Chapter 5 - Weather Underground


Chapter 5: Cloud

Development and


Atmospheric stability

Determining stability

Cloud development and stability

Precipitation processes

Precipitation types

Measuring precipitation

Atmospheric Stability

 We know that air rises, cools and condenses into clouds

 Atmospheric stability refers to condition of equilibrium

 We will refer to stable and unstable environments

Atmospheric Stability

 A stable environment is one where the original equilibrium is maintained (things return to where they were

 An unstable environment is one where things move away from their original position

• Stability does not control whether air will rise or sink.

Rather, it controls whether rising air will continue to rise or whether sinking air will continue to sink.

Atmospheric Stability

Remember, when air rises, it moves into an area of lower pressure, expands, and cools. Sinking air is the opposite

Adiabatic process – a process in which exchanges no heat with its outside surroundings

(how can this happen)

Lapse rate – change of temperature with height

Dry adiabatic lapse rate - 10 °C/1000m or

5.5°F/1000 feet

Atmospheric Stability

 But what happens when air cools (humidity?). If we get condensation, then heat is released and the process is no longer adiabatic.

 Thus, we have the moist adiabatic lapse rate. Is it less or more than the dry adiabatic lapse rate?

 Moist adiabatic lapse rate - 6 °C/1000 m or

3.3°F/1000 feet. Varies greatly with different moisture content.

A Stable Atmosphere

 So how do we determine stability?

 We raise a parcel and compare it to its surroundings. If a parcel is colder than its surroundings, it is more dense and will sink


If a parcel is warmer, it is less dense and will rise


Environmental lapse rate – the rate at which air changes in temperature with height

A Stable Atmosphere

 Absolute stability – when a parcel is colder than the environment at all levels (for both dry and moist adiabats)

 If forced to rise, clouds will have flat tops and be thin

A Stable Atmosphere

 Atmosphere will be stable with the environmental lapse rate is small

So when the air aloft warms and surface cools

This can happen during radiational cooling

Influx of cold air

Air moving over cold surface

A Stable Atmosphere

 Most stable around sunrise

 Layer of fog or haze can be evidence of a stable atmosphere

Because stable atmospheres resist vertical movement, they trap pollutants near the ground and can cause dangerous air quality

An Unstable Atmosphere

 Absolute instability – occurs when air parcels are warmer than their surroundings (parcel will rise)

 Warming of surface air helps atmos to becoming unstable

An Unstable Atmosphere

Unstable atmospheres occur when the environmental lapse rate steepens

Destabilizing processes:

Solar heating of the surfance

Warm air brought by wind

 Air moving over warm surface

Superadiabatic lapse rate – when environmental lapse rate exceeds the dry adiabatic lapse rate

Conditionally Unstable Air

Conditional instability – occurs if we force a cool parcel to a part of the environment where it condenses and becomes warmer

Level of free convection – point at which we don’t need to force it up anymore

Conditionally Unstable Air

 Look at the environmental lapse rate and make a hypothesis of what lapse rate you need in order to have conditionally unstable air

 You need an environmental lapse rate between the moist and dry adiabatic lapse rate

Average lapse rate in the troposphere is


°C/1000 m. What is the average stability?

Convection and Clouds

 Primary ways clouds form:

 Surface heating and convection

 Topographical uplift

 Convergence

 Lifting along a weather front

Convection and Clouds

Convection and Clouds

Topography and Clouds

 Orographic uplift – forced lifting along a topographic barrier

 Rain shadow Due to frequent westerly winds, the western slope of the Rocky Mountains receives much more precipitation than the eastern slope.

Convection and Clouds

Collision and Coalescence


How do raindrops become large enough to fall?

Condensation alone is just not enough

Collision and Coalescence


 One process is collision and coalescence

 Occurs in warm clouds (tops warmer than 0 °C

• A typical cloud droplet falls at a rate of 1 centimeter per second.

At this rate it would take

46 hours to fall one mile.

Collision and Coalescence


 Clouds must have varying droplet sizes

 Terminal velocity – the point at which gravity equals the air resistance (falls at constant speed

Collision and Coalescence


 Larger drops merge with smaller drops in a processing called coalescence

 Important factor is how long the droplet stays in the cloud

Stepped Art

Fig. 5-9, p. 116

Ice Crystal Process

Ice crystal or

Bergeron process

 Occurs in cold clouds – clouds with temperatures that drop to below freezing

 Bergeron process states that liquid and ice droplets must co-exist in clouds

Ice Crystal Process

 Supercooled water droplets – droplets that occur as liquid below freezing

(middle portion of a thunderstorm cloud)

 Occurs when there are few ice nuclei

Ice Crystal Process

Ice crystals form at the expense of water droplets

Suppose we have one super cooled droplet and one ice crystal in a saturated environment

Since saturated, number molecules evaporating and condense MUST be equal!

 More vapor molecules over liquid because it is easier to escape liquid to vapor than ice to vapor

Ice Crystal Process

Since more liquid molecules are going to vapor, it takes more vapor molecules to condense to liquid to keep the equilibrium (saturation)

 Thus, the saturation vapor pressure above water is greater than that above ice

 This causes vapor molecules to move towards the ice

 Removal of water vapor cause water droplet to shrink (not in equilibrium)

Ice Crystal Process

Ice crystals may also grow larger by accretion

– when ice crystals collide with supercooled dropets

Fig. 5-22, p. 124

Stepped Art

Fig. 5-22, p. 124

Cloud Seeding and


 Cloud seeding – pumping nuclei into clouds to promote precipitation

 Silver iodide – found to be a good ice nuclei

• It is very difficult to determine whether a cloud seeding attempt is successful. How would you know whether the cloud would have resulted in precipitation if it hadn’t been seeded?

Precipitation in Clouds

 Accretion

 Ice crystal process


 Rain – falling droplet size greater than or equal to 0.5 mm (0.02 in)

 Drizzle – falling droplet size less than 0.5 mm (0.02 in)

 Virga – rain that evaporates before it hits the ground

 Shower – brief downpours possibility as a result of updrafts


Snow – precipitation that falls to the ground as ice crystals. Much precipitation actually starts as snow

Fallstreaks – ice crystals and snowflakes that fall from cirrus clouds

Dendrite – most common type of fernlike snowflake

Blizzard – combination of strong winds, low temperatures, and fine, dry snow

• Snowflake shape depends on both temperature and relative humidity.

Sleet and Freezing Rain

Sleet – precipitation that has thawed and frozen again

Freezing rain – supercooled droplets that reach the ground and freeze on contact

Rime – accumulation of white ice that occurs when supercooled droplets hit something

Snow Grains and Snow


 Snow grains

 Solid equivalent of drizzle

 Snow pellets

 Like grains, but bounce


 Hail develops as droplets are uplifted in the clouds above the freezing level

 The droplets grows by accretion until it is large enough for gravity to take it to the ground

Stepped Art

Fig. 5-35, p. 134


 Standard rain gauge

 Tipping bucket rain gauge

• It is difficult to capture rain in a bucket when the wind is blowing strongly.

Doppler Radar and


 Radar

 Doppler radar

 Can detect precipitation intensity

 Can detect movement away or to the radar

Stepped Art

Fig. 5-39, p. 135
