主我愿像祢 O To Be Like Thee 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 这是我盼望 是我祷告 1a O to be like Thee! Bless-ed Re-deem-er, This is my con-stant long-ing and prayer. 1/20 教會聖詩 # 342 我甘愿舍弃 世上的财宝 披戴主基督 守主圣道 1b Glad-ly I’ll for-feit all of earth’s treas-ures, Je-sus, Thy per-fect like-ness to wear. 2/20 主我愿像祢 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 洁净像祢 *1c O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Bless-ed Re-deem-er, pure as Thou art! 3/20 有主的甘甜 有主的丰盛 愿主的圣形 深印我心 *1d Come in Thy sweet-ness, come in Thy full-ness; Stamp Thine own im-age deep on my heart. 4/20 主我愿像祢 能满有怜悯 温柔和谦卑 慈爱善良 2a O to be like Thee! Full of com-pas-sion, Lov-ing, for-giv-ing, ten-der and kind, 5/20 帮助软弱者 慰痛苦忧伤 领人归基督 寻找亡羊 2b Help-ing the help-less, cheer-ing the faint-ing, Seek-ing the wan-dering sin-ner to find! 6/20 主我愿像祢 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 洁净像祢 *2c O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Bless-ed Re-deem-er, pure as Thou art! 7/20 有主的甘甜 有主的丰盛 愿主的圣形 深印我心 *2d Come in Thy sweet-ness, come in Thy full-ness; Stamp Thine own im-age deep on my heart. 8/20 主我愿像祢 那样的忍耐 圣洁的谦卑 于人无伤 3a O to be like Thee! Low-ly in spir-it, Ho-ly and harm-less, pa-tien and brave; 9/20 温和的接受 凶恶与苦害 宁可救别人 自己死亡 3b Meek-ly en-dur-ing cru-el re-proach-es, Will-ing to suf-fer, oth-ers to save. 10/20 主我愿像祢 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 洁净像祢 *3c O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Bless-ed Re-deem-er, pure as Thou art! 11/20 有主的甘甜 有主的丰盛 愿主的圣形 深印我心 *3d Come in Thy sweet-ness, come in Thy full-ness; Stamp Thine own im-age deep on my heart. 12/20 主我愿像祢 我今向祢求 我愿付代价 跟随祢行 4a O to be like Thee! Lord, I am com-ing, Now to re-ceive th’a-noint-ing di-vine; 13/20 将我的所是 和我的所有 完全献给祢 不自经营 4b All that I am and have I am bringing. Lord, from this mo-ment all shall be Thine. 14/20 主我愿像祢 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 洁净像祢 *4c O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Bless-ed Re-deem-er, pure as Thou art! 15/20 有主的甘甜 有主的丰盛 愿主的圣形 深印我心 *4d Come in Thy sweet-ness, come in Thy full-ness; Stamp Thine own im-age deep on my heart. 16/20 主我愿像祢 听我的祈求 倾下祢的爱 充满我心 5a O to be like Ttee! While I am plead-ing, Pour out Thy Spir-it, fill with Thy love; 17/20 使我作圣殿 配给主居住 使我的生命 与祢相印 5b Make me a tem-ple deemed to re-ceive You: Fit me for life and heav-en a-bove. 18/20 主我愿像祢 主我愿像祢 荣耀的救主 洁净像祢 *5c O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Bless-ed Re-deem-er, pure as Thou art! 19/20 有主的甘甜 有主的丰盛 愿主的圣形 深印我心 *5d Come in Thy sweet-ness, come in Thy full-ness; Stamp Thine own im-age deep on my heart. 20/20