Elevation & impact on weather & climate


2.6 Elevation & Climate

• Understand the relationship between elevation & climate

• Chapter 4 p. 71

2.6.1 Define Elevation p. 71

• Elevation = height of a region above sea level

• Figure 1.6 p. 8 shows cross section of Canada

4000 m


239 m

Sea Level


• Air temperature decreases 2 o C for every

300m increase in elevation

• IT’S TRUE!! In fact, the higher up we go; the colder it gets; hence snow on mountain tops

2.6.2 Describe the relationship between the elevation of a point and its temperature and precipitation.

See Figure 4.19 – Textbook…what is the relationship between temperatures and elevation ????


La Paz & Rio de Janeiro have similar dist. from ocean

& similar latitude . La Paz is much colder because of higher elevation .

•La Paz, Bolivia

•Elevation = 3600m

•Coldest month = 9 o C

•Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

•Elevation = 61m

•Coldest month= 25 o C

2.6.2 Describe the relationship between the elevation of a point and its temperature and precipitation .

Relief Rainfall

Windward Side of mountain

Leeward Side of Mountain

Rain shadow – What side?

Relief Rainfall – Recap!!!

Elevation and Precipitation

• Windward = side of a mountain wind blows toward

Leeward = side of mountain opposite from windward

Rain shadow = region on leeward side of mountain that receives little precipitation because most rain dropped on windward side.

2.6.3 Analyze the relationship between temperature and precipitation of a point and its location relative to a mountain system.

• Cities higher up in a mountain have colder temperatures

Cities on leeward side have little rain (rain shadow)

Cities on windward side have more rain

Vancouver wind

Prince George

Match the city to the data

•1113mm rain & 0 o C coldest month

•628mm rain & -12 o C coldest month

2.6.3 Practice

#37 p. 71

#40 a & b p. 72

#41 a & b p. 72
