FRIB Target Systems I Addition

FRIB Target Systems for Rare Isotope
Beam Production
Georg Bollen
Experimental Systems Division Director
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661, the State of Michigan and Michigan
State University. Michigan State University designs and establishes FRIB as a DOE Office of Science National User Facility in support of the mission of the Office of Nuclear Physics.
 FRIB rare isotope production overview
 Target facility overview
• Non-conventional utilities
• Radiation transport
• Remote handling
 Fragment separator
• Magnets
• Target and beam dump
 Summary
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 2
FRIB Rare Isotope Production [1]
In-flight Production and Separation Maximizes Science Reach
 Rare isotope production via in-flight
technique with primary beams up to 400
kW, 200 MeV/u uranium
 Fast, stopped, and reaccelerated
beam capability
 Rare isotope production
is within Experimental
Systems project scope
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 3
FRIB Rare Isotope Production [2]
In-flight Production and Separation Maximizes Science Reach
 Production of rare isotope beams with 400 kW beam power using light to
heavy ions up to 238U with energy ≥ 200 MeV/u
• Large acceptance: ± 40 mrad (angular) and ± 5% (momentum)
• High magnetic rigidity: 8 Tm after target
 Three separation stages for
high beam purity plus
operational versatility
 Design meets 400 kW beam
power and heavy-ion
• Power densities
• Radiation
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 4
Target Facility
Accommodates Rare Isotope Production Facilities
 Target hot cell, subterranean
 Target facility building high bay
• Second and third stage of
fragment separator
• 50 ton bridge crane
• Magnet power supplies
Production target
Fragment preseparator
Primary beam dump
Remote handling equipment
 Support areas, three subterranean levels
Cascade ventilation
Remote handling gallery and control room
Non-conventional utilities
Waste handling
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 5
Target Facility
Accommodates Non-conventional Utilities
 Non-conventional utilities (NCU)
• Water cooling loops for beam dump and target
• Primary and secondary HVAC system
Waste handling
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 6
Target Facility
Radiation Safety Incorporated in Design
 Detailed 3D radiation transport models to optimize shielding designs,
radiation heating, component activation, air
activation, skyshine
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 7
Target Facility
Remote Handling for Safe and Efficient Operation
 Maintaining activated preseparator beam line components located in
the hot cell and managing activated waste
Remotely operated bridge crane
Window workstation
Remote Handling (RH) equipment lift
Remote viewing system
Hot cell lighting
In-cell tooling
Waste handling system
20 ton crane
Vision system
Utility embeds
Hot cell lighting
Bottom loading port
(access to waste handling gallery)
Window workstation
RH equipment lift
In-cell tooling
Temporary waste storage
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 8
Fragment Separator
Advanced Mechanical and Magnet Systems
beam dump
Rotating waterfilled drum
Rotating multislice graphite
Magnet systems outside hot-cell
New cold-iron superconducting magnets
Reconfiguration of existing A1900 magnets
Magnet systems in hot-cell
Radiation tolerant/resistant warm-iron superconducting magnets
Located inside large vacuum vessels
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 9
Fragment Separator
Vacuum Vessels Life-of-Facility Items
 Accommodate preseparator rare
isotope production and separation
• Production target
• Beam dump
• Magnets
• Diagnostics
 Life-of-Facility items
• Design with high level of care
 Large size
Target Vessel
19.7 (ft) 6.0 (m) 7.3 (ft) 2.2 (m) 11.4 (ft) 3.5 (m)
Beam Dump Vessel 24.7 (ft) 7.5 (m) 9.7 (ft) 3.0 (m) 20.6 (ft) 6.3 (m)
Wedge Vessel
18.4 (ft) 5.6 (m) 7.9 (ft) 2.4 (m) 12.7 (ft) 3.9 (m)
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 10
Fragment Separator
Superconducting Magnets Tolerate Radiation Fields
 Radiation resistant/tolerant design for
superferric magnets in hot cell
• Quadrupoles with “warm” (i.e. not cryogenic)
iron and radiation resistant/tolerant coils
» High Temperature Superconductor (HTS)
quadrupole (built by BNL)
• Dipoles with radiation resistant HTS coils
and “warm” iron
• Radiation resistant room-temperature
• Remote handling
 Proven designs (based on existing NSCL
designs) for magnets beyond hot cell
• Quadrupole triplets with “cold” (at cryogenic
temperature) iron
• Dipoles and quadrupoles using established
superferric magnet technology
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 11
Fragment Separator
Target and Beam Dump Based on Advanced Concepts
 Rotating multi-slice rotating carbon target
• Absorbs up to 100 kW beam power and
meets high-power density radiation damage
• Prototyped and e-beam tested
• Radiation damage annealing demonstrated
• Detailed mechanical design ongoing
• Different target configurations for all FRIB
primary beams defined
 Rotating water-filled drum primary beam
• Absorbs up to 325 kW beam
• Primary beam stops in water
• Full scale titanium prototype drum
fabricated and mechanical and flow tests
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 12
 FRIB target systems for rare isotope beam production designed to meet
performance requirements
• Rare isotope production via in-flight technique
with primary beams up to 400 kW,
200 MeV/u uranium
 FRIB will provide fast, stopped,
and reaccelerated beam
 FRIB rare isotope beams will
enable new discoveries
G. Bollen, May 2014 SPAFOA Meeting, Slide 13