Independent Clauses

Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clause
Expresses a complete thought. It
can stand alone as a sentence..
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clause
Expresses a complete thought. It
can stand alone as a sentence.
Doesn’t need anything else to
make sense.
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Explained definition
Independent Clauses
Have a subject, predicate (verb),
and makes sense all by itself.
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clause Examples:
1. The doorbell rang.
2. She smiled down on the
3. The turkey was hot and juicy.
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
Examples with
independent/dependent clauses
Independent Clauses can come at
the end or at the beginning of a
The girl ran to her room when the boy
called her.
After mother got home, she went to
Independent Clauses
Independent Clauses
You Practice
You Practice
Practice with independent
Independent Clauses
1. Since the hurricane hit, many people have been
2. The clouds gathered quickly, as if it were going to rain.
3. Although the deer was dead, we picked it up anyway.
4. Father asked us to sit down, once the speaker was
5. Please be quiet, until Mrs. Slagle is finished.
6. Whether you finish or not, you should always try your
You Practice
You Practice
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clause
Doesn’t express a complete
thought. It can’t stand alone as a
sentence..It sounds like something
else should follow in order to make
**Must have a subject and predicate(verb)
Dependent Clauses
otherwise it’s a phrase**
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clause Examples:
because the door was open,
when it started raining,
Until your father gets home,
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Examples with
independent/dependent clauses
Dependent Clauses can come at
the end or at the beginning of a
The girl ran to her room when the boy
called her.
After mother got home, she went to
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Subordinating conjunctions
Dependent Clauses begin with
Subordinating Conjunctions
After, although, as, as if,
Because, before,
For, if, once,
Since, so, so that, than, that, though, till,
Unless, until,
When, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether,
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Commas with dependent clauses
Dependent Clauses
Usually have a comma when they
are found in the first part of a
If found at the end of the sentence,
there will not be any comma.
Dependent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
You Practice
You Practice
Dependent Clauses
1. After the car went off the road, it was totaled.
2. She sang a song when it was her turn.
3. Though the weather man said rain, it was
4. He hugged her although she was wet.
5. Before the dance, she went home.
6. The boys help out if they get to listen to music.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. She drove the car so that her brother could walk.
2. Whenever it rains, we get a ride from father.
3. Unless the game is over, we always stay to help.
4. The coach gives us advice so we can win the
5. Cole helps his mother whereas James just bugs
6. He closed the window because it was windy.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. Sugar water is a solution whereas gravel isn’t.
2. Once the ice melted, the grass turned green.
3. He will sleep till his mother comes home.
4. Wherever there is chocolate, there is candy.
5. Since the melt-down, the skaters haven’t been
the same.
6. His room was clean before his friend came over.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. If the dance ends at 11:00, come home after it.
2. Naps are great although teenagers don’t think
3. As the moon came out, the sun went down.
4. Reports come out whenever 9 weeks end.
5. She parked the car before he got out.
6. While he danced the waltz, she did the Monkey.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. When dad comes home, the house becomes quiet.
Mrs. Bigbee smiles whenever her kids follow the rules.
3. After the accident, the cattle were wild.
4. The water fountain was broken because of the
5. Whenever you see a quarter, pick it up.
6. Help one another because it’s the right thing to do.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. They will walk home unless she has detention.
2. The books were late since they were overdue.
3. There’s no way unless your brother goes.
4. While you’re there, pick up another gallon of
5. So there isn’t any fighting, please buy two.
6. The ground will freeze if it gets cold enough.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. If the dance ends at 11:00, come home after it.
2. Naps are great although teenagers don’t think
3. As the moon came out, the sun went down.
4. Reports come out whenever 9 weeks end.
5. She parked the car before he got out.
6. While he danced the waltz, she did the Monkey.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. If the dance ends at 11:00, come home after it.
2. Naps are great although teenagers don’t think
3. As the moon came out, the sun went down.
4. Reports come out whenever 9 weeks end.
5. She parked the car before he got out.
6. While he danced the waltz, she did the Monkey.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. If the dance ends at 11:00, come home after it.
2. Naps are great although teenagers don’t think
3. As the moon came out, the sun went down.
4. Reports come out whenever 9 weeks end.
5. She parked the car before he got out.
6. While he danced the waltz, she did the Monkey.
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
You Practice
Independent/Dependent Clauses
1. If the dance ends at 11:00, come home after it.
2. Naps are great although teenagers don’t think
3. As the moon came out, the sun went down.
4. Reports come out whenever 9 weeks end.
5. She parked the car before he got out.
6. While he danced the waltz, she did the Monkey.
You Practice
You Practice