Yag-O-Matic! Created by Shelby Waller, Missy Mayfield, and Kathy Harvey, Region 9 ESC Objectives 1. Pre-assess using the CSCOPE implementation rubric. 2. Build an understanding of the YAG and its components. 3. Compare the YAG to the district’s calendar and plug in the “invisible” days that take away from instruction. 4. Determine the differences in instructional days on the YAG and the number of days you actually have. 5. Use the YAG-O-MATIC tool to determine your discrepant days. 6. Adjust instructional sequences accordingly. What is my level of implementation of the Year at a Glance? Pre-assessment of Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) Implementation CSCOPE Implementation Rubric Rate the teachers in your district on their implementation of the YAG: 1. Teachers are unaware of an appropriate sequence of topics that comprise the course study. Teachers use adopted textbook chapters as the course sequence. 2. Teachers individually attempt to devise a sequence for a course of study but with minimal regard to factors such as district calendar and assessment dates. 3. Teachers individually attempt to devise a sequence of a course of study by considering essential factors such as district calendar and assessment dates. 4. Teachers routinely collaborate with other teachers in order to devise a sequence for a course of study with regard to factors such as the district calendar and assessment dates. Level 5 Implementation 5. Through the PLC and the YAG, teachers are able to reconcile the course sequence to the district calendar and ensure that essential TEKS and standards are mastered at appropriate times. Through the PLC and the YAG, teachers are able to reconcile the course sequence to the district calendar and ensure that essential TEKS and standards are mastered at appropriate times. Our Goal Overview of the Year at a Glance (YAG) Major Components CSCOPE Year at a Glance Documents • Represent a logical sequence and timeframe • Each six weeks of instruction is approximately 25 class days. • Designed with an ideal school calendar in mind. • DOES NOT account for anomalies in the local calendar. • Represents a basis from which a district can build a sequence that reconciles to the local calendar. CSCOPE Year at a Glance Documents • YAGO = Year at a Glance Overview 3-4 page document) available in Math and Social Studies. • YAG = Year at a Glance (1 page document) available in ELA and Science. Purpose Statement-Statement of alignment to the national standards. CSCOPE Statement-Statement of alignment to State Standards (TEKS) Grade/Course TEKS Statement- An overview of the grade level or course TEKS. CSCOPE Grade/Course Statement-The rationale for the bundling of TEKS and sequence of CSCOPE units. Bibliography-A reference to research supporting the Year at a Glance. Year at a Glance HeaderEighth Grade Mathematics. This particular example is based upon sixweek grading periods. Year at a Glance documents based upon a nine-week grading period are also available. Each six-week grading period contains a sequence of units that comprise a total of approximately 25 instructional class days. Units of instruction are noted by number and in bold print, followed by the suggested number of days of instruction in parentheses. Math, Science, Social Studies: A day of instruction is assumed to be approximately 50 minutes. ELAR: A day of instruction is assumed to be approximately 90 minutes. Direct teach TEKS for each unit of instruction are noted under the unit title. (Process TEKS are not included on the YAG!) Reconciling Course Sequences to the District/Campus Calendar Actual Instructional Days Reconciling a Sequence to the District/Campus Calendar Guiding questions for finding areas of discrepancies between the local calendar and the CSCOPE Year at a Glance… • How does my district/campus calendar compare to that of the CSCOPE Year at a Glance? • What does the district/campus calendar NOT show that I need to plan for? • How will extracurricular events affect my instructional time? Possible Areas of Discrepancies • The short/long six weeks • Assessment days counted as instructional days – Regular assessments, six weeks tests, etc. – Benchmarking – TAKS/EOC • Early release days • Teacher leave days • Intersession days-only certain students are present • Extracurricular events • Local celebrations Reconciling Your Course Sequence 1. Identify the number of instructional days in the six weeks according to the district/campus calendar. 3. Compare to CSCOPE six week timeframe (usually 25 days). 2. Subtract discrepant days (early release, assessment days, extracurricular events). 4. Adjust unit timeframes based on local consensus of grade level or course teams. The Year at a Glance Tool can be used to create and format a grade level or course sequence that reconciles to the local calendar. Tabs are given for each six weeks. Use the appropriate tab to enter the information for each six weeks. Cells that are shaded gray are input fields. Total Calendar Days Available is the number of days in the current six weeks according to the district/campus calendar. This cell should take into consideration non instructional days that may not be counted as such on the district/campus calendar. Examples: benchmarking or assessment days, extracurricular days, assemblies, etc. Other parameters are automatically calculated as the cells are populated. A zero or positive balance indicates that there are enough instructional days available to follow the CSCOPE Year at A Glance for the six weeks period. After each six weeks has been populated with data, click the tab labeled “Local YAG” to see the reconciled course sequence. The local Year at a Glance is formatted based on input for each six weeks. The balance of days is shown for each six weeks, each semester, and for the year so that teachers and administrators can begin the process of reconciling the calendar to the instructional days needed. Grade Level/Course Groups An example using 8th grade math. Sample 8th Grade Discrepant Days Semester 1 Semester 2 1st Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 3 days – Unit Assessments 4th Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 4 days – Unit Assessments 2nd Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 2 days – Unit Assessments • 1 day – Homecoming Event 5th Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 2 days – Unit Assessments • 3 days – Spring Benchmark • 1 day - 8th Grade Math TAKS • 1 day – 8th Grade Reading TAKS 3rd Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 3 days – Unit Assessments • 3 days – Fall Benchmark • 1 day – Band Concert 6th Six Weeks • 2 days – Six Week Exams • 2 days – Unit Assessments • 1 day – 8th Grade Science TAKS • 1 day - 8th Grade Social Studies TAKS • 2 days – 8th TAKS Retest Math/Reading) Why is it important to use this tool to reconcile sequences to actual instructional days? YAG-O-MATIC Work Session Created by Shelby Waller, Missy Mayfield, and Kathy Harvey, Region 9 ESC ON TARGET Reconciling Your Course Sequence 1. Identify the number of instructional days in the six weeks according to the district/campus calendar. 3. Compare to CSCOPE six week timeframe (usually 25 days). 2. Subtract discrepant days (early release, assessment days, extracurricular events). 4. Adjust unit timeframes based on local consensus of grade level or course teams. ON TARGET WORK SESSION: Looking at your district calendar and noting other “invisible” days that take away instruction, complete the YAG-O-MATIC course reconciliation document for your grade level/subject. Materials: 1. YAG 2. Yag-o-matic paper copies 3. Yag-o-matic on flash drives ON TARGET Where does Coaching fit in? COACHES WILL… • Train the other teachers in what the YAG-OMatic is (and it’s importance) at a faculty meeting, after school training, etc. • Facilitate a work session where teachers reconcile their course sequences using the YAG-O-MATIC (some time before school starts next year.) • Encourage teachers to look at ways they can make adjustments in the suggested YAG course sequences as appropriate. The Bucket Analogy Revisited What about those holes? ON TARGET • Where does the YAG-0-MATIC fit into the bucket analogy? Where do we go from here? Level 5 implementation of the Year at a Glance requires the reconciliation of course sequences to local calendars. • The reconciliation process must occur prior to the beginning of the year. • The reconciliation process must drive the professional dialogue of your professional learning community. • The reconciled course sequence must be documented and followed in order to have a viable curriculum. • Reconciled course sequences agreed upon by a professional learning community provide equity of learning opportunities for all students.