Madison Sayre THE DUST BOWL 1934-1941 Histor y Major College of Ar ts and Sciences OUTLINE OF DISCUSSION Introduction of the Dust Bowl Description Two Major Causes The Effect of the Dust Bowl Short Term Effects Large Term Effects A Historical Analysis of the Dust Bowl A Drought that occurred between the years of 1934 and 1941, accompanied by dust storms WHAT WAS THE DUST BOWL? DUSTERS “A windstorm kicked up dust…the weather bureau people didn’t know what to make of it or how to define it. Wasn’t a sandstorm…And it wasn’t a hailstorm, though it certainly brought with it a dark, threatening sky…it rolled like a mobile hill of crud, and it was black. When it tumbled through, it carried static electricity, enough to short out a car. And it hurt, like a swipe of coarse sandpaper on the face. The first black duster was a curiosity.” Largest Duster 200 miles wide Moved North to South The Temperature in Denver dropped 25°F within an hour Utter Darkness Couldn’t use lamps No shelter People believed it was the end of the world BLACK SUNDAY April 14, 1935 MAJOR CAUSES OF THE DUST BOWL FA C T O R # 1 : W E AT H E R National Drought Covered 2/3 of the country Two of the driest years on record- 1934 and 1936 NASA’s Model Lower than normal Pacific Ocean temperatures Higher than normal Atlantic Ocean Temperatures Weakened Jet Stream travelled farther South than normal MAJOR CAUSES OF THE DUST BOWL FA C T O R # 2 : H U M A N S Farming Practices Stripped Land of all nutrients Continued to till over and over Exhausted the former grass lands The Shear Number of Farmers The “Bread Basket” acted as a safety valve Dust Pneumonia SHORT TERM EFFECTS SHORT TERM EFFECTS Poverty Failed Crops Dying Livestock Depression LONG TERM EFFECTS More Dust Pneumonia Inability to plant Ghost Towns Environmental Realization Hugh Bennett- head of the Soil Erosion Service Saved the land by having the Civilian Conservation Corporation plant grass More conscious farming methods No Till Farming still exists in areas today Alternating fields HISTORICAL ANALYSIS The Individuals in the lower class were most effected by the dust bowl and saw FDR as their only beacon of hope, but he couldn’t do it alone 1. “Suitcase Farmers” could bare the first bad crop 2. Franklin Roosevelt’s “Common Man” Speech • Opportunity brings equality • An Enlightened Administrator would re-establish foreign markets and maintain resources 3. The personification of this “Enlightened Administrator” was so complex, that he needed others • i.e. Bennett SUMMARY The Dust Bowl existed due to: Extreme Weather Conditions Human Actions There were both short and long term effects of the Dust Bowl It effected poor people most and FDR had a great impact WORKS CITED m dustbowlfollett.jpg les/dbmapfinal.jpg 0319dustbowl.html -bowl20120718?pageno=6 o-gallery/dustbowl/