Nail Tips and Wraps

Chapter 27 – 12’
Nails can be made any length
Variety of products can be applied over tip to
Offering extension services expands your
service offerings and enables clients to have a
“one stop shop” experience
Learning proper techniques for applying and
removing nail tips will aid in helping your
client to keep natural nails in the best possible
health and condition
Understanding the types and uses of nail
wraps will enable you to determine your
client's specific need
Learning how to safely and correctly apply,
maintain, and remove nail tips and wraps will
ensure your client’s happiness and loyalty.
Plastic, pre-molded nails shaped from tough
polymer made from acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS)
Add extra length to natural nail
Support for nail enhancement products
Overlay – layer of any nail enhancement
product applied overtop for added strength
Tip cutter – specialized tool for cutting nail tips
FYI box PP 875
Nail dehydrator – substance used to remove
surface moisture and tiny amounts of oil
“Well” – point of contact with nail plate
Position Stop –
Point where free edge of natural nail meets nail tip
 Tip is adhered to natural nail
Many sizes, colors, and shapes
Purchased in large containers or individual
Exactly cover nail plate from sidewall to
DO NOT use tip more narrow than nail plate
Will cause a crack at sides or split down middle
Use abrasive board to tailor tip before applying
Bevel and trim “well” before applying
Less filing
Less potential for damage
Nail tip adhesive – bonding agent to secure tip
to natural nail
Gel adhesives –
 Thicker
 Require longer “set” or drying time
Containers come in
Pointed applicator
One-drop applicator
Always wear eye protection
Contact are will need to be blended
Should be NO visible line where tip stops and
natural nail begins
Nail Tip Application pages – 879 – 881
Cause serious injury if gets into eyes
Caution Box PP 880
Service Tip boxes PP 880 - 881
Nail Tip Removal – PP 882 – 883
Caution Box PP 883
Any method securing a layer of paper or fabric
on or around the nail/tip to strengthen and
Used to repair or strengthen or create nail
Nail resin –
Made from cyanoacrylate
Polymerizes in seconds
Fabric wrap
Cut to cover nail surface
Laid in layers of resin to build and strengthen
Silk wraps
Thin natural material
 Tight weave
 Becomes transparent
 Lightweight and smooth appearance
Linen wraps
Closely woven, heavy material
 Thicker and bulkier than other types
 Adhesives do not penetrate as easily
 Opaque – colored polish to cover
 Strongest fabric
Very thin synthetic mesh with a loose weave
 Easy to use
 Resin penetrates – improves adhesion
 Not as strong as linen or silk
Paper wraps
Temporary service
 Very thin paper
 First material used
 Do not have strength and durability of fabric wraps
Wrap resin accelerator
 Acts as dryer that speeds up the hardening process
of resin or adhesive overlay
 Brush-on
 Pump
 Spray-on
 Aerosol
 2 minutes after applying
Do not apply additional wrap resin or it may harden
on tip applicator
Does not need to be applied after every layer of
FYI – box PP 877
Nail Wrap Application PP – 884 – 886
Service Tip box – PP 885
Maintenance - nail enhancements need to be serviced
as/after growing out
 Fill
 Backfill
 Structurally correct nail to ensure strength, shape,
 Rebalance
Two-Week Fabric Wrap Maintenance PP 887 888
Fabric Wrap Repair
Stress strip –
Small piece of fabric used to strengthen a weak point
or break
Cut 1/8” in length
Apply to weak point
Used to strengthen or repair
Repair Patch – piece of fabric used to cover a
crack or break
Four-Week Fabric Wrap Maintenance – PP 889
- 891
Fabric wrap removal
Remove wraps carefully so no damage to natural
 Immerse in acetone
 Wrap melts away and gently push off with wooden
 Rehydrate natural nail
Fabric Wrap removal – PP 892 – 893
Business Tip box – PP 878