Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Regulatory approaches for a new paradigm in the electricity market Alberto Biancardi Rio de Janeiro 10 April 2014 Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Outline AEEGSI in a nutshell The Italian electricity sector: from liberalization to the European integration Regulatory measures in the new paradigm Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico AEEGSI in a nutshell Independent Authority created in 1995 pursuant to law 481 5 members of the board, proposed by Government and approved with a 2/3 majority vote of Parliamentary Committees (7 years mandate) Regulated sectors: Electricity, Gas and since 2011 also Water Services Regulation Monitoring Enforcement Tariffs TPA Quality Unbundling EU Regulation Data collection Wholesale and retail markets Consumer protection Sanctions Dispute settlement Advising Proposals to Government and Parliament International Relations ACER CEER ECRB Medreg ICER Bilateral Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Organization structure Board Regulation Juridical affairs & Institutional relations IT & Logistic Resources Enforcement & Consumers Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Outline AEEGSI in a nutshell The Italian electricity sector: from liberalization to the European integration Regulatory measures in the new paradigm context Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico The Italian electricity sector: from liberalization to European integration 1999- Liberalization decree (79/99) following directive 92/96/CE Unbundling Generation: incumbent splitting (4 GENCOs) Transmission: ownership Distribution: legal Wholesale market Public Power Exchange (Long term - Day AheadIntra Day -Balancing) Bilateral contracts Retail market Single Buyer model Two market segments: eligible and captive customers 2007-Completion of retail market opening following directive 53/2003/CE: domestic customers and SME can refer to a protection service provided by a default supplier at prices defined by AEEGSI on a market basis 2014- Completion of Internal Electricity Market in Europe: the Italian market is going to be integrated with other markets through day ahead market coupling Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Italian electricity system in 2012: energy Trend of generation mix Electricity demand (328 TWh) Wind & Sun Thermo 317 Geo provisional Hydro Electricity Domestic Production (285 TWh) Net import (43 TWh) 32% of generation comes from RES and 13% comes from abroad Source:Terna Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Italian electricity system in 2012: capacity RES effects on low load days Net installed capacity (124 GW) Demand peak 54,1 MW (max 56,8 MW in 2007) Measures for the balance of the grid •Import reduction •Pumping storage From an energy •RES curtailment only market... to a capacity based market? The penetration of intermittent RES with zero marginal costs is deeply changing the market structure: thermo PP cannot recover fixed costs and flexibility services have to be enhanced Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Outline AEEGSI in a nutshell The Italian electricity sector: from the liberalization to the European integration Regulatory measures in the new paradigm context Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Two-fold meaning of smart regulation 1) Better management of grids, flexibility, quality of the service… 2) Demand Side Management, smart services… Present Next future Far future Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Regulatory measures in the new paradigm: present regulation Area of intervention Problem Solution RES How to allow RES prosumers to disentangle production and consumption Decision 74/2008 In-site trading The value of withdrawn energy can be reduced of the value of injected energy Ri-dispatching activity How to reduce ancillary service procurement cost Decision 315/2007 Output based regulation Rewards and penalties are set for the TSO to minimize the amount of services procured System flexibility How to increase the resources available to balance the grid Consultation document 368/2013 Local dispatching Intermittent RES and embedded generation could be accepted as participants in the balancing market Quality of the service How to reduce the local electricity shortages Decision 198/2011 Output based regulation Rewards and penalties are set for the DSO to minimize the amount of energy not supplied Regulatory measures in the new paradigm: next future regulation GLOBAL BALANCING MARKET Extended centralized dispatch CP (HV- MV- LV) TSO Local dispatch CP (HV) NP-RES (HV) TSO NP-RES (HV) CP (HV) TSO ZERO IMBALANCES COMMITTEMENT NP-RES (HV- MV- LV) DSO Bids Programmed exchange profile CP (MV-LV) NP-RES (MV-LV) DSO CP (MV-LV) NP-RES (MV-LV) CP = CONVENTIONAL PLANT NP-RES =NON PROGRAMMABLE RES 12 LOCAL BALANCING MARKET Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Regulatory measures in the new paradigm: far future regulation 1/2 General approach: – focus on effectiveness (i.e. performance) and economic efficiency (i.e. costs): projects are paid for by all consumers – full transparency of procedures, rules, criteria (e.g. for project selection and evaluation) defined and known ex-ante – scientific and technical support (Universities, research centers; technical Committee) – continuous monitoring (throughout the project’s lifetime) – replicability – public dissemination of results Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Regulatory measures in the new paradigm: far future regulation 2/2 Pilot project approach Area of intervention Problem Solution Smart grids How to integrate RES in MV grids Decision 39/2010 DSOs receive an extra remuneration (WACC +2%) on pilot project investments 8 projects have been selected and are presently ongoing Electric Vehicle recharging infrastructure How to select the best Decision 242/2010 electricity distribution DSOs & service providers receive a remuneration on model for electric vehicles pilot projects based on €/point/year 5 projects have been selected and are presently ongoing Electricity Storage How to find the best technology for electricity storage Decisions 288/2012, 66/2013, 43/2013 8 projects presented by the TSO have been selected Ongoing definition of data, indicators of performance to be monitored, contents of interim and final reports Multi-service Smart metering How to check technical and economic feasibility and find the best model of governance (e.g. Third Party Agent vs Third Party Operator) Decision 393/2013 State of the art: definition of selection criteria (number of points, variety of services included), minimum requirements (e.g. at least 30% of points in the gas sector and 60% in services regulated by AEEGSI) Autorità per l’energia elettrica il gas e il sistema idrico Drivers for the new regulation • Decarbonisation increases the need for flexibility of the electricity system => growing share of renewables • Expected growth of markets for electrification of mobility and heating (power to heat) => significant increase of the peak of demand above the limits of the existing electricity distribution networks • The European Directive 2012/27/EC pushes towards the integration of demand-side flexibility (= modification of consumption patterns in reaction to an external price signal or activation, in order to provide a service within the energy system) in the electricity system • Tlc externalities