
London and South East Burns Services Review
Patient Panel Event
8th September 2010
The London Film Museum
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:40
10:40 – 10:55
10:55 – 11:10
11:15 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:45
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:30
14:30 – close
Registration and refreshments
Introduction by Robert Creighton
Why are we here? James Partridge & Jo Myers
Group work / format of the day, Yvonne van Heugten
Discussion session 1
Discussion session 2
Feedback from sessions and questions
Opportunity to look around the museum
London and South East Burns Services Review
Patient Panel Event
8th September 2010
The London Film Museum
Robert Creighton, Senior Responsible Officer, London and South
East Burns Services Review and;
Chief Executive, Ealing PCT
• Welcome to the first Burns Patient Stakeholder Event
• The purpose of today’s event is:
o To introduce the project
o Obtain your views on current services
o Provide you with the opportunity to suggest how services can be
London and South East
Burns Services Review
• The review is led by the London Specialised Commissioning Group,
on behalf of the 3 other specialised commissioning groups across
the south east
• These groups are responsible for commissioning specialised
services within a regional area, e.g. London and South East of
What is a specialised service?
Specialised services are services that treat highly complex and severe
injuries and diseases. As these conditions don’t affect large numbers of
patients, they are provided in fewer centres. This ensures patients
receive the best quality care.
What does commissioning mean?
Commissioning is the process of assessing which services are
needed, how they should be delivered and where they are needed most
This review of specialised burns services covers the following regions:
East of England;
South Central;
South East Coast and;
Specialised burns services across England operate in networks.
Services in London and the South East are part of the London and
South East Burns Network (LSEBN)
Why are we doing this?
To determine how specialised burn services can deliver:
• The best quality of care
• The best place for treatment
• The best facilities to receive this treatment
The project is producing a Case for Change which will:
• Provide a picture of current services;
• Compare services to best practice;
• Compare services to national standards;
• Identify where services need to improve;
• Identify what patients want from their service.
James Partridge, Chief Executive, Changing Faces
Yvonne van Heugten, Policy Advisor, Changing Faces
Jo Myers, Lead Nurse, London and South East Burns Network and;
Senior Sister, Children's Burns Ward, St Andrews
Why are we here?
Patients hold the key to helping the NHS improve services
Your input will help shape proposals for the future of burn care
across London and the South East
Your experience
Your experience is important –
We want to know what went well and how it could be improved
A ‘blank sheet of paper’?
We want to make our services even better, and ensure that patients
receive the best care, at the right place:
• What makes an excellent service?
• How can we make our services even better?
Group work
• 2 x 45 minute discussion sessions
• There will be a facilitator and a scriber on each table
• Opportunity to comment / feedback during lunch break
• Feedback at the end to entire group
Ground rules
• Only one person speak at a time
• Listen to and respect the opinions of others
• Please do not interrupt while others are speaking, everyone will have
the opportunity to speak
• Please be polite – everyone has different but equally valid opinions
• If you need to leave the room at any time, for any reason, please feel
free to do so
• The facilitator is there to help and to ensure we capture all feedback
Discussion session 1
1) What are the top 5 things that made your experience good?
2) What are the top 5 things that could have been better?
London and South East Burns Services Review
Patient Panel Event
8th September 2010
The London Film Museum
Discussion session 2
What are the top 5 things you value most in an excellent service?
Facilitators will provide a summary of feedback in the first and
second sessions
There are contact forms available for your completion so we can keep
this helpful dialogue going
Thank you
On behalf of the project team, for attending today’s event
The next patient event will be in October
Questions, comments or to find out more: or call us on 020 7685 6945