(INFORMATION ON SCHEDULE 6B AND SCHEDULE 6C) 6A 6B The total no. of ‘1s’ (Commercial Establishments) obtained from the last cell (A) of column 2 (which gives the total) in each page of schedule 6A are to be recorded in respective cells of column 2 of schedule 6B. This gives us the total no. of ‘purely commercial’ establishments operating in an EB. 6A The establishments that are assigned codes 2 or 3 in column 2 of the schedule 6A i.e.. either Residential or Residential-cumcommercial are eligible to enter into column 7 of 6A. This column contains those establishments which are operating outside the household, without having a fixed structure. The total no. of these kind of establishments obtained from the last cell (B) of this column in each page of schedule 6A are to be recorded in the respective cells of column 3 of schedule 6B 6B 6 A Establishments that are assigned code 3 in column 2 of schedule 6A (Residential-cum-commercial) are eligible to enter into column 8 of 6A. This column contains the establishments that are operating inside a household. Therefore, that household is a residential-cum commercial structure. The total no. of such establishments/households obtained from the last cell (C) of column 8 in each page of schedule 6A is recorded in the respective cells under column 4 of schedule 6B. This column gives us the total no. of establishments that are operating within a household . 6B 6A Once we have obtained the nature of establishments, the next step is to jot down the details of those establishments. Thus, we move to column 14 of Schedule 6A, which tells us whether or not an establishment is involved in a handloom or handicraft activity. The total no. of ‘1s’ (i.e. ‘yes’) obtained from the last cell (D) of column 14 in each page of schedule 6A are recorded in the respective cells of column 6 in schedule 6B. This gives us the total no. of establishments involved in handloom/handicraft activity. 6B 6A 6B The total no. of hired males by establishments, whether they are commercial, residential or residential-cum-commercial obtained from the last cell (E) of column 21 in each page of schedule 6A are entered into the respective cells of column 7 in schedule 6B. The total of this column gives us the total no. of hired male workers in all establishments operating in an EB. 6B 6A The total no. of hired females by establishments, whether they are commercial, residential or residential-cum-commercial obtained from the last cell (F) of column 22 (that gives the total) in each page of schedule 6A are entered into the respective cells of column 8 in schedule 6B. The total of this column gives us the total no. of hired female workers in all establishments operating in an EB. 6A Not-hired workers are the people working in establishments without receiving any compensation from the entrepreneurs in return of the services provided by them. These workers are generally the family members of the entrepreneurs. The total no. of not-hired male workers obtained from the last cell (G) of column 23 (that gives the total) in each page of schedule 6A is entered into the respective cells under column 9 of schedule 6B. This column gives us the total no. of male workers , who are working without receiving any wage. 6B 6B 6A The total no. of not-hired female workers obtained from the last cell (H) of column 24 (that gives the total) in each page of schedule 6A is entered into the respective cells under column 10 of schedule 6B. This column gives us the total no. of female workers , who are working without receiving any wage. 6B 6A Column 25 of Schedule 6A gives us the total no. of workers [Hired (Males/Females)/Not hired (Males/Females)] in each establishment operating in an EB. The page-wise entry in cell I under column No. 25 of schedule 6A is to be entered into the respective cells of column 11 of schedule 6B. The total of this column across all pages gives us the total no. of workers working in all the establishments in an EB. 6A 6B Column 26 of schedule 6A contains the serial no. (only) to those establishments which have 8 or more workers as per column 25. The cell J contains each page’s last serial no. in column 26. These numbers obtained from each page are to be copied into the respective cells under column 12 of schedule 6B. The total of this column across all pages of 6B gives us the total no. of establishments in an EB, which are operating with 8 or more workers. Note: a. The procedure for filling up the Establishment Abstract (6B) stated above is to be repeated for all such pages of Schedule 6A having entries with respect to an Enumeration Block. b. The page wise entries in 6B would continue on both sides of it till all pages of 6A are exhausted for an EB. Total of all pages c. Thereafter, total of all column no. (2) to (12) would be done for all page numbers stated in column (1) at the end of schedule 6B. This would be done for both sides of Schedule 6B i.e. Side A & Side B in case entries extends further and so forth. Schedule 6C is to be filled only for those establishments that have 8 or more workers, i.e. the establishments which have been assigned a serial no. in column 26 of schedule 6A Firstly, the enumerator must fill in the identification particulars , i.e. the state/UT ; district; Tahsil/Taluka/P.S./ Dev. Block/Circle/Mandal; Town/Village etc. to which the particular establishment belongs. Item 1 : Page number of Schedule 6A The page number to which the particular establishment belongs according to Schedule 6A is to be copied in the space provided, as shown in the above figure. Item 2: Serial Number The Serial number allocated to the given establishment in Column 26 of Schedule 6A is to be copied in the space provided against this item. Item 3: To be filled in only if the given establishment is a branch office, otherwise, to be left blank and proceed to Item 4. This item contains seven parts: 3.1 (Regional language): In this part, the enumerator needs to jot down the Name of the establishment, House No. , Lane and Pin Code in the regional language. 3.2 (In English): This part is not to be filled in by the enumerator, but by the District Statistical Office of the respective District. 3.3 (Phone/Mobile): The phone no. of the given establishment is to be asked and filled in by the enumerator. 3.4 (Fax): The fax no. (if available) of the given establishment is to be asked and filled in by the enumerator. 3.5 (E-mail): The E-mail address (if available) of the given establishment is to be asked and filled in by the enumerator. 3.6 (PAN) & 3.7 (TAN): PAN (Permanent Account No.) and TAN (Tax Deduction Account No.) is to be asked and filled in by the enumerator. Item 4: This is a ‘must-field’ and should not be left blank. In this item, the enumerator needs to fill in the same details about the Main Office, as were filled in for the Branch Office in Item 3. 6A 6C Item 5: Description of major activity This item is to be straight-away copied from the respective cell of column 11 of schedule 6A, for the given establishment as shown above. 6A 6C Item6 (Broad Activity Code): This is to be copied from the respective cell of column 12 of Schedule 6A, for the given establishment as shown. 6A 6C Item 7 (NIC-2008 3 digit code): This item is to be copied from the respective cell of Column 13 of Schedule 6A , for the given establishment as shown above. 6A 6C Item 8 (Ownership Code): This item is to be copied from the respective cell of column 15 of Schedule 6A, for the given establishment as shown above. 6A 6C Item 9 (Total No. of Workers): This item is to be copied from the respective cell of column 25 of schedule 6A, for the given establishment, as shown above. Item 10 (Year of start of operation under current ownership) This item is to be filled in after enquiring the start of operation under the current ownership in YYYY format (For eg. 2012) Item 11: To fill this item, the enumerator needs to enquire as to whether or not a computer and/or internet facility exist in the establishment . If both of them exist then enter ‘1’,; if only computer facility exists, then enter ‘2’, if none of the facilities exist, then enter ‘3’) Item 12: To fill this item, the enumerator needs to enquire as to whether or not power is used in production by the establishment. If the answer is ‘Yes’, then enter ‘1’; if the answer is ‘No’, then enter ‘0’ Item 13: To fill this item, the enumerator needs to enquire as to whether or not the given establishment is an exporting unit. If the answer is ‘Yes’, then enter ‘1’; if the answer is ‘No’, then enter ‘0’ Item 14: The enumerator needs to enquire as to whether the given establishment is Registered or not. If the answer is ‘Yes’, then enter ‘1’, if the answer is ‘No’, then enter ‘2’. Item 15: This item is filled only if the answer to the above question is ‘Yes’. Now, the enumerator needs to enquire about the act/agency under which the given establishment is registered, and then enter ‘1’ against the act(s)/agencies under which it is registered and ‘0’ elsewhere.