BSF-IAe 34th steering committee th 20 January 2012 Agenda 1. Opening 2. Approval agenda 3. Approval minutes 4 BSF-IA extension: 4.1 Selection procedure Primary Health 4.2 Selection procedure Primary Education 4.3 Financial envelop: 4.4 Primary Health budgets 4.5 Primary Education budgets 4.6 Primary Health targets 4.7 Primary Education targets 4.8 Wash targets 5. Any other business 6. Closure 4.0 BSF-IA Extension • Seamless continuation of support for all primary health facilities that are included in BSF-IA • Bridging support for 25 facilities in counties to be included in HPF 2012/15 currently under USAID’s SHTP-2 • For Primary Education prioritise host-counties for returnees (a priority returnee host-county is a county with at least one payam with a minimum percentage population increase due to returnees). 4.1 Recap: PH shortlisting methodology Selection process BSF-IA extension primary health grantees: Imperative to maintain services in all supported health facilities. Priority for a seamless transition on 1 January 2012 from BSF-IA to BSF-IA extension; Priority to maximize Value for Money for each new grant Consultations with the sub-committee Primary Health BSF secretariat internal assessment based on: 1. Program aspects (targets and outputs) 2. Field monitoring reports 3. Financial reporting quality and audit reports 4.1 Conti.. Special cases: • Medair (Upper Nile-Melut & Manyo county) • IRD (Jonglei-Duk county) • Malaria Consortium (with HealthNet TPO) in Northern Bahr el Gazal state-Aweil North • Marie Stopes (Unity state-Abiemnom, Mayom county) Budget workshop on 18 November 2011 Budget & work-plan invite out on 21 November with deadline on 5 December 2011 Budget and work-plan consultations for five weeks from 29 November till 10 January, 2012 Letters of Intent All contracts completed and in the mail by 15 January (except IMA) 4.2 Recap: PE shortlisting methodology • Geographical selection criteria: Priority Host Communities with large influx of returnees. • NGOs to be invited based on their current counties of operation . • Areas of operation in 2012 to be determined by NGO discussions with SMoEs in their states. • Priority host community counties as per IOM figures to be used to determine which NGOs are shortlisted • List of counties in order of absolute numbers of returnees per county to be used to determine the short list 4.3 BSF-IAe Financial Envelope (in million GBP) Step 1 2 3 4 BSF-IA Extension 20 20 20 20 SP 2 1.65 1.65 1.65 Grants only 18 18.35 18.35 18.35 PH 12 12 12.7 14.8 PE 6 6 5.65 3.55 Notes Step 1 Starting point as agreed SC. PH and PE with integrated WASH and incl SHTP-2 five months bridge Step 2 With re-negotiated SP fee. PH and PE with integrated WASH and incl SHTP-2 five months bridge Step 3 SHTP-2 bridge increased based on USAID record Step 4 Final situation following budget consultations with grant recipients 4.3 BSF-IAe Financial Envelope 4.4 Health Approved And Proposed Budget BSF-IAe 2012 Code Name State Budget BSF-IAe 17 WORLD VISION Western Equatoria £ 600,001 CMS Ireland Central Equatoria £ 120,000 ADRA Eastern Equatoria £ 600,655 BSF-IAe 04 CARE Unity £ 999,129 BSF-IAe 03 AVSI Eastern Equatoria £ 597,736 BSF-IAe 15 OVCI Central Equatoria £ 398,893 BSF-IAe 13 Malteser Int. Western Bahr £ 616,486 BSF-IAe 08 Cordaid Western Equatoria £ 345,009 BSF-IAe 16 Tear Fund Uppernile £ 1,099,775 BSF-IAe 07 Concern Northern Bahr £ 707,000 BSF-IAe 05 CCM Warrap £ 644,469 BSF-IAe 12 IMC Jonglei £ 775,480 BSF-IAe 14 Merlin Eastern Equatoria £ 698,550 BSF-IAe 02 ARC Eastern Equatoria £ 750,959 BSF-IAe 10 HealthNet TPO Western Bahr £ 1,187,367 BSF-IAe 09 GOAL Uppernile £ 1,363,584 £ 11,505,095 06 Primary Health BSF-IAe BSF-IAe 01 approved budgets and Proposed Budgets (IMA, SHTP) Total Approved BSF-IAe 11A IMA Melut (Medair) Uppernile £ 716,661 BSF-IAe 11B IMA Duk (IRD) £ 772,715 BSF-IAe 18 SHTP £ 1,796,454 £ 14,790,924 Grant Total Jonglei Uppernile 4.4.1 All Primary Health NGO budgets BSF-IAe NGO budgets £2,000,000 £1,800,000 £1,600,000 £1,400,000 £1,200,000 £1,000,000 £800,000 budget £600,000 £400,000 £200,000 £- 4.4.2 BSF-IAe Health NGOs by county County highlight shows returnees @ 25/10/11 (IOM/OCHA) World Vision CMS I ADRA CARE AVSI OVCI Malteser Cordaid Tear Fund Concern CCM IMC Merlin ARC HNTPO GOAL IMA 4.5 Primary Education Approved budgets CODE NGO NAME STATE BSF-IAe 18 Windle Trust NBEG, WBEG, Unity, Warrap £ 454,584 BSF-IAe 19 ACROSS Central Equatoria £ 400,328 BSF-IAe 20 MRDA Western Equatoria £ 399,351 BSF-IAe 21 World Relief NBEG, WBEG, Unity. £ 406,699 BSF-IAe 22 HARD Western Bahr el Ghazal £ 998,022 BSF-IAe 23 Food for the Hungry SS Upper Nile, Jonglei £ 892,735 Total £ 3,551,719 Total for both PH and PE total grants envelope Budget £ 18,347,290 4.5.1 Primary Education NGO budgets BSF-IAe PE NGOs budgets £1,200,000.00 £1,000,000.00 £800,000.00 £600,000.00 budget £400,000.00 £200,000.00 £0.00 MRDA ACROSS World Relief WindleTrust Int. Food for the hungry Int. HARD 4.5.2 BSF-IAe Education NGOs by county County highlight shows returnees @ 25/10/11 (IOM/OCHA) ACROSS MRDA Windle Trust World Relief HARD Food for hungry 4.5.3 South Sudan Economic situations. CPI according to NBS • The CPI increased by 61.5% from September 2010 to September 2011. • The CPI increased by 71.7% from October 2010 to October 2011. • The CPI increased by 65.6% from December 2010 to December 2011. • Source: ( 4.5.3 Commodity prices Prices (SDG) of the main commodities increase in 7 months Juba town Commodity Jan-11 Aug-11 difference raise % Unit milk SSP 75.00 SSP 105.00 SSP 30.00 40% kg baking flour SSP 6.00 SSP 9.00 SSP 3.00 50% kg eggs SSP 8.00 SSP 13.00 SSP 5.00 63% tray Omo SSP 40.00 SSP 66.00 SSP 26.00 65% 5 kg chicken SSP 15.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 10.00 67% kg cooking oil SSP 15.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 10.00 67% 3 Ltr orange SSP 15.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 10.00 67% kg soap SSP 15.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 10.00 67% block coffee SSP 20.00 SSP 35.00 SSP 15.00 75% kg house rent SSP 80.00 SSP 150.00 SSP 70.00 88% month Sugar SSP 4.00 SSP 8.00 SSP 4.00 100% kg rice SSP 4.00 SSP 8.00 SSP 4.00 100% kg meat SSP 12.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 13.00 108% kg onion SSP SSP SSP 3.00 150% heap fish 2.00 5.00 SSP 10.00 SSP 25.00 SSP 15.00 150% kg mango SSP 1.00 SSP 3.00 SSP 2.00 200% piece beans SSP 2.00 SSP 6.00 SSP 4.00 200% kg Average price rise 97% 4.5.4 Security issues • IMC’s health programme in Akobo constrained; Walgak PHCC has been overwhelmed by trauma (bullet and spear wounds). Some PHCUs (Burmath, Mer, Kony) closed and staff fled. Response: IMC increases surgical and nursing capacity at Walgak PHCC and Akobo Hospital. IRD/JDF team has been evacuated out of Duk County after the attack on Duk Padiet (over 50 casualties) on 16 /17 Jan. Are on standby in Bor and Juba. • Aerial bombardments and heightened insecurity in Raga County Timsah PHCU and Boro Medina PHCC closed. Healthnet carries out security assessments with CHD and local authority. 4.5.4 BSF-IAe PE Counties , Pop.& returnees Total number of returnees from County October 30, 2010 to Education working in population, Present Week 13th the county 2008 census december 2011, IOM UPDATES ACTIVITY STATE COUNTY NBelG Aweil Centre 109828 31273 WindleTrust/HARD Teacher training UpperNile Malakal 27978 20639 FH Int. Teacher training Unity Rubkona 107847 19524 WorldRelief Teacher training WBelG Wau 151320 17708 Windle Trust/WorldRelief Teacher training NBelG Aweil East 427488 15833 WorldRelief/HARD Teacher training Unity Mayiandit 56449 15201 WorldRelief Teacher training/construction Unity Leer 58252 14844 WorldRelief Teacher training/construction Warrap Gogrial West 274894 14343 WindleTrust construction CES Morobo 125359 11569 ACROSS, construction Unity Koch 79947 8061 WorldRelief construction Jonglei Pigi 116130 4659 FH Int. construction UpperNile Ulang 80021 3633 FH Int. Teacher training/construction Unity Pariang 87477 3099 WindleTrust Teacher training/construction CES Yei River 206686 2758 ACROSS teacher training WBelG Jur River 127771 1843 HARD/WorldRelief construction/teacher training Jonglei Nyirol 120530 973 FH Int. teacher training Warrap Tonj South 102231 844 WindleTrust teacher training NBelG Aweil South 129860 552 Windle Trust teacher training WBelG Raga 54340 547 WorldRelief teacher training WES Mundri East 48318 65 MRDA teacher training 4.5.4 BSF-IAe PH Counties , Pop.& returnees Total number of returnees from October 30, 2010 to Present Week Primary Health County population, 13th december 2011, IOM UPDATES 2008 census STATE COUNTY Unity Rubkona 107847 19524 CARE Unity Mayiandit 56449 15201 CARE CES Juba 400768 14885 OVCI NBelG Aweil North 206351 13353 HealthNet Unity Mayom 130685 11981 CARE Unity Guit 34056 11981 CARE CES Morobo 125359 11569 CMSI Unity Abiemnhom 22008 8951 CARE EES Torit 99740 6521 Merlin NBelG Aweil West 248852 5726 CONCERN UpperNile Luakpiny/Nasir 160634 5288 ADRA UpperNile Fashoda 9103 4626 TEARFUND UpperNile Ulang 80021 3633 ADRA EES Ikotos 84649 3237 AVSI UpperNile Manyo 22300 3145 IMA CES Yei River 206686 2758 CMSI UpperNile Baliet 26365 2579 GOAL 4.5.4 BSF-IAe PH Counties , Pop.& returnees County population, 2008 census Total number of returnees from October 30, 2010 to Present Week 13th december 2011, IOM UPDATES Primary Health STATE COUNTY WBelG Jur River 127771 1843 HealthNet Jonglei Warrap Akobo Tonj South 159103 102231 1738 844 IMC CCM UpperNile EES EES Melut Lopa Magwi 18500 106161 169826 700 650 604 IMA Merlin ARC WBelG Warrap UpperNile Raga Tonj North Maban 54340 165222 29761 547 262 238 HealthNet CCM TEARFUND WES WES Maridi Tambura 82461 55365 216 206 Malteser WORLDVISION EES Jonglei WES Kapoeta South Duk Ezo 79470 65588 80861 125 70 19 ARC IMA WORLDVISION WES EES Ibba Budi 41869 99199 17 13 CORDAID ADRA WES EES Nzara Kapoeta East 65712 163997 12 0 CORDAID ARC 4.6 Total Health Consultation targets for BSFIAe # Primary health targets - services 1 2 Females 3 total 4 Female percentage BSF-IAe Logframe 5 8 1 Consultations < 1yr 31,969 64,661 49% 2 Consultations < 5yr 173,861 347,512 50% 3 Consultations > 5yr 553,356 1,091,577 51% 727,217 1,439,089 51% 760,000 (Dec 2012) Total Consultations 4 Women attending 1 ante-natal care visits 57,526 57,526 100% 29,000 (Dec 2012) 5 Women attending 4 ante-natal care visits 28,449 28,449 100% 15,000 (Dec 2012) 6 Births attended by skilled health personal 11,776 11,776 100% 5,000 (Dec 2012) 8 Under 1s completing DPT 3 29,663 53,894 55% 33,000 (Dec 2012) 4.6.1 BSF-IAe Number of health facilities per NGOs NGO ADRA ARC AVSI CARE CCM CMS Ireland CONCERN CORDAID GOAL HealthNet IMC Malteser Merlin OVCI Tearfund WorldVision Prosposed Number of supported facilities PHCC PHCU 2 6 3 9 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 4 7 4 3 2 14 2 7 5 8 4 16 6 6 18 10 20 2 57 133 8 7 IMA Duk IMA Malut Totals 4.6.1 PH training targets Cont… CCM Training grouping Trainees ADRA Days Trainees ARC Days Training of community organizations (BomaHC etc.) 780 23 48 2 Formal training courses of health professionals 140 27 3 360 In-service training of health workers (e.g. refresher courses) 56 10 44 Capacity building of County or State health offices; training 36 8 300 13 Community Volunteers training Trainees AVSI Days 80 3 Trainees CARE Days 1,844 139 Days - - 84 6 136 81 27 17 6 30 28 9 - - 13 360 60 72 20 90 30 - - 18 30 16 5 - - 140 12 17 1 246 3 270 1,098 2,316 Long term Training (longer than 3 months) Totals Trainees 318 798 980 183 564 4.6.1 PH training targets CMSI Training grouping Training of community organizations (BomaHC etc.) Formal training courses of health professionals In-service training of health workers (e.g. refresher courses) Trainees CONCERN Days 12 - Trainees 2 - 37 4 GOAL Trainees Days CORDAID Days 134 Trainees 3 - - 106 25 Days 107 10 88 25 105 218 44 90 6 65 - - HNTPO Trainees Days 2 - - 145 33 64 12 - 74 35 5 Capacity building of County or State health offices; training - - - - Community Volunteers training - - 257 22 16 8 334 35 - - 540 1,090 2 864 360 817 2 641 360 1,174 936 82 566 160 Long term Training (longer than 3 months) Totals 1 88 4.6.1 PH training targets Cont… Training grouping IMC Trainees Days Malteser Merlin Trainees Days Trainees Days OVCI Trainees Days TEARFUND Trainees Days WorldVision Trainees Days 1,178 293 - - 36 3 135 37 - - 470 14 158 36 - - 39 25 138 68 - - 100 20 In-service training of health workers (e.g. refresher courses) 99 12 - - 29 8 137 38 - - 164 30 Capacity building of County or State health offices; training 11 7 - - - 12 24 - - 39 34 Community Volunteers training 30 2 - - 310 7 148 38 - - 30 5 1,774 407 - - 792 83 17 1,039 510 1,393 - - 1,136 192 Training of community organizations (BomaHC etc.) Formal training courses of health professionals Long term Training (longer than 3 months) Totals - 4.7.1 Classroom Constructions and school support Code NGOs BSF-IAe 19 ACROSS BSF-IAe 20 MRDA* BSF-IAe 18 Windle Trust BSF-IAe 21 World Relief BSF-IAe 22 BSF-IAe 23 Classrooms Admin Blocks 1 2 1 HARD 36 5 FHSS 12 1 TOTALS 50 7 BSF-IA Target actuals Classroom construction 220 190 school services 17 17 Serviced only schools Dormitories at TTIs BSF-IAe targets logical logframe 50 15 160 2 4 11 3 15 * MRDA supports KITE TTI in Kotobi - the classroom and admin block construction is at the college, not at primary schools. 4.7.2 Primary Education Training Teacher Training PSTT trainees to complete one full year Code NGOs BSF-IAe 19 ACROSS 100 BSF-IAe 20 MRDA 63 BSF-IAe 18 Windle Trust BSF-IAe 21 World Relief BSF-IAe 22 HARD BSF-IAe 23 FHSS TOTALS BSF-IAe 163 682 ISTT trainees ELT trainees to complete to complete one full stage ELT course SMoE officials trained 150 32 232 845 Logical logframe 133 900 PTA members trained 18 200 163 CED officials trained 92 450 Teacher training total type of training PSTT ISTT Education Management Training 450 18 30 55 40 135 312 190 4.8 WASH COMPONENT 4.8.1 PH & PE, Construction and rehabilitations of Water points and Latrines. Number of new boreholes NGO code Number of rehabilitated New latrines Harvesting cubicles systems Number of new latrines cubicles Number of rehabilitated boreholes Water points Latrines cub. Water points Latrines cub. 10 4 30 4 Rehabilitated water harvesting Hand washing systems points Water points Water points Primary Health BSF-IAe 01 ADRA BSF-IAe 03 AVSI BSF-IAe 05 CCM BSF-IAe 12 IMC BSF-IAe 09 GOAL BSF-IAe 13 Malteser 11 26 BSF-IAe 15 OVCI 1 1 BSF-IAe 17 WorldVision 1 2 12 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Primary Education BSF-IAe 19 ACROSS BSF-IAe 22 HARD BSF-IAe 23 FHSS 10 2 12 TOTALS 25 BSF-IA Target Achieved New boreholes 28 214 174 94 BSF-IAe targets 25 3 43 8 4 7 5 4.8.2 EDUCATION NGOS WASH TRAINING NGOs Food for the Hungry Int. School hygiene WUC members SMoPI or CWD club members trained officials trained trained 45 120 1 Hygiene campaigns conducted 4 4.8.3 HEALTH NGOs WASH TRAINING ADRA Community hygiene awareness campaign Participatory Health and Hygiene Education training Trainees 10 Days 5 AVSI Communities sanitation progress monitoring 900 30 CCM Health and Hygiene Promotion Campains 150 3 CCM HHP VHC Hygiene and Sanitation Rolled out Training 150 1 Malteser Water Hygiene community hygiene awareness 175 1 WVI Training of CORPS in Community Led Total Sanitation(CLTS) 40 5 WVI Conducting 20 CLTS sessions as 2 per HF 1000 1 Trainees Days ADRA WUC training (5 men + 5 women each borehole) Training of water management committee 100 5 AVSI Follow up training on previous BSF drilled borehole 50 3 CCM Refresher Course 100 1 CCM New Boreholes Care Taker Training 2 2 CMSI training of village health committee 10 3 Malteser Water Hygiene Training WUC 110 5 WVI refereshfer training of WUC 60 5 WVI Refresher training of care taker 12 5 4.8.4 CONTI…. Trainees Days ADRA School hygiene clubs training Training of care takers 20 5 CCM PHASE Schools Clubs Training 600 1 CCM PHAST Training 550 1 CCM Schools Hygiene and Sanitation Talks 330 1 Malteser Borehole Maintenance 22 2 Trainees Days ADRA Capacity building of C-DWSS or S-MoPI officers State and County training 2 5 AVSI County hygiene promoters training (5 per Payam) 30 5 Malteser Borehole maintenance training 5 2 4428 97 Totals AOB Proposed dates of next Steering Committee meetings: END… Thank you