With Your
nsion 1
nsion 2
“Crash!” “Bang!” “Fizz!”
What type of sound device is
A 100
A 100
Sally sells seashells by the seashore
What type of sound device is this?
A 200
A 200
“Do you choose to chew blue
What type of sound device is this?
A 300
A 300
Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign?
-From “Ash Wednesday” by TS Elliot
What type of sound device is being presented in
lines 1-3?
A 400
A 400
“While I nodded, nearly napping,
suddenly, there came a
-From “The Raven” by Edgar
Allen Poe
What type of sound device
showcased here?
A 500
A 500
This type of figurative language
features an extreme exaggeration
B 100
B 100
Heat Lightning
by Dave McCaul
Someone must be taking photographs outside
Unable to sleep, I part the curtains of my bedroom window
But my backyard is empty—no photographers lurking in the bushes
I gaze skyward and see that the culprits are up above, air-borne
An overeager paparazzi, their flash bulbs popping in quick succession
Heavenly bodies, dressed up for an all-night party, mug for the camera
Networks of lightning bring disparate gatherings together
Solar particles bump into one another
like people on a crowded dance floor
The thunderstorm is a strobe light
flashing on my bedroom wall
Distant music I cannot hear
keeps the party-goers moving
In my pajamas, I am like a rude guest, sloppily dressed
Hair mussed with static electricity, eyes dark-circled and tired
No sleeping tonight—this party isn't over until dawn.
Which lines from the poem show an example of a simile?
A. Heavenly bodies, dressed up for an all-night party, mug for the camera
B. Solar particles bump into one another / like people on a crowded dance floor
C. An overeager paparazzi, their flash bulbs popping in quick succession
D. But my backyard is empty—no photographers lurking in the bushes
B 200
B. Solar particles bump into one another / like
people on a crowded dance floor
B 200
Heat Lightning
by Dave McCaul
Someone must be taking photographs outside
Unable to sleep, I part the curtains of my bedroom window
But my backyard is empty—no photographers lurking in the bushes
I gaze skyward and see that the culprits are up above, air-borne
An overeager paparazzi, their flash bulbs popping in quick succession
Heavenly bodies, dressed up for an all-night party, mug for the camera
Networks of lightning bring disparate gatherings together
Solar particles bump into one another
like people on a crowded dance floor
The thunderstorm is a strobe light
flashing on my bedroom wall
Distant music I cannot hear
keeps the party-goers moving
In my pajamas, I am like a rude guest, sloppily dressed
Hair mussed with static electricity, eyes dark-circled and tired
No sleeping tonight—this party isn't over until dawn.
Which line or lines from the poem is an example of a metaphor?
A. Hair mussed with static electricity, eyes dark-circled and tired
B. Distant music I cannot hear / keeps the party-goers moving
C. I gaze skyward and see that the culprits are up above, air-borne
D. The thunderstorm is a strobe light / flashing on my bedroom wall
B 300
D. The thunderstorm is a strobe light / flashing
on my bedroom wall
B 300
That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was
riding on a dinosaur.
What type of figurative language is this?
B 400
B 400
The teapot sang as the water boiled
The ice cubes cackled in their glass
the teacups chattered to one another.
While the chairs were passing gas
The gravy gurgled merrily
As the oil danced in a pan.
Oh my dinnertime chorus
What a lovely, lovely clan!
-From “Dinnertime Chorus”
What type of figurative language is being
presented in this poem?
B 500
B 500
Frozen flakes fall down
Frosty breath comes from my
It is winter time
What type of poem is this?
C 100
C 100
There once was a man made of stone,
Couldn’t hold the telephone,
Because it would break
And so he was all alone
What line best completes the appropriate rhyme
scheme for the limerick?
a. In his fist made of stone
b. Because he was so strong
c. With each call he’d make
C 200
C – with every call he’d make
C 200
'Twas Friday morn when we set sail,
And we had not got far from land,
When the Captain, he spied a lovely mermaid,
With a comb and a glass in her hand.
Oh the ocean waves may roll,
And the stormy winds may blow,
While we poor sailors go skipping aloft
And the land lubbers lay down below, below, below
And the land lubbers lay down below.
Then up spoke the Captain of our gallant ship,
And a jolly old Captain was he;
"I have a wife in Salem town,
But tonight a widow she will be."
- from “The Mermaid”
What type of poem is this likely an excerpt from?
C 300
A ballad
C 300
Place A Wager
C 400
The black bear goes
to the river
he tries to spot a fish
he sees one
he sticks his paws
in the water
he gets one
but it slips out
of his paws
he tries again
but it slips again
the black bear
decides to get some
berries instead
he gets them
he finds a log
and has a
snooze for the day.
What type of poem is this?
C 400
A free verse poem
C 400
This is an example of what type of poem?
C 500
A concrete poem
C 500
This type of rhyme can also be
called an “approximate rhyme.”
D 100
Half rhyme
D 100
Rhythm is a pattern of
stressed an unstressed
___________ in a line of
Fill in the blank
D 200
D 200
I'll sing you a poem of a silly young king
Who played with the world at the end of a string,
But he only loved one single thing—
And that was just a peanut-butter sandwich.
His scepter and his royal gowns,
His regal throne and golden crowns
Were brown and sticky from the mounds
And drippings from each peanut-butter sandwich.
From Peanut Butter Sandwich by Shel
3. _______ What is the rhyme scheme stanza one
in the poem Peanut Butter Sandwich?
D 300
D 300
I'll sing you a poem of a silly young king
Who played with the world at the end of a string,
But he only loved one single thing—
And that was just a peanut-butter sandwich.
His scepter and his royal gowns,
His regal throne and golden crowns
Were brown and sticky from the mounds
And drippings from each peanut-butter sandwich.
From Peanut Butter Sandwich by Shel
Locate the half rhyme in stanza 2.
D 400
Mounds (rhymes with
“gowns” and “crowns”)
D 400
Better Batter
by c.safos
In between the beats and whirs,
the cake mixer twists its metal links
like the spin of a couple dancing.
I can smell the melted butter.
It smells like a carnival.
The mixing bowl is where sweet teeth go.
The batter is thick.
As it's poured, it clouds and clumps over
on itself like pillow lava.
If the batter were a dream,
it would take only an instant to bake.
The billowing scent would balloon
until the morning chimes,
clanging and clinking and ringing until
the cake is as full as the sun and twice as yellow.
Locate the type of figurative language being used
in stanza 3, lines 2-3.
D 500
Cake batter is being
compared to lava
D 500
Better Batter
by c.safos
In between the beats and whirs,
the cake mixer twists its metal links
like the spin of a couple dancing.
I can smell the melted butter.
It smells like a carnival.
The mixing bowl is where sweet teeth go.
The batter is thick.
As it's poured, it clouds and clumps over
on itself like pillow lava.
If the batter were a dream,
it would take only an instant to bake.
The billowing scent would balloon
until the morning chimes,
clanging and clinking and ringing until
the cake is as full as the sun and twice as yellow.
Read these lines from the poem: “until the morning chimes / clanging and clinking and ringing until /
the cake is as full as the sun and twice as yellow.”
The fifth stanza provides an image of
A. how eating a cake makes people feel full.
B. how yellow and full the cake is when it is baked.
C. a happy time the people experience at a carnival.
D. a dream of many people on a sunny day.
E 100
B. How yellow and full the
cake is when it’s baked
E 100
Anne was so excited about her weekend vacation
that she couldn't stop talking about it all day. All
she did was talk about her vacation. She couldn't
talk about anything else. She was a real broken
Why does the author compare Anne to a broken record?
A. to show that Anne talks about the same thing over and
over again
B. to show that Anne is a spoiled girl who spends way too
much money
C. to show that Anne likes to break things that do not
belong to her
D. to show that Anne likes music and likes to play records
all the time
E 200
A (Annie talks about the same
thing too much)
E 200
Harvesting Wheat
by A. GautamWhen it rains,
water mixed with the wind
shoves the green
that sways.
Green waves in the wheat field
create ripples
sprinkled with gold.
The farmers wait
for the days of harvest.
The crows wait
for the fallen grains.
They watch each other
with eagle eyes—
the prey and the victim,
waiting for treasure hunt.
The author uses the phrase "green waves in the wheat fields / create ripples / sprinkled
with gold" to show:
A. the wheat field is actually used for gold farming.
B. the speaker sees the ocean everywhere
C. the wind makes the wheat look like waves.
E 300
C. the wind makes the wheat look like waves.
E 300
Jane waited on Vic for an hour, so they could go
out to a nice restaurant. When he finally came
down stairs, he was barefoot, wearing ripped
jeans, a dirty shirt, and his hair was a mess. Upon
seeing him, Jane remarked, "You look fantastic."
What is Jane's remark an example of?
A. irony
B. metaphor
C. foreshadowing
D. allusion
E 400
A. Irony
E 400
The jeweler was a vulture as he inspected the
What figure of speech does the author use in this
A. metaphor
B. personification
C. simile
D. idiom
E 500
A (metaphor)
E 500
Jack had a tough time trying to eat the fruit
packed in his lunch. The dried fruit snack was an
old shoe.
What is the effect of the metaphor used in the
second sentence?
A. to show that the fruit snack was like a
comfortable old friend
B. to show that the fruit snack was meant to be
worn on the feet
C. to show that the fruit snack was tough and
D. to show that the fruit snack was shaped like a
F 100
C – fruit was tough and
F 100
Words are born
Words age with time.
Sometimes they become useless—
Words disappear
from sentences,
conversations, dictionaries.
Words travel—
Cross borders, change forms.
Words live.
Which phrase from the poem makes the words seem
A. words age with time
B. they become useless
C. conversations, dictionaries
D. from sentences
F 200
A – words age with time
F 200
As Beth helped Joey and Ethan with their Social
Studies work, she thought to herself, this must be
how Hermione Granger from Harry Potter feels.
What is the above passage an example of?
A. idiom
B. allusion
C. personification
D. foreshadowing
F 300
B - Allusions
F 300
The ship plows through the sea
What type of figurative language is this?
F 400
F 400
Mr. Smith drank oceans of tea each day.
What type of figurative language is this?
F 500
F 500
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I tried on the farmer's hat,
Didn't fit...
A little too small -- just a bit
Too floppy.
Couldn't get used to it,
Took it off.
I tried on the dancer's shoes,
A little too loose.
Not the kind you could use
for walkin'.
Didn't feel right in 'em,
Kicked 'em off.
From Tryin' On Clothes by Shel Silverstein
What structural device is being used in stanza 2,
lines 3-4?
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ENJAMBMENT “Not the kind
you could use for walkin.”
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