1/8 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 Nothing But The Blood 我罪怎能得洗净 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 What can wash a-way my sin? Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 我心怎能得完全 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 What can make me whole a-gain? Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 教會聖詩 #202 2/8 *主宝血当颂扬 洗我罪免死亡 *O! pre-cious is the flow That makes me white as snow 此活泉世无双 惟有主耶稣的宝血 No oth-er fount I know Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 3/8 2 我的刑罚怎得除 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 For my par-don this I see Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 得救是否靠得住 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 For my cleans-ing this my plea Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 4/8 *主宝血当颂扬 洗我罪免死亡 *O! pre-cious is the flow That makes me white as snow 此活泉世无双 惟有主耶稣的宝血 No oth-er fount I know Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 5/8 3 我无功劳补罪过 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 Noth-ing can for sin a-tone Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 一生言语都有错 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 Naught of good that I have done Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 6/8 *主宝血当颂扬 洗我罪免死亡 *O! pre-cious is the flow That makes me white as snow 此活泉世无双 惟有主耶稣的宝血 No oth-er fount I know Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 7/8 4 靠主宝血享平安 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 This is all my hope and peace Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 洗去困苦并愁烦 惟靠主耶稣的宝血 This is all my right-eous-ness Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus 8/8 *主宝血当颂扬 洗我罪免死亡 *O! pre-cious is the flow That makes me white as snow 此活泉世无双 惟有主耶稣的宝血 No oth-er fount I know Noth-ing but the blood of Je-sus