Wind Farm Curtailment Logic Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch • Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch (GS PWR) – – – – 78.2 MW 34 Turbines Located just East of Amarillo TX in the TX Panhandle Commercial Operations Date September 2011 • • • • • • • Capacity Factor: 48.59% Effective Factor: 50.84% Highest Monthly Capacity Factor: 60.89% Lowest Monthly Capacity Factor: 36.57% Average LMP: $23.29/MWh Max LMP: $408.28/MWh Min LMP: $-561.03/MWh Curtailment • EIS Market - Intermittent Status • GSEC imports the (LIP) into SCADA from the XML Listener data stream (We hope to be able to get market prices from SPP via ICCP in the future). • A short program is written within SCADA to evaluate the LIP prices and send a base point to the wind farm control system if the criteria is met. Curtailment Continued…. • The logic will Curtail the wind farm (reduce output close to zero without opening the breaker) if the instantaneous price is less than or equal to a certain “extreme” price point or if the average price for two consecutive intervals are less than or equal to a “less extreme” dollar amount. • The logic will Release the wind farm (increase based on actual capability of production) if the instantaneous price is greater than or equal a certain “extreme” price point or if the average price for two consecutive intervals are greater than or equal to a “less extreme” dollar amount. • The logic will ignore any price change for 20 minutes after each Curtailment or Release operation. – Safety – Oscillation Curtailment Continued…. • The wind farm has local/remote control capability, which allows the wind farm to ignore the SCADA signal if needed. • An email is automatically sent to the local BA for notification of when the wind farm will be curtailed and also when it will be released from curtailment as a result of the “logic”. • This email is sent 1 minute prior to being curtailed or released.