EvangelismPentecost - CHAPEL OF GRACE BRADFORD

Acts 1:8
The Redeemed Christian Church of God UK
Evangelism & Missions Week
Monday 9th – Sunday 15th June 2014
Essential Keys To Evangelism
 Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All
power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
– 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost:
– 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
The GREAT in the GREAT
– I Am With YOU
– And, lo, I am with you always,
• Matthew 18:20
• John 14:18-23
– Even unto the end of the world.
• Matthew 13:39-43
• Matthew 13:49
 Project 7 – A Unique Concept of Evangelism
 Every member of the congregation having 7
gospel tracts/church invitations on June 9th 2014.
 Members knowing how to communicate the
gospel rather than just giving the gospel tract.
 We are to communicate the gospel on each day of
the week to at least one person and invite all 7 of
them to church on Sunday June 15th (in our case
we have Friday – Sunday Conference)
Global Outreach Day
Saturday 14th June 2014
# Outreaches at Designated Places
# Street Evangelism
# Outdoor Events
Evangelistic Guest Celebration
Sunday 15th June 2014
 Proverbs 23:18
 “You will be rewarded for this; your hope
will not be disappointed”
I Want To Evangelise But
Where Do I Start?
 Step/Key 1 – Communication Structure
 Step/Key 2 – Message Structure
 Step/Key 3 – How to Get a Response
1. Communication Structure
 1. Attention – Getting a person’s attention requires
courage and creativity.
 Start with hello and a smile
 Normal everyday questions or conversation e.g.
special offers in the supermarket, a current news
 Be sure to listen so you can establish trust and
 Ask about their views on God and be prepared to
listen. Don’t be worried about negativity at the
Communication Structure
 2. Build Interest – Take an interest in people and
you will get their interest.
 Don’t talk non-stop. Listen to their story and ask
God to give you appropriate information or
 3. Create a Desire – Are you convinced that
without Jesus, the person lacks the most important
thing in life. Communicate this to them.
 Share your testimony
 Ask them questions to ascertain if they understand
why Jesus is so important to you.
2. Sharing the Message
– 1. God’s Plan - God Loves You and created
you to live in fellowship with Him. God’s
plan for your life is the best plan possible
John 3:16
– 2. The Problem - Man separated himself
from the Creator and decided to go his own
way, hence all the trouble in the world.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 59:2
– # Before the person you are talking to wants
to get saved, they must understand that they
are lost.
– 3. God’s Love - Jesus Christ Is God’s ONLY
Provision For Man’s Sin, we cannot bridge
the gap between God and us by our own
efforts. John 14:6, Romans 5:8
– We Must Individually Receive Jesus As
Savior And Lord. He died to take the
punishment for our sin. - John 1:12, Romans
10:9, Ephesians 2:8
– 4. The Most Important Decision – Jesus rose
from the dead and is waiting for your
– Invite them to make a decision
3. Invite them to Make a Decision
 Challenge the person to make a decision,
don’t be hesitant.
 Do you want to get right with God now?
 Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for
your sin?
 Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?
 Do you wish to receive Jesus into your heart
 If yes, invite them to pray the sinners prayer
after you.
Sinner’s Prayer
Father God, I know that I am a sinner
deserving death. But Jesus paid the penalty of
death for me. I believe that on the third day he
rose with all power in heaven and on earth
and is seated at the right hand of the father.
Please forgive me of my sins, and send your
Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and Your
will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”
What Next?
 Exchange contact details and contact them
with 72 hours to see how they are doing.
Arrange to bring them to church, come with
them and sit with them.
 Encourage them to begin the
Believers/Baptismal Class
Empowerment from God for Evangelism
(Pentecost Sunday)
 : Act 2:1-4 “And when the day of Pentecost was
fully come, they were all with one accord in one
place. And suddenly there came a sound from
heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled
all the house where they were sitting. And there
appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,
and it sat upon each of them. And they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak
with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them
To see fruit from this week’s efforts, it is
imperative we appreciate the importance of
unity and agreement. Before the day of
Pentecost, the disciples were in the upper
room afraid for their lives. They were not
discussing politics or positions, but rather they
were praying. Their lives, survival and future
depended on the outcome of the only weapon
available, which was PRAYER in ONE
 They were in ONE ACCORD; in mind,
purpose, goal and vision.
 It is crucial to understand that unity is
important to move the vision of Chapel of
Grace and RCCG (UK) to the next level. Ps.
133:1-3, Ecc. 4:9-12
 Key point: if we are united, God will
command blessings upon us.
It Is Time!
 God has a timetable for all things. E.g. Ex.
3:1-10, the time of deliverance for Israel
 The time of Europe and the United
Kingdom (UK) in particular has come.
 Key point: if we pray, the revival of Europe
and the UK can come forth.
 Things happen suddenly as a result of prayer.
When God wants to move, He can do His work in
minutes. In John 2:1-11, because Mary asked, the
‘Not Yet’ became ‘Now’. We must appreciate that
if we only pray and ask; ‘Not Yet’ of revival
visitation upon UK can become ‘Now’.
 There was a SOUND from heaven.
 Heaven is not silent concerning ONE ACCORD
prayers. When we pray in unity across all our
churches; God will speak. Jer. 33:3.
 We must appreciate that God speaks, when we
pray, Ps. 107:17-20.
Rushing Mighty Wind!
 If we constantly pray, the wind of God will blow.
Whatever we can do in our own power doesn’t
need prayers.
 When the wind of God blows:
 The Red Sea parts Ex. 14:21-28.
 There will be a way where there was no way
before. A quick and faster spread of the Word,
enlargement, increase on every side and a quick
and faster a spread to cover the whole of England;
a rapid growth of the church. Is. 54:1-3, Is. 27:6.
Cloven tongues as of FIRE
 When we pray in one accord, FIRE can fall.
Many things happen when fire comes down.
Ex. 3:1-15, 1Kings 18:36-39.
 Let’s pray now for the fire