The Koshas - Nancy McCaochan


The Koshas

Sheathing the Soul

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Annamaya/physcal body Manamaya/mental-emotional body

Pranamaya/energy body Vijnanamaya/wisdom body

Bliss/anandamaya body


Anandamaya Kosha

• the physical body and its constituent tissues

• the outermost, most dense and slowest in vibration of all the sheaths

• the food sheath; that is, that which is dependent on matter for its sustenance

• healing occurs at the level of nutrition, sleep, exercise, cleansing rituals, medicine

• meditation and asana explore this kosha, which becomes a gateway to the others

Pranamaya Kosha

• prana is energy; the pranamaya kosha is the vital/energy body

• it is responsible for the subtle vibrations that enable the mind and/or inner being to animate the annamaya kosha

• pranayama- techniques of directing/removing obstacles from the free flow of energy is the tool we use to explore this body

• mudras are also helpful in that they direct energy and awareness to specific parts of the body

Manamaya Kosha

• from “manas,” which means mind; this is the psycho-emotional form of mentation/mental activity

• ego bound and driven

• directs the physical body and senses through the agency of prana

• akin to a factory manager that supervises operations

• when it thinks it’s the “Big Boss/Owner,” there’s a problem

• through meditation we become aware of this level of being and begin to explore its “stories”

Vijnanamaya Kosha

• “vijnana” means “knowing”

• wisdom sheath but also the imprinted core beliefs that drive our mental-emotional reactions

• ego or I-am-ness; sense of self as simultaneously transcendent and manifest

• knows, judges, decides and discriminates between what’s useful and what’s not

• gets co-opted by manamaya kosha, which clouds the wisdom of inherently available here

• yoga’s project and our life workis to contact this level, uncover limiting core beliefs and let them go

Anandamaya Kosha

• most subtle of sheaths/bodies

• bliss of being--peace, joy, love

• underlies mind and is independent of circumstances or conditions

• not emotional; existential and w/o cause

• eventually, this too must be released in order to experience Atman/pure consciousness
