(狭缝)of tea. Wuyi岩茶with the scent of green tea, black tea of the

Chinese Tea Culture
 讨论:思政6班217宿舍全体成员
 资料收集:李丹、雪莲、妃妙
 PPt制作:李丹、林燕、虹燕
 演讲:虹燕、康莲
I. The History of
Chinese Tea
II. The Importance
III. The Drinking Way of
Chinese tea
IV. Famous Teas in
Central Asia
This book tells the origin , the
history of tea as well as the
customs of drinking tea and
drinking vessels …etc. In this book
readers can read many interesting
stories about Chinese tea and tea
The Importance
Tea is always offered to a
guest immediately upon
entering a Chinese home .
Serving a cup of tea is more
than a matter of mere
politeness. It is a symbol of
togetherness, a sharing of
something enjoyable , and a
way of showing respect to
The Way to Drink Tea
People have high
requirements for the
quality of the prepared
tea leaf ,the water and
the wares . The Chinese
emphasize water
quality and water taste .
Fine water must be
pure ,sweet ,cool ,clean
,and flowing .Water
from good spring is
always considered best.
Some Famous Teas In China
1. Longjing tea
“Tea in the United States and the
number of Longjing tea.” Longjing
tea is known as “color Tsui,(香郁,味
醇 )。
2. Biluochun (碧螺春 )
“Dongting Biluochun, Barry tea
drunk.” (洞庭碧螺春,巴里茶醉了)
Biluochun water produced in the
Jiangsu Wuxian matched, Taihu
Lake Dongting Hill, it smells fruity
3. Qimen black tea (祁门红茶)
Qimen black tea produced in the mountains of
Anhui Qimen Country, get hold in the 1915
World Expo in Panama
4. Liuan(六安瓜片 )
It produced in the Anhui region Liuan Qi Yun and
other places, is a shape like melon seeds, green
color, aroma GAO, Pamela味鲜-chip-shaped tea.
5. Wuyi(武夷岩茶)
Produced in northern Fujian
Wuyi岩茶“show a south-east”
of the Wuyi Mountain, grew up
in the chimney (狭缝)of tea.
Wuyi岩茶with the scent of
green tea, black tea of the
glycol (乙二醇)is in the best
tea in China.
6. Tieguanyin (铁观音)
It is produced in southern
Fujian Anxi County, the first
appearance of finished tea may
dragonflies(蜻蜓), tadpoles
(蝌蚪) may end. Bubbles
(泡沫)in the cup "red
rimmed green" is the top grade
Have a cup of tea with
Don t forget to
keep the appointment
The end
Thank you for