Music today: Little Mermaid, “Under the Sea” WELCOME OSU MOMS!! Deep Ocean Circulation Motion in the Ocean, Part 2, or Who wants to ride the Great Conveyor Belt? Surface Circulation How does the Deep Ocean respond to Surface Circulation? The main gyres move heat and salt Resulting DENSITY variations lead to vertical flow (sinking) Formation of “water masses”, characterized by Temperature, Salinity Density Variation in Sea Water North Atlantic Circulation Density-Driven Water Flow Called “Thermohaline Circulation”, because temperature and salinity together determine density of seawater “Thermo” = temperature “haline” = salt Where does the Ocean’s Deepest Water Come From? The densest seawater is cold and salty This is formed at high latitudes in the North and South Atlantic: North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) Density Rules! Underwater “Waterfalls” Water Masses and ocean mixing Thermohaline Circulation The Great Conveyor Belt Semi-Enclosed Basins: Mediterranean Water Mediterranean Water Mediterranean Water Tracking Motion (direction & velocity) fixed mobile Consequences of Global Flow Consequences of Global Flow Ocean turnover is about 1500 years (time for a round trip on the conveyor belt) Deep water (made in the polar Atlantic) contains abundant O2 and CO2 The high O2 content promotes oxidation of bottom sediments (e.g., CaCO3) The CO2 content controls CCD (Carbonate Compensation Depth) Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD) Cold, acidic, salty Cold, acidic, salty Carbon Cycle and Global Warming The temperature of bottom water formation determines how much CO2 is dissolved in deep ocean water The rate of overturn of the oceans determines the “burial rate” of C from the atmosphere Organic C accumulates in sediments, depending on the O2 content of deep ocean Carbon Cycle and Global Warming Organic C in sediments is reduced to CH4 (methane gas) Methane gas migrates upward and can be trapped as frozen “gas hydrates” near the ocean floor Gas Hydrates “Salem Sue” New Salem, ND Gas Hydrates Gas Hydrates: Ice w/fuel and fire inside Light w/match Gas Hydrates Hydrate Ridge Image courtesy of Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Scale Nodes Program, UW Hydrate Ridge Yaquina Bay, Newport Image courtesy of Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Scale Nodes Program, UW Hydrate Ridge Image courtesy of Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Scale Nodes Program, UW Climate Change Concerns What happens when sea level falls? What happens when deep water warms? What about underwater landslides & earthquakes? All of these liberate gas hydrates (CH4), which combines with O2 to form CO2, ultimately reaching the atmosphere Deep Ocean Circulation The ocean has an enormous capacity to absorb and release greenhouse gases So, the rate, temperature and composition of seawater circulating through the deep ocean is vitally important in assessing long term climate change