Science Content Leadership Network July 17, 2014 What is happening with NGSS in KY? 4 Key Clarifications The focus is science instruction. With KBE’s support, teachers will focus fully on classroom implementation of the Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) during the upcoming school year. Teachers will continue developing proficiency and understanding of the science standards with the support of teacher networks, develop new curriculum and units, and engage students in the kind of classroom experiences expected with more rigorous, performance-oriented standards. This provides teachers the time to develop facility with pedagogical strategies that support the three-dimensional learning as required by the standards: integration of content with science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts. While implementing new standards, there is no need to prepare students for a test of outdated standards. In 2014-15, students will NOT complete a science test during K-PREP at grades 4 and 7. The current test available measures Core Content 4.1. In 2014-15, high school students will continue to take the End-of-Course test in Biology. In April, the KBE reaffirmed its commitment to continue EOC testing in high school. The ACT QualityCore ® EOC test was not developed to measure Core Content 4.1, but reflects standards aligned to the ACT that is required of all Kentucky juniors. Students will also continue to take science tests as part of ACT Explore (grade 8), ACT Plan (grade 10) and the ACT (grade 11). There is no change to how the results of these assessments are used. For example, the results will NOT replace science scores at grades 4 and 7. The new standards will require a different kind of assessment. KDE is working to define the concepts and testing framework for a new science test; then, will move forward with test development. Accountability is adjusted to move the contribution from the science test to other subject area tests. The Next-Generation Learners regulation (703 KAR 5:200) states “if data cannot be calculated for any category of next-generation learners, the weights shall be redistributed using an equal proportion to categories that shall be reported for the school or district.” The Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) for 2014-15 will be adjusted. Until all components of the accountability system are fully implemented, an annual goal (i.e., AMO) for improving the Overall Score is set. The annual goal, released each fall, includes the pieces of the assessment and accountability system expected for the upcoming school year. The 2014-15 AMO will reflect the changes for the 2014-15 school year; removing science at grades 4 and 7 and adding K-3 Program Review. Reaching Consensus on the Intent of the NGSS How do we know we are interpreting the PEs the same as others? Cross Co-op Collaboration Learning Targets Describe the intended learning - knowledge, reasoning, performance & product creation capabilities standards require in students Collectively meet the intent of the standard Reflect all 3-dimensions of NGSS NOT an activity, a lesson plan or an assessment idea Deconstruction Review After forming 2 teams, send one representative to the to select a folder with the PE your team will review. Take the folder to the table and review the deconstruction. You may WRITE ON THE DECONSTRUCTION copies Deconstruction Review Read the PE (written on the folder) and respond to the questions posted on the outside of the folder. Take a look at the draft deconstructions and answer the questions on the feedback form. If your team has suggestions, pose them on the form. Give a final rating (red, yellow, green) Place all work back in the folder and return it to the table. Review the feedback on your targets Take a Break 10 minutes SHARING TIME LUNCH Writing the Story To plan a year of instruction w/NGSS: Bundle standards together Sequence the bundles to create a coherent story of science Your Turn Form grade level groups if you are K8th grade. All high school teachers form a group. Send one representative to collect PE strips for your grade. High school will divide the high school standards into courses. In small groups, follow steps 1-6 on the protocol at your table (1-4 without using other NGSS resources) Take a Break When needed A Process to Identify the Enduring Skills, Processes, & Concepts for your Content Area 20 Goals of this process Guide teachers to collaboratively identify the enduring skills in their content area Support a meaningful student growth goalsetting process for development of quality student growth goals 21 This activity will guide you through a process for identifying enduring skills in your content area. help you differentiate between enduring skills and other skills needed for learning your content. 22 How do we get Started? 1) Identify Enduring Skills, Understandings, and Processes for subjects & courses 2) Identify how you are going to measure these 3) Identify how you are going to know where the students are at the beginning of the course What About ENDURING? In order to get to a quality student growth goal, you need to move beyond skills to identifying the ENDURING SKILLS, CONCEPTS, or PROCESSES for your content area. 24 Defining ENDURING Learning that ENDURES beyond a single test date, is of value in other disciplines, is relevant beyond the classroom, is worthy of embedded, course-long focus, may be necessary for the next level of instruction. 25 What larger guidance supports the cohesiveness of all the grade level NGSS standards? Where in our standards do you find the big rocks, big concepts, underlying practices & processes that support competency? 26 ENDURING LEARNING Science Example EXAMPLES NON-EXAMPLES Develop models using an Create a model of an analogy, example, or erupting volcano using abstract representation to vinegar and baking soda. describe a scientific principle or design solution. 27 Establish Baseline Target students’ priority need Identify the sources of evidence that will need to be in place to measure student’s level of proficiency in the Enduring Skills Identify what proficiency looks like for the Enduring Skills Identify the Enduring Skills in the content area standards Know the expectation of content area standards 28 List the Standards Skill, Process, or Understan ding What does How would I proficiency assess this? look like? (Proficiency & Growth) What instructional strategies would help students achieve this target?