The Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl
Prathik Chakravarthy
Koby Masteller
What is the Dust Bowl?
There was an area in the United States
that had a period of time in which winds
and soil combined and created a storm.
This storm was a very devastating storm
called the “Dust Bowl”.
Where and When Did the Dust
Bowl Occur?
The Dust Bowl occurred in an area of the
United States called the Great Plains.
The Dust Bowl occurred in the 1930s and
even though dust storms had hit before
nothing was as devastating as the current
Dust Bowl.
How Was the Dust Bowl Caused?
The Dust Bowl was caused by a previous
drought that had occurred.
The drought had made the ground very
dry and loose. After that a wind came and
blew the soil, and the loose soil and the
wind mixed and created a big storm called
the “Dust Bowl.”
Who Did the Dust Bowl Affect?
The Dust Bowl affected the farmers, the
women, and the children.
The Dust Bowl affected farmers because
they could not plant crops. It affected the
women because they had to cover the
windows with wet cloth. It affected the
children because they had to go to and
come back form school with cloth over
their eyes.
How Long Did the Dust Bowl Last?
The Dust Bowl’s winds blew very harshly
for eight years blowing soil everywhere.
In these eight years people had to protect
themselves from the storm so that they
did not get very sick from the soil blowing
How Did the Dust Bowl Affect Farmers?
The Dust Bowl probably affected the
farmers the most out of everyone.
The Dust Bowl caused farmers to loose
their businesses because their crops would
not grow in the current storm. Many
farmers went to California to find work,
but the work did not even exist. As a
result many farmers lived homeless.
How Were the Strong Winds in
the Dust Bowl Created?
The winds of the Dust Bowl were created
because during the time period, the
climate was becoming warmer which
caused the number of days which the
wind blows west increase.
This caused a strong wind that picked up
soil and blew it everywhere and created
the winds of the Dust Bowl.
Is the Dust Bowl Actually Made of
Dust Particles?
The Dust Bowl is not actually made of
dust particles. It is made from the loose
soil from the ground.
Grasses prevented severe soil erosion, but
the drought of the 1930s caused the soil
to loosen up a great deal, and the winds
started to build up which gave the name
“The Dust Bowl”.
How Did The Dust Bowl Look?
The Dust Bowl looked like a giant cloud of
dust swirling everywhere and it caused a
dark shadow on the ground.
In reality the cloud was not made of dust,
but it was made of soil. So the cloud was
just the wind blowing the soil all over the
sky. This procedure made it look like there
was a cloud of dust in the sky.
What Were the Result of the Dust Bowl?
The result of the Dust Bowl included 7,000
people dead due to dust pneumonia and
other death causes.
2.5 million people were left homeless or
they had to migrate elsewhere. Overall
the Dust Bowl was a very devastating dust
storm which caused trouble for many
Dust Bowl Trivia
1.What is the Dust Bowl made out of?
A. Dust
B. Water
C. Soil
D. Leaves
2. Where did the Dust Bowl hit?
A. Russia
C. India
B. Peru
D. Great Plains
3. About how many people died from the Dust Bowl?
A. About 2
B. About 7,000
C. About 3,000
D. About 10,000
Dust Bowl Trivia Continued
4. When did the Dust Bowl occur?
A. 2000s
C. 1950s
B. 1930s
D. 1820s
5. How long did the Dust Bowl last?
A. 1 year
C. 7 years
B. 5 years
D. 8 years
6. Who did the Dust Bowl affect the most?
A. Children
C. Farmers
B. Women
D. Dogs
Angelo Jeffrey, “About The Dust Bowl”
Modern American Poetry.
Paul Joseph, “Dust Bowl” World Book
Heather R. Jessa, “What Caused The Dust
Bowl” Science Online.
Drew McClintock, “Dust Bowl” Infoplease.
Tega Brisbin, “Dust Bowl” Oxford Online.