THE INVESTMENT PROFILE IN MTWARA REGION 姆特瓦拉省投资概要 THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 坦桑尼亚总理府省级行政和地方政府部 1 Regional Commissioner’s 省长办公室 Office 姆特瓦拉省544号邮箱 P.O. BOX 544 MTWARA 电话/传真:023-2333194 Tel./Fax No.. 023-2333194 电子邮箱 Email: 1 .1. Geographical Location 地理位置 姆特瓦拉省 行政区界和公路 MAP OF MTWARA 姆特瓦拉省地图 3 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.1 Administration • The Region is administratively divided into districts, wards and villages. The Region has five districts of Mtwara, Masasi, Nanyumbu, Newala and Tandahimba. The Region has 27 divisions, 149 wards and 694 villages. • 1.1行政区划 • 姆特瓦拉省行政上分为县、百户区和村,有五个县:姆特 瓦县、玛萨希县、南匀部县、尼瓦拉县、坦达西姆巴县, 27个乡、149百户区和694个村庄。 4 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.2 Location • The Region is located in southern Tanzania bordered by Ruvuma Region to the west, Lindi Region to the North and the Ruvuma River to the South making natural boarder with Mozambique. The Region has a total are of 16,720 km2. • 1.2位置 • 姆特瓦拉省位于坦桑尼亚南部,西邻鲁伍马省,北邻林迪 省,南邻鲁伍马河,该河成为与莫桑比克的天然边界。该 省总面积有16,720平方公里。 5 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.3 Land Use • Three quarters of the Region’s total land area of 16,720 km2 is unutilized. About 10% of all land is under cultivation. Three quarters of the Region’s Forest Reserves are in Masasi District and only 8% in Newala District. • 1.3 土地使用 • 姆特瓦拉省16,720平方公里土地总面积中的四分之三未 被利用。大约10%的土地进行了种植。省内四分之三的森 林保护区在马萨西县,尼瓦拉县只有8%。 6 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.4 Topography • The topography of the Region is rather flat and slightly undulating except the plateau escarpment and steep riversides. The elevation is low not exceeding 800 meters. The Region belongs to four different physiographic features namely the coast and coastal hill Regions, the higher areas and Ruvuma valley. • 1.4 地形 • 除了高原坡地和陡峭的河岸,该省的地形相当平坦,略微 起伏。海拔低,不超过800米。该省有四种不同的地形特征 ,即,海岸、沿海丘陵、高地和鲁伍马河谷。 7 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.5 Geological Settings • The soils of Mtwara Region consist almost entirely of redearths. The Ruvuma river valley consists of alluvial soils with peat type humus soil called Ngapa. These are extremely fertile and easily cultivable even during the rainy season. Some black cotton type of soil is dominant around the lakes Kitere and Chidya. Geologically Mtwara Region is divided in two parts • 1.5 地质背景 • 姆特瓦拉省的土壤几乎全部由红土构成。鲁伍马河谷拥有 夹杂着泥炭腐殖土的称作Ngapa的冲积土壤。这些土壤非常 肥沃,易于耕种,甚至雨季也不例外。黑棉土主要分布在吉 特尔湖和吉达湖周围地区。姆特瓦拉省地质上分为两个部 分。东部沿海的特点为第四纪和部分第三纪沉积物和中生 代白垩纪岩石,西部则是高变质岩石的古生代复合地层。 该地区可以分为三个不同的植被类型。 8 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.6 Climate • Mtwara Region is climatically characterized by two main climatic seasons: hot humid rainy season running from November/December to April/May and less humid dry season from June to October. The mean annual rainfall ranges from 800mm to 900mm. The highest monthly mean air temperature at Mtwara is 270C in December and the lowest is 23.80C in July. • 1.6 气候 • 姆特瓦拉省气候特点是有两个季节:从11月/ 12月到4月- 5月 炎热潮湿的雨季,从6月到10月干燥的旱季。平均年降雨量 800毫米到900毫米不等。在姆特瓦拉最高月平均气温是在 12月,达27摄氏度,最低是在7月,达23.8摄氏度。内陆乡村 温度约为1.0摄氏度。 9 1. NTRODUCTION 介绍 • 1.7 Population and Ethnicity • According to 2012 population census, Mtwara has a population of 1,270,854 with Annual Average Population Growth of 1.2% and Population Density of 76 per square kilometer. There are three main ethnic groups in Mtwara Region namely: Makonde, Yao and Makua. • 1.7 人口和民族 • 根据2012年人口普查, 姆特瓦拉省有1,270,854人,年 均人口增长率为1.2%,人口密度为每平方公里76人。有三 个主要民族,即:马孔德族、姚族和马夸族。 10 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.1 Regional Gross Domestic Product • About 87 percent of the population in Mtwara Region is engaged in agriculture, other rural activities like fishing, beekeeping and smallscale industries. Mtwara Region recorded a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tshs. 1,183 Billion in 2012 at Current Market prices. Regional GDP Contributes 2.58% of National GDP and Regional per capita GDP is Tshs. 930,862 in 2012 at Current Market prices. • 2.1 全省国内生产总值 • 姆特瓦拉省大约有87%的人口从事农业及其他农村地区的渔业、 养蜂和小规模经营活动。按目前市场价格计算,姆特瓦拉省2012 年的国内生产总值为1.1830万亿坦桑尼亚先令。我省对全国GDP 贡献率为2.58%。按当前市场价格计算,2012年我省人均国内生 产总值为930,862坦桑尼亚先令。 11 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2 The Agriculture Sector • Mtwara Region has about 1,672,000 hectares of land out of which 85% is potentially arable. However the actual utilized area for farming is estimated to be 48% suggesting that there is underutilization of the potentially arable land. The area for livestock activities is estimated to be only 9%. The wildlife and Forest Reserves or protected area covers 14%. • 农业 • 姆特瓦拉省有大约1,672,000公顷土地,其中85%为潜在的可耕 地。然而,实际农业利用面积估计为48%,表明潜在的可耕地 利用不足。家畜饲养所占土地面积仅为9%。野生动物保护区和 森林保护区或者保护区占14%。 12 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2.1 The performance of Crop Production • Major food crops produced in the Region include cassava, sorghum, millet, paddy and maize. Leguminous crops grown extensively as protein sources are pigeon peas, cowpeas, Bambara nuts, green grams and groundnuts. Mtwara is the leading cashew nut producer in the country as cash crop. • 2.2.1 农作物生产 • 姆特瓦拉省生产的主要粮食作物包括木薯、高粱、谷子、 水稻和玉米。作为蛋白质来源而广泛种植的豆类作物有鸽 子豆、豇豆、班巴拉坚果、绿豆和花生。经济作物腰果的 产量占全国首位。 13 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2.2 Irrigation Agriculture • The Irrigation Zone Office in Mtwara has identified areas which have the potential for irrigation agriculture. In collaboration with respective District councils, seven (7) irrigation projects such as Kitere, Ndanda, Lipalwe, Ng’apa, Chikwedu Chipamanda, Mahurunga, Lipeleng’nye are under construction. • 2.2.2灌溉农业 • 姆特瓦拉省灌区办公室已经确定有发展灌溉农业潜力的地 区。各县议会进行合作,正在建设7个灌溉项目,如,吉特 尔、恩丹达、利帕尔维、恩嘎帕、其克维杜、其帕满达、 利派棱根耶灌溉项目。 14 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2.3 Cooperative and Agriculture Markets • Farmers do sell their agricultural products via their cooperatives, but few are members of cooperatives that deal with agricultural products. The major cooperative institution is a SACCOs, there are 143 SACCOs in the Region. Other institutions are for fisher folk, irrigation, vocational and community services (security and porters). Currently, after the introduction of free market economy, the market for agricultural products is no longer certain. There is a need to have a program for processing such crops so that the market is made available for the already processed crops. • 2.2.3合作社和农业市场 • 农民通过合作社来销售农产品,可是他们中却很少有人是经营农产品的 合作社成员。省内主要的合作机构是SACCOs,全省有143个SACCOs,其 它还有渔民、灌溉、职业和社区服务(保安和搬运工)合作机构。现在 引入市场经济后,农产品市场充满了不确定性。这就需有一个农产品加 工环节,以便形成一个农产品成品市场。 15 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2.4 Opportunities and Limitations in the agriculture Sector • The Region has a possibility of increasing paddy and millet production as there is potential area for growing such crops. Low production and productivity in agriculture and poor technology and supporting facilities are among the limiting factors in the agricultural sector. • 2.2.4 农业部门的投资机会和局限性 • 由于姆特瓦拉省有潜在种植区域,提高水稻和小米的产量是 有可能的。 农业部门的制约因素体现在产量和劳动生产率低、技术和配 套设施差。 16 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.2.5 Livestock Sector and industries. • Livestock keeping in the Region operates in small scale. Most households have an average of 5 cows and 5 to 7 goats. Up to the year 2013 the Region had about 35,137 cows, 497,345 goats, 81,038 sheep and 22,753,669 chickens. There are at present little industrial activities going on in the Region apart from few large-scale, medium and small-scale cashew nut industries. There are also few micro and small-scale firms including milling machines. Many of large-scale agro-based industries are faced with enormous operating problems. • 2.2.5畜牧部门和工业 • 省内牲畜养殖规模小,多数家庭平均有5头牛、5至7头山羊。截至2013 年,省内有35,137 头牛、497,345 头山羊、 81,038只绵羊和22,753,669只 鸡。目前,除了几家大型、中型和小型的腰果加工厂之外,省内几乎没 有工业企业。只有几家有研磨机的小微企业。许多大型农业企业面临巨 大的经营问题。 17 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.4 Economic Infrastructure • The economic infrastructure in Mtwara Region has continued to improve due to both central and local government efforts and private sector investment in expansion of telecommunications services, modernization of Mtwara port service, and improvement of in land, marine and air transport services. Opportunities in infrastructure investment are high, ranging from trunk and rural roads, bridges, telecommunication, airports, water distribution and power generation. • 2.4 经济基础设施 • 由于中央、地方政府的努力和私营部门的投资,电信服务、现代 化港口服务、土地开发、海洋和航空服务这些领域的开发,省内 经济基础设施不断改善。姆特瓦拉省投资机会多,包括公路干线 、乡村公路、桥梁、电信、机场、供水和发电这些方面。 18 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.5 Social sectors • 2.5.1 Education Sector • Structure of the Formal Education and Training System in Tanzania, Mtwara being a part constitutes 2 years of pre-primary education, 7 years of primary education, 4 years of Junior Secondary (Ordinary Level), 2 years of Senior Secondary (Advanced Level) and up to 3 or more years of Tertiary Education. The Region has about 642 Primary schools, 144 Secondary schools, 4 Teachers training institutes and 9 Technical colleges including Vocational Educational Training Authority ( VETA). • 2.5 社会部门 • 2.5.1 教育部门 • 坦桑尼亚有正规教育和培训体系。姆特瓦拉有2年学前教育、7年初等 教育、4年初中教育(普通)、2年高中教育(高级)和3年以上的高等 教育。省内有642所小学、144所中学、4个教师培训学院和9个包括职 业教育培训机构在内的技术学院(简称VETA)。 19 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.5.2Health Sector • The Health sector in Mtwara Region is faced with a variety of basic problems, which work against the development of a healthy and productive population. Poor communications, poor water supplies, poverty, poor rural health services and malnutrition are some of the factors contributing towards ill health. In the provision of health services, Mtwara has 212 out 668 required health facilities of which the available are 5 hospitals, 20 Health Centers and 187 dispensaries, 32 health facilities are owned by private organizations/companies. • 2.5.2卫生部门 • 姆特瓦拉省卫生部门面临着各种基本问题,阻碍了健康、高生产 力人口的发展。通讯落后、供水落后、农村卫生服务落后,贫困 和营养不良等都是造成健康状况不佳的因素。在提供卫生服务方 面,姆特瓦拉拥有全省要求设立的668个卫生设施中的212个,现 有5家医院、20家卫生院和187诊所,私营卫生机构有32家。 20 2. THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 全省经济 • 2.5.3Water Supply • The sources of water in the Region are dominated by Rivers Ruvuma, Mbuo, Mambi and Mbangala, and lakes Kitere and Chidya. However, in order to supply the much scattered population ground water is also exploited as well as some harvesting of rain water. A number of constraints were identified related to the water sector; these include limited water supply system, old water supply system, inefficient and unreliable electricity supply together with poor and outdated transport system. • 2.5.3供水 • 省内水资源主要有卢伍马河、姆波河、曼碧河、姆班噶啦河以及 吉特尔湖和吉达湖。然而,为了向居住比较分散的人口供水,也 利用地表水和雨水。与供水相关的许多制约因素包括供水系统供 水能力有限,供水系统陈旧,供电不足且不稳定,还有交通系统 较差而且落后。 21 MTWARA INVESTMENT POTENTIAL AREAS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT. 姆特瓦拉投资潜在领域及开发机会 22 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Cashew nut • Mtwara Region is the giant producer of the crop in the country. Currently the production stands at 85,625 tons realized in the year 2012/13, surpassing production of 85,138 tons in 2010/11. Investments can be made to increase cashew nut production through expansion of cashew plantation by creating central farms and motivating out growers. • 腰果 • 姆特瓦拉省是全国腰果的主产地。2012-2013年实现产量85,625 吨, 超过2010-2011年的85,138吨。可以通过建设中心农场、激励 种植者,扩大腰果的种植,从而增加腰果产量。 • One of the investment potential areas is the agro-based processing of cashew nuts. • 腰果加工具有投资潜力。 23 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Oil Seeds • There are potential investment opportunities in oil seeds production and one of the major cash crop is Sesame. The most productive areas are the river basins like Ruvuma, Lukuledi, Mbangala, and Lumesule and in low lying plains. • 油料 • 在油料生产方面有潜在投资机会,芝麻是主要经济作物 之一。产量最高的地区在鲁伍马、卢库勒蒂、姆班噶拉 和鲁莫苏尔河流域以及低洼平原地区。 24 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Green grams (Choroko) • Another potential investment opportunities exist in production, processing and packaging of green grams as one of the cash crop doing well in Mtwara. • 绿豆(Choroko) • 在姆特瓦拉省的另一个较好的投资机会是生产、加工和 包装绿豆。 25 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Cassava • Production figures range from 495,499 tons in 2009/10 to 520,245 tons in the year 2012/13 indicating rise in cassava crop performance in the Region. Production has increased steadily from year to year and most productive areas are Newala and Mtwara Districts although other District do produce as well. In Newala District there is farm with 10,000 acres set aside for investment in cassava production. • 木薯 • 木薯的年产量从2009-2010年的495,499吨增长到2012-2013年的 520,245吨。这些数据表明木薯产量在姆特瓦拉省在增长。木薯 产量逐年在增长,最高产地区在尼瓦拉县和姆特瓦拉县。为了吸 引对木薯生产的投资,尼瓦拉县预留出一个10,000英亩的农场。 26 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Livestock sector • Currently, within the Region there is a ranch called Nangaramo which covers about 8,000 ha of which only 6,175 ha are utilized. • 畜牧业 • 目前,我省有个称作南噶拉莫的牧场,占地面积 8000公顷, 只利用了6175公顷; 27 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Fishing sector • In order to increase the fish catch for commercial and domestic consumption, there is need to go further offshore where fishes are in abundance. There are potential investments into small-scale, medium and large-scale commercial fishing activities. The fishing areas include Indian Ocean, the Mnazi Bay Marine Park serves as the breeding ground for fish resources. • 渔业部门 • 为了增加捕鱼量以满足商业消费和国内消费,有必要到鱼类丰富 的远海去。大、中、小型商业捕鱼具有潜在投资机会。捕鱼区域 包括印度洋。姆纳济湾海洋公园可以用作鱼类繁殖地。 28 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Deep sea fishery • Mtwara’s deep sea has got immense number of fishery resources which have not been exploited. The most common commercial species found in the deep sea are large sized such as Tuna, Sail fish, Sharks and Mackerels. These provide an opportunity for a large scale deep sea fishery whose processed or semi processed products can be sold within and outside the country. Deep sea fishing entails provision of enabling environment for fishermen in terms of gear and market. • 深海渔业 • 姆特瓦拉省的深海有巨大数量、未开发的渔业资源。在深海中发现 的最常见的商业鱼种是诸如金枪鱼、帆鱼、鲨鱼和鲣。这为大规模 深海捕捞提供了机会,加工和半加工的产品可在国内外市场销售。 29 Agricultural and Agro-processing 农业和农产品加工 • Fisheries and Aquaculture • There are several areas along 125 km of Mtwara’s coastline that offer amazing opportunities for medium to large scale aquaculture development. • 渔场及水产养殖 • 姆特瓦拉省125公里的海岸线有几个区域可供投资进行大、 中型水产养殖开发。 30 Tourism 旅游业 • The most aesthetical tourist attraction areas include historical ruins such as Mikindani ruins of the Old Boma and slave market, Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park as well as the cultures, traditions and customs. • 最精彩的旅游景点有米金达尼的老石堡和奴隶市场遗址、姆纳兹湾 如乌马河口海洋公园,以及一些文化、传统和习俗的旅游景区。 • There are also potential investments in the development of Game reserves, historical ruins, Mnazi Bay Marine Park and promotion of Cultural Tourism. The Game reserves include Selous, Lukwika/Lumesule and Msanjesi. • 在野生动物保护区、历史古迹、姆纳兹湾海洋公园以及促进文化 旅游方面也有潜在投资机会。野生动物保护区有塞卢斯、鲁克维 卡-鲁梅苏勒和马桑吉思。 31 Natural Gas feedstock Petrochemicals 以天然气为原料的石化品 • Urea- Ammonia fertilizer The envisage Urea Ammonia fertilizer project would be a major opportunity to deriver fertilizer to domestic agriculture at competitive prices and also to export to neighboring countries such as Malawi and Zambia. • Methanol The region welcome proposals to invest down stream of methanol for chemical and plastic industries. • 尿素-氨肥 尿素氨肥项目将是很大的投资机会,可以以具有竞争力的价格 为国内农业生产提供化肥,也可以出口到马拉维和赞比亚。 • 甲醇 我省欢迎投资甲醇下游的化工及塑料产业。 32 Natural Gas feedstock Petrochemicals 以天然气为原料的石化品 • Existing industrial development linked to Gas and Oil Industry. • Currently, there is major construction of Dangote cement factory which is expected to be the biggest in East Africa. • Also in the pipeline is the construction of cement factory by the Chinese Company known as Chang Jiang Investment Ltd. The Company also plans to construct Motorcycle assembling plant. • 现有与油气业相关的工业开发 • 目前,在建的丹格特水泥厂有望成为东非最大的水泥厂。 • 现在筹备建设水泥厂的中国企业是长江投资有限公司,该公 司还计划建设一个摩托车装配厂。 33 CONCLUSION 结束语 Investment in the country will promote socio - economic growth while cementing diplomatic relationship for all parties involved. 在坦桑尼亚投资,即能促进当地经济社会发展, 又能强化与投资各国的外交关系。 34 THANKS FOR PAYING ATTENTION 谢谢您的关注 35