today because
there aren’t enough people with the right skills and
education. To bridge that gap, high school equivalency
expectations, and thus the exams,
must evolve to align with the
critical skills and knowledge adults
need to get these jobs—skills
aligned with the College & Career
Readiness Standards for Adult
• Increased rigor and depth of knowledge expectations for
students, as well as an instructional shift for teachers
• Multiple high school equivalency exam options for the
first time in history
• Greater focus on college and career readiness beyond
simply passing the test
The Common Core Shift
The Common Core State Standards are the basis
for high school equivalency assessments currently
under development. Clear and purposeful
instruction depends on clear and precise standards,
which are provided by the Common Core State
Standards for both English Language Arts and
Mathematics. The standards reflect what students
need to learn if they are to be prepared for the
post-secondary world, and also form the “core” of
the College and Career Readiness Standards for
Adult Education.
The Common Core Shift
The US Department of Education (US DoE)
identifies a single goal for all students: they should
attain skills and knowledge that prepare them for
college and choices of careers.
Students in adult education programs are no
exception. Toward that end, the DoE and the Office
of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) have
developed rigorous instructional standards that
support college- and career-readiness.
These are the College and Career Readiness
Standards for Adult Education.
(handouts Ready/Language/Writing CCR Anchor Skills and Mathematics CCR
Your Solution for CCSS / CCR Success
To prepare students for these
equivalency tests, McGraw-Hill's
Common Core Basics: Building
Essential Test Readiness Skills focuses
explicit instruction on the
foundational skills and practices
presented in these standards, along
with higher-order thinking skills that
prepare students to achieve college
and career success.
Core Subject Modules
Social Studies
A Focus on Readiness: Core Skills and Practices
Reading- Lesson 1.4, page 40
Core Skill
Summarize Information
When you summarize information from
a text, you briefly state the text’s main
points. Summaries do not include
personal opinions or information that
was not part of the text. Writing a
summary will help you understand and
remember the text.
As you read, look for the main idea in
each paragraph or section. Watch for
places where the author has repeated
certain ideas. When you have finished
reading, you will be able to write a
summary statement that answers this
question: What does the author want
you to understand and remember?
The process for summarizing
information in workplace documents is
the same as summarizing other
nonfiction texts. As you read the job
description on this page, think about the
information in each section. What does
the author want you to understand
about this job? What are the most
important parts of the job?
Make a chart
like the one
below to record
your summary.
A Focus on Readiness: Core Skills and Practices
Writing- Lesson 2.1, page 48
Reading Skill
Use Context Clues
Context clues are words that provide
hints about a sentence’s meaning.
Verbs can provide some information
about whether an event is in the past,
present, or future, but sometimes that is
not enough. In those cases, other words,
such as before, yesterday, and next
week, can help make your writing clear
and provide clues for readers.
In the following sentence, the word
tomorrow and the verb will are clues
that the party will take place in the
Tomorrow she will purchase
the cake for the party.
Write three sentences to tell about
something that happened in the past, is
happening in the present, and will
happen in the future. Include context
clues, such as the words yesterday,
every morning, and next year.
A Focus on Readiness: Core Skills and Practices
Mathematics- Lesson 1.7, page 41
Core Practice
Attend to Precision
Precision is important in mathematics,
engineering, and sciences. One of the
purposes of making multiple
measurements or repeating experimental
trials is to find precise answers, or answers
that repeat the same value.
You may have heard someone say,
"Measure twice, cut once," while
undertaking a construction project. What is
the purpose of measuring twice? And is
twice enough?
When builders measure multiple times
before they saw a length of wood, for
example, they are attending to precision. If
multiple measures result in the same value,
builders can be confident that the value is
In your notebook, describe a time you
made multiple measurements or repeated
the steps of an experiment to check
mathematical values. Explain the value of
precision in your work.
A Focus on Readiness: Core Skills and Practices
Science- Lesson 3.4, page 114
Core Skill
Cite Textual Evidence
The International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) has produced the Red
List of Threatened Species™. A
threatened species remains abundant
but is likely to become endangered, or
on the verge of extinction, if not
protected. Currently, the IUCN identifies
habitat loss as the main threat to 85
percent of threatened and endangered
species on the list.
Cite the textual evidence from this
lesson that most strongly supports their
conclusion. To do this, first reread the
lesson text, and then look for page
numbers and paragraphs where
information on threatened and
endangered species can be found. Then,
when you find the information, highlight
it, put a star next to it, or circle it.
A Focus on Readiness: Core Skills and Practices
Social Studies-Lesson1.5, page 46
Reading Skill
Synthesize Ideas from Multiple Sources
Reading more than one source about a
topic can broaden your understanding
and spark new ideas. Different sources
may offer varying viewpoints and more
When you synthesize, you blend ideas
from two or more sources. Combining
ideas gives you a fuller understanding of
a topic.
Choose a “third party” that you would
like to know more about. Find several
sources of information about this topic—
including multimedia sources available
on the Internet. Take notes as you read.
In your notebook, write one paragraph in
which you synthesize the ideas you have
21ST Century Skills
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, is a national organization with a single aim—to
prepare every student for work and learning in the 21st century, and created the following
A Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Writing-Lesson 8.1, page 245
Core Subject Modules
The Common Core State Standards Reading anchor
standards for college and career readiness are
organized in four categories: key ideas and details;
craft and structure; integration of knowledge and
ideas; and range of reading and level of text
complexity. These anchor standards served as a guide
in the development of Common Core Basics: Building
Essential Test Readiness Skills, Reading.
In Reading, students will:
• become familiar with a variety of functional texts.
• apply strategies to comprehend expository texts.
• examine the author’s purpose, point of view, and
arguments presented in persuasive texts.
• expand their skills in interpreting literary nonfiction.
• identify and analyze plot, setting, characters, point
of view, literal and figurative language, theme, and
text structure in fiction.
CCR Reading Anchor 2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular
details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. (RI/RL.6.2)
CCR Reading Anchor 6: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author
acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. (RI.8.6)
Look at Reading- Lesson 1.4, pages 40-41
Core Subject Modules
The Common Core State Standards anchor standards for
college and career readiness in Language are categorized as
Conventions of Standard English; Knowledge of Language;
and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use. In Writing, they are
categorized as Text Types and Purposes; Production and
Distribution of Writing; Research to Build and Present
Knowledge; and Range of Writing. Both sets of anchor
standards are the basis for Common Core Basics: Building
Essential Test Readiness Skills, Writing.
In Writing, students will:
• develop understandings of sentence basics, including types
of sentences and parts of speech such as verbs and
• practice appropriate language mechanics in their writing.
• analyze sentence structure by selecting words
purposefully, combining meaningful sentences, and
developing a personal style.
• examine text structures including identifying topic
sentences, tone and diction, and order of text.
• engage in the steps of the writing process.
• apply their writing skills to different text types and
purposes including constructing arguments, producing
informative and explanatory texts, and creating narrative
CCR Writing Anchor 1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
CCR Writing Anchor 8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility
and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
Look at Writing- Lesson 8.1, pages 242-243
Core Subject Modules
The Common Core State Standards Mathematics
anchor standards for college and career readiness are
organized in several categories including: Ratios and
Proportional Relationships; The Number System;
Expressions and Equations; Functions; Geometry; and
Statistics and Probability. These anchor standards
served as a guide in the development of Common Core
Basics: Building Essential Test Readiness Skills,
In Mathematics, students will:
• find solutions to problems that deal with whole
numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers.
• evaluate algebraic expressions and equations, and
analyze linear equations and functions.
• apply their algebraic skills to solve problems related
to ratios, proportions, percent, exponents, and roots.
• graph and interpret data.
• apply concepts of probability.
• use customary and metric units to make
• apply the concepts of geometry including perimeter,
circumference, area, volume, and scale to solve realworld problems.
CCR Mathematics Standard Level D: F (Functions): 1-Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
2-Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
Look at Mathematics- Lesson 6.5, pages 200, 202-203
Core Subject Modules
Students pursue greater social studies literacy through the study
of history and civics, global connections, economics, and
geography. The Common Core anchor standards for Literacy in
Social Studies also served as a guide in the development of
Common Core Basics: Building Essential Test Readiness Skills,
Social Studies.
In Social Studies, students will:
• examine the US Government and Civics including the US
Constitution, branches of government, state and local
government, political parties and interest groups, civil
liberties and civil rights.
• investigate periods in US History, from events leading to the
Revolutionary War through the Depression and from World
War II through Modern Times.
• gain an understanding of world history and political systems.
• learn about economic foundations including the fundamental
concepts the US economy is based on.
• identify major economic events in history, including the
Scientific and Industrial Revolutions.
• analyze economics in the twenty-first century, learning about
indicators of economic health and global markets.
• examine geography and people over time and around the
CCR Reading Anchor 7: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., in charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or maps) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. (RI.6.7)
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information
expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). (RST.6-8.7)
Look at Social Studies- Lesson 8.1, pages 287, 289
Core Subject Modules
Students pursue greater science literacy through the study
of life, physical, and Earth and space science. The Common
Core anchor standards for Literacy in Science also served as
a guide in the development of Common Core Basics:
Building Essential Test Readiness Skills, Science.
In Science, students will:
• investigate biological factors of plants' life functions and
energy intake as well as the human body and health.
• learn about Earth's ecosystems and the factors that
affect their health and stability.
• examine the foundations of life including cells and types
of organisms.
• explore the interactions between heredity and evolution
to see why plants and animals have certain characteristics.
• gain an understanding of properties of physics, including
energy and work, motion, and forces.
• investigate chemical properties including what makes up
• understand the major areas of study of Earth as well as
the interaction between Earth and living things.
• examine Earth's place in the galaxy as they investigate the
CCR Reading Anchor 1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn from the text. (RI/RL.7.1); from science and technical texts. (RST.6-8.1)
CCR Reading Anchor 4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative,
connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. (RI/RL.6.4)
Look at
ScienceLesson 3.4,
pages 111,
Vocabulary and Skill Review: Look at ScienceLesson 3.4, pages 110, 115, 117
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Bloom’s Taxonomy was first created in 1956 to
promote higher levels of thinking in education. The
cognitive domain within the taxonomy described six
categories of activities, each identified by a single
noun. In the 1990s, one of Dr. Bloom’s students
revised the taxonomy, changing the order slightly, and
more importantly, converting nouns to verbs to
reflect more active forms of thinking.
Research scientists, including Dr. Norman Webb,
found that Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
failed to adequately describe the depth of
knowledge students need to acquire for success
in post-secondary school experiences. In
response to research, Webb created Webb’s
Depth of Knowledge (DoK), built upon four
progressive levels, or degrees of understanding.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Students engaged in Level 2 activities are asked to go beyond simple recall or
responses to questions. They are asked to do more than recall facts, define terms,
follow simple procedures, and apply formulas. At this level, students contrast and
compare objects, places, concepts, and events. They interpret information and
reconstruct it in different forms. They explain, describe, determine significance,
and discern points of view. Students apply skills and concepts to their work.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Students engaged in Level 3 activities are expected to use higher-order
thinking processes, such as analysis and evaluation. They apply these skills to
real-world problems. Reasoning and being able to explain the reasoning are
common expectations for students. Students are expected to combine crossdiscipline knowledge and skills to find solutions and implement processes.
Using the Common Core Basics Samplers, follow the development of the CCR Anchors
and Standards in the lessons below.
Social Studies (Lesson 3.2, page 118): CCR Reading Anchor 3: Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Anchor 4: Interpret
words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
Science (Lesson 7.5, page 268): CCR Reading Anchor 1:Read closely to determine what the text
says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Anchor 3: Analyze how and why individuals,
events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Writing (Lesson 2.1, page 44): CCR Language Anchor 1: Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Anchor 4: Determine
or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues,
analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as
Mathematics (Lesson 1.7, page 40): CCR Mathematics (Number System. 2): Apply and extend
previous understandings of operations to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
Mathematical Practice 6: Attend to precision.