Lesson #8 Climate & Weather Patterns

Lesson #8 Climate &
Weather Patterns
Earth & Space Science
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• Factors that affect climate:
– Latitude
– Elevation (Altitude)
– Proximity to Large Body of Water
– Ocean Currents
– Mountains
– Planetary wind and pressure belts
– Amount of moisture in the Atmosphere
– Pollution
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How does Latitude affect Climate?
– Climate is warmer as you move
closer to the equator.
• Sun’s rays hit the Earth more
directly at the equator. So, the
sun’s energy is more intense here.
• As you move further away from
the equator, the angle decreases.
So, the sun’s rays are more
(Image from http://web.gccaz.edu/~lnewman/gph111/topic_units/Earth_Sun/Earth_Sun2.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How does Elevation
(Altitude) affect Climate?
– The higher up you go, the
colder it will be.
• Air pressure decreases as you
move higher up.
• As air pressure decreases, the
rising air expands (air molecules
spread out) and cools.
(Image from http://radar.weather.gov/jetstream/atmos/pressure.htm)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How does Proximity to Large Body of
Water affect Climate?
– The closer you are to a large
body of water (lakes/oceans),
the more moderate the
• This is because the temperature
of the water influences the air
temperature above it.
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
– This also explains Lake Effect Snow
• As cold air (cold wind) flows over the warm lake water, the
warm water heats the air’s bottom layer as lake moisture
evaporates into the cold air.
• Since warm air is lighter or less dense than cold air, the
heated air rises and begins to cool
• As the air cools, the moisture that evaporated into it
condenses and forms clouds and snow as it passes over
the colder land areas.
(Image from http://earthsys.ag.ohio-state.edu/project/GLair/precipitation/snow/snow.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How do Ocean Currents affect
– Gulf Stream
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How do Mountains affect Weather?
– Windward side of
mountains are cooler
and wetter than the
leeward side.
(Image from http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teach-pack/volcanoes/lesson3/lesson3.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How do planetary winds affect climate?
– Planetary winds
distribute heat and
moisture around the
• Move warm air toward the
pools and cool air toward
the equator
(Image from http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teach-pack/volcanoes/lesson3/lesson3.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How do pressure belts affect climate?
– Low-pressure zones lead to cloud formation that
drop precipitation as rain or snow
(Image from http://web.gccaz.edu/~lnewman/gph111/topic_units/Pressure_winds/pressure/pressure2.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How does the amount of moisture in
the atmosphere affect weather?
– Tornadoes
• Tornadoes form when
warm moist air meets
cool dry air. When the
two meet, they create
an unstable
atmosphere with
strong and violent
(Image from http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teach-pack/volcanoes/lesson3/lesson3.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• ?
– Tornadoes
• Tornadoes form when
warm moist air meets
cool dry air. When the
two meet, they create
an unstable
atmosphere with
strong and violent
winds. Warm air at
(Image from http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teach-pack/volcanoes/lesson3/lesson3.html)
Lesson #8 Climate & Weather
• How does pollution affect weather?
– Global warming
• Greenhouse effect
(see lesson 8_earth
(Image from http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teach-pack/volcanoes/lesson3/lesson3.html)